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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've got it all worked out

I've got it all worked out tradutor Espanhol

47 parallel translation
I see you've got it all worked out
¡ Vaya técnica! Me parece que tienes práctica.
I've got it all worked out.
Lo tengo todo pensado.
I've got it all worked out.
Tengo una idea y ya lo he organizado todo.
What if I were to tell you that I've got a plan worked out to get it all?
¿ Pues si te dijera que tengo un plan para quedarme con todo?
I've got it all worked out, every move.
Lo tengo todo planificado, cada movimiento.
Sit here for a minute, dear. I think I've got it all worked out.
Siéntate aquí un minuto, cariño.
I've got it all worked out.
Tengo todo arreglado.
You can rely on me, Roberta. I've got it all worked out.
Cuenta conmigo, lo tengo todo pensado.
I've been thinking about it, and I have got it all worked out.
He estado pensando y lo tengo todo planeado.
I've got it all worked out.
Lo tengo todo prácticamente calculado.
Now, look, I've got it all worked out.
Lo tengo todo planeado.
- Yeah, I've got it all worked out, Jim.
- Sí, lo tengo todo resuelto, Jim.
Aye, well I've got it all worked out, see.
Sí, lo tengo todo planeado, sabes?
- I've got it all worked out.
- Tengo todo planeado.
I've got it all worked out.
Tengo todo resuelto.
But I've got it all worked out.
Pero lo tengo todo previsto.
Sonny, I've got it all worked out.
- Sonny, lo he pensado muy bien.
Actually, I'm starting it this summer, but I've got it all worked out in my head.
La empezaré este verano. Pero ya la tengo en mente.
I've got it all worked out.
Mira los números aquí.
I've got it all worked out.
- Tengo todo resuelto.
Got Boo to let us have another go. I've worked it all out.
Al final Boo nos dará otra oportunidad.
I've got it all worked out.
- Ya planeé todo.
I've got it all worked out, Dad.
Ya tengo todo planeado, papá.
And by restoring a heritage site, I get free publicity for the bakery. You've got it all worked out.
Y con la restauración de un patrimonio, puedo obtener publicidad gratis para la panadería.
I know that you've all worked really hard to make it this far, so let's get out there and SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT!
Sé que todos se han esforzado mucho para llegar aquí. Así que, ¡ demuestren lo que saben hacer!
I've got it all worked out.
Lo tengo todo resuelto.
I've got it all worked out, David.
- No te preocupes, vamos. - Lo tengo todo resuelto, David.
"Look, I've got it all worked out, just roll the cameras and let it go and I'll give you a whole performance."
mira, tengo todo resuelto, gira las cámaras y déjate llevar y te daré una actuación completa.
I've got it all worked out.
Lo tengo todo planeado.
I've got it all worked out - totally natural birth...
Lo tengo todo hecho. Un parto totalmente natural.
Well, I'm glad you've got it all worked out for him.
Bueno, me alegra que lo hayas resuelto todo por él.
I've got it all worked out.
Tengo todo planeado.
Look, i've got it all worked out.
- Mira, lo tengo todo planeado.
Bien, ya que lo tienes todo resuelto, digamos, sí, yo ordené matarte, no podía usar el típico, "esto no está funcionando entre nosotros,"
OK, since you've got it all worked out, let's say, yes, I did order a hit on you,
OK, ya que lo tienes todo resuelto, supongamos que yo ordené asesinarte,

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