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I've got to be honest tradutor Espanhol

119 parallel translation
I'm sorry, Cliff, but I've got to be honest.
Lo siento, Cliff, pero debo ser honesta.
No, no, Scotty, I've got to be honest.
No, no, Scotty tengo que ser honesto.
I've got to be honest... I'm afraid of death.
decir verdad, me asusta la muerte.
I can protect you, but you've got to be honest with me right now.
Puedo protegerte pero tienes que ser honesta conmigo.
I've got to be honest, Norm.
- Le voy a ser honesto, Norm.
Look, willie, I've got to be honest.
Mira, Willie, tengo que ser honesto.
I've got to be honest with you. It was a gift and I never looked.
Para ser sincero, fue un regalo y nunca la he revisado.
You've got to be honest with me about when you pass out and when you... see things that maybe I don't see, you understand?
Que vas a ser sincera conmigo, cuando... te desmayes, cuando veas cosas que... quizá yo no vea, ¿ me entiendes?
No, I don't think you've quite got the hang of this game, to be honest, Sir.
No, no creo que esto haya seguido las reglas del juego, señor.
I don't have anything to tell, but we've got to be honest.
No tengo nada que decir, pero tenemos que ser honestos.
I've got to be honest, sir.
Debo ser honesto, señor.
I know you've got a job to do, but I'II be quite honest with you.
Sé que tiene que hacer un trabajo, pero seré muy honesta con ustedes.
Well, I've got a bloody good mind to kill you, to be honest.
Bueno, para ser honesto, a mí se me ocurrió la buena idea de matarte.
Look, Horn, I've got to be perfectly honest with you.
Mira, Horn, tengo que ser honesta contigo.
I've got to be honest, this is very distressing for me.
He de ser sincero, esto me duele profundamente.
I understand, but I can't help you, I've got a full staff here and - to be honest, you're too old for a waiter.
Entiendo, pero no puedo ayudarla, tengo la plantilla completa y - para ser honesto, es demasiado mayor para ser camarera.
I've got to be honest.
Te voy a decir la verdad.
I mean, if there's one thing that I've learned about relationships in the past year is that they begin and end with honesty and if you want to save what you have with Jack, and I believe it's worth saving, it's that you've got to be honest, you know?
Este año aprendí que en las relaciones debe haber sinceridad de principio a fin y para conservar tu relación con Jack, debes hablar.
Absolutely, but I've got to be honest.
Absolutamente, pero tengo que ser honesto.
I've got to be honest.
Debo ser honesta contigo.
Gosh, Miranda, you know, I've got to be honest with you.
Dios mío, Miranda, ya sabes, Tengo que ser honesto con usted.
I've got to be honest with you. I really like what you did.
Debo ser honesta contigo... realmente me gusta lo que hiciste.
I've got to be honest.
Y para ser honesto.
To be honest, I've got no idea.
Yo te digo la verdad, no tengo ni idea.
I've got to be honest with you.
Tengo que ser franco.
Jon claims he's fully onboard and, I've got to be honest, all the actions and all the things that Jon has said have been very consistent over the past week about getting Christa off.
Jon asegura estar totalmente a bordo, y, tengo que ser sincero, todas las acciones y cosas que ha dicho Jon durante la última semana o así han sido consistentes con echar a Christa.
Well, I've got to be honest with you, Mr. President.
Tengo que ser honesto con usted Sr. Presidente.
" I've got to... I'll be honest with you.
"Tengo que ser honesto contigo..."
Dana, I've got to be honest with you.
- Dana, debo ser honesta contigo
This is the first beautiful day that I've experienced here on Chaboga Mogo, and I've got to be honest.
Este es el primer día hermoso que he experimentado aquí en Chaboga Mogo, y tengo que ser honesta.
But I've got to be honest with you, everyone at the office wants to run the story about the girl.
Pero yo debo serte honesto, todos en la oficina quieren sacar la nota sobre la chica.
You know, Carmine, I've got to be honest, we're amazed that you slipped.
Sabes Carmine, nos sorprende que fallaste. Fue horrible.
Yeah, I mean, I know I was skeptical at first... but I got to be honest, I've never felt this way about anyone before.
- ¡ Sí! Sí, sé que estaba un poco escéptico al principio, pero- - Tengo que ser honesto, nunca me sentí así por nadie.
I've got to be honest with you, Mr Foyle, at this point it could go either way.
Tengo que ser honesto, señor Foyle. En este punto podría ir de cualquier modo.
I've got to be honest.
Debo ser honesto.
( lisps ) New, with wings. I've got to be honest- - I am proper shitting'it.
- Haganlo adecuadamente
Well, I've got to be honest with you, Sir,
Tengo que ser sincero con usted, Señor.
You know, Tom, I've got to Be honest with you. Yeah.
Sabes, Tom, tengo que ser honesto contigo.
And I think you need to be honest with yourself since you've got to live with for the rest of your life.
Y creo que tienes que ser honesta contigo misma dado que tienes que vivir con eso por el resto de tu vida.
just all around camp i can... i've got to be honest bro, i'm torn... about a lot of stuff.
Todo lo del campamento- - Tengo que ser honesto contigo, estoy indeciso, en muchas cosas.
I've got to be honest with you
Tengo que ser honesto contigo
I've got to be honest with you, Mr Brown.
Sr. Brown
To be honest, the only thing I've got was at the end of the straight I had to touch the breaks, so you see the spoiler come up slowing down.
Para ser sincero, lo único que sentí fue cuando llegué al final de la recta, tenía que tocar el freno, y el spoiler se despliega para frenarte.
To be honest, I've got mixed feelings about that.
Para ser honestos, Yo tengo reacciones diversas acerca de eso.
I've got to be honest, I don't think there's much to see out here, Dr. Monohan.
Si soy honesto no creo que haya mucho que ver.
To be honest with you, I think you've got a lot of talent.
Para serle sincero, creo que tiene mucho talento.
Listen to me, Adrian, I've got to be honest with you.
Voy a ser honesto con usted.
He used to pitch. But I've got to be honest, I just haven't been up for that.
Él solía lanzar pero debo ser honesto, tan sólo no estoy preparado para eso.
Let me cut to the chase I saw u both playing and to be honest although u're already a little bit grown up u've got the talent, great talent, eh.
Y voy a ir al grano chicos Ios vi jugar y les voy a ser absolutamente sincero más allá de que están un poco pasaditos en la edad tienen un potencial, enorme, eh.
Look, I've got to be honest with you.
Tengo que ser honesto contigo
I've got to be honest.
Tengo que serle honesto.

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