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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've got to find him

I've got to find him tradutor Espanhol

134 parallel translation
I've tried to forget him, but I can't. Now I've got to find him. And help him.
He tratado de olvidarlo, no puedo, debo estar junto a él, me necesita.
Oh, I don't know, but we've got to find him.
No lo sé. Pero tenemos que encontrarlo.
You've got to find him, I tell you.
Tienen que encotrarle, le digo.
If I went on with you, you'd soon hate me. Jack, there's only one man in my heart, and I've got to find him.
Si siguiera contigo, muy pronto me odiarías Jack, sólo hay un hombre en mi corazón, y tengo que encontrarlo.
I've got to find him!
¡ Tengo que encontrarle!
Well, I've got to find him.
Bueno, tengo que encontrarlo.
You see, I've hated my father all my life, and now I've got to find him and beg his forgiveness.
Verá, he odiado a mi padre toda mi vida... y ahora tengo que encontrarlo y rogarle que me perdone.
- I've got to find him.
- Tengo que hallarlo.
Right now I've got to get back to the Army camp and find out if it was him.
Ahora debo volver al campamento y averiguar si ha sido él. Te veré en cuanto lo sepa.
Right now I've got to get back to the Army camp and find out if it was him. I'll see you soon as I know.
Ahora debo volver al campamento y averiguar si ha sido él.
- I've got to find him.
- Tengo que encontrarlo.
I've got it. The hiding place for my money... is in my head. But tell him he's got to find it before he can cut in.
Pero dígale que tiene que encontrarlo antes de tomar su parte.
I've got to find him.
- No. Tengo que encontrarlo.
I've got to find him.
Debo hallarlo.
I've got to get Fry. I've got to find him, or Ken won't be the last one to die.
Tengo que encontrar a ese Fry o Ken no será el último en morir.
I'm scared. we've got to find him.
Tengo miedo. Debemos hallarlo.
I've got to find him. I...
¡ Tengo que encontrarle!
I've got to get away before they find him.
Debo huir antes que lo encuentren.
Even if he's the heel of the world... I've got to find him, because he knows about me.
Aunque sea el peor canalla... debo hallarlo, pues él sabe quién soy.
'It's urgent. I've got to find him.'
¡ Tengo que encontrarle!
I've got to find him.
Tengo que encontrarle. Tengo que encontrarle.
You help him. But first, I've got to find out what he wants.
Pero antes, tengo que averiguar lo que quiere.
You go to bed. I've got to find him.
Acuéstate, tengo que encontrarle.
Fiddles. I've got to find him before it's too late.
He de encontrarle sin demora.
I've got to find him.
Tengo que encontrarle.
I've got to find him!
¡ Tengo que encontrarlo!
I've got to find him right away.
- Sí, tengo que verle ahora mismo.
I'll find him. I've got to!
Le encontraré. ¡ Tengo que hacerlo!
Dad, I've just got to find him.
Papá, tengo que encontrarlo.
I'm trying to bring him back. I've got everyone trying to find him.
Eso es lo que estoy haciendo, todos han salido en su búsqueda.
Don, he's hiding from me. I've got to find him.
Don, ¿ dónde está mi marido?
And I've got to find him to put some sense into his head.
Debo encontrarle y conseguir que razone.
Oh, but I've got to find him.
Pero es necesario que lo encuentre.
I've got to find him.
¡ Debo encontrarlo!
Whoa! Hoss, I've got to find him.
Preciso encontrarle.
I've got to find him, Marianne.
Debo encontrarle.
I've got to find Friedel and tell him I'm staying.
Buscaré a Friedel para decirle que me voy a quedar.
Then I've got to find a way to help him.
Entonces debo encontrar la forma de ayudarlo.
I must hurry. I've got to find him.
Deprisa, tengo que encontrarlo.
I've got to find him.
Le buscaré un marido apropiado.
Wherever he is, I've got to find him!
Como sea, ¡ debo encontrarlo!
If I have to search every street, every house, every alley, every inch of this town, I've got to find him!
Aunque deba registrar cada calle, cada casa, cada callejón, cada pulgada de esta ciudad, ¡ debo encontrarlo!
- I've got to go out and look for him, to find him!
Voy a ver si lo encuentro. - ¡ Probrecilla!
I've got to find a name for him!
Tengo que encontrarle un nombre!
I don't know, but we've got to find him.
- No lo sé, pero debemos encontrarlo. - Vaya suerte.
Your father. I've got to find him. You don't know how important this is to me.
Su padre tengo que encontrarlo.
I lost him, and I've got to find him.
Lo perdí, y tengo que encontrarlo.
Just a minute. Before I give you a name, I've got to find him... Please be kind enough to say if he's the murderer?
Déjenme ir o nunca atraparemos al asesino.
I've got to find their meaning and be waiting, ready for him.
Debo averiguar el lugar del encuentro y esperarlo allí.
You've... got to find the Master and stop him - for everyone's sake! There's nothing I can do.
Has... tienes que encontrar al Amo y detenerlo, por el bien de todos!
I've got to find him.
Debo encontrarlo.

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