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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've got to get going

I've got to get going tradutor Espanhol

210 parallel translation
Well, I've got to be going, of course. And get there.
Tengo que irme si quiero llegar a tiempo.
If I'm going to get back here and take you to dinner by 7 : 00 and then catch that train for London, I've got to get home and pack and send a couple of wires.
Si quiero llevarte a cenar a las 7 : 00... y luego tomar el tren a Londres... tengo que empacar y enviar un par de telegramas.
We've got to get going, I....
Tenemos que irnos.
Look, I've got a hunch we're going to get out of this.
Mira, tengo la sensación de que saldremos de ésta.
I've got to get the emergency tanks going.
Pondré el sistema de emergencia. Hay que encenderlo.
I've got ideas how I want things to be. And I'm going to get them.
Yo tengo objetivos en la vida, y los voy a conseguir.
I'm going to get some customers out to that creek today if I've got to carry them out and rub their noses in it.
Hay que traer hoy a los clientes, Llevarlos boca arriba sobre mis espaldas.
Some day, you're going to get everything I've got.
Algún día tendrás todo lo mío.
I've got to get something more to do, Hugo. I'm going crazy.
Me estoy volviendo loco.
I've got to get going.
Tengo que irme.
I'm not going to get to you with beauty... but I've still got a couple of things going for me.
Esta no es una exhibición de belleza... pero tengo algunas cosillas que van a admirar.
- I've got big things... I'm not going to enjoy it and I want to get it over with. - Yes.
- Tengo muchas...
- I've got to get going...
- Tengo que marcharme...
I've got big holdings Mr. Longmire and they're going to get a lot bigger.
Tengo grandes negocios y crecen aún más.
I've got to get going.
Me tengo que ir.
No, I've got enough gas to get where I'm going.
No, tengo gasolina para llegar a donde voy.
Consciente sólo de una cosa.
I've got to get going, Mike.
Tengo que irme, Mike.
- I've got to get going.
- Tengo que irme.
I've got to get out of here, and you've got to let me go. That man is going to send me to jail. You know he is!
Tengo que largarme, ese hombre me va a mandar a la cárcel.
I'm not going with anyone... and you've got to get a doctor... to see to your shoulder.
No me voy con nadie... y tienes que ir a un doctor... - que te vea el hombro.
Tengo que llegar a esa reserva entrar y averiguar qué sucede.
So I've got to get going.
Debo irme ya.
I've got my research notes, and I'm going to get them to Washington now.
Tengo mis notas de la investigación y pienso llevarlas a Washington.
If I've only got a little time left to live, I'm going to spend it as far away from this place as I can get!
Si me queda poco tiempo de vida,... voy a pasarlo tan lejos de este lugar como pueda!
I've got to get a train to Naples... and a boat to Ischia... and if you guys give me a bad time... if there is the slightest hitch... if I don't get him back to Baltimore... in time for that funeral on Tuesday... there's going to be such a scandal!
Debo tomar un tren a Nápoles y un barco a Ischia... y si Uds. me causan problemas... si hay algún contratiempo y no lo retorno a Baltimore... a tiempo para el funeral el martes... ¡ va a haber un escándalo!
I've got to get rid of this rumour, this fear that the sale of the company is going to endanger their jobs.
Debo eliminar los rumores, ese temor de que la venta de la empresa pondrá en peligro sus empleos.
I mean, what we've got to is find out what's going on, who's behind the Ogrons, where they've taken the TARDIS, go and get it back and then we can all go home.
Quiero decir, lo que tenemos que hacer es averiguar lo que está pasando,... quién está detrás de los Ogrones, dónde han llevado la TARDIS,... ir a recuperarla y entonces todos podremos volver a casa,...
I've got to get something going fast.
Tengo que conseguir algo rápidamente.
I've got to get going. Fitz will kill me.
Fitz me va a matar.
I'm going with you, Frank. No, no, no, you don't want to get stuck here on Earth. And you've got a responsibility to your mission.
No quieres quedarte atrapado en la Tierra.
- I've got to get going.
- Me tengo que ir.
Well, it's going pretty good here too, and I've got a lot to tell you when I get back.
Qué bien. Todo está bien aquí, también y tengo que mucho que contarte cuando regrese.
I've got to get going.
Acabo de ponerme en marcha.
- I've got to get going.
- Tengo que marcharme.
I appreciate your concern, but I've got plenty of candles and firewood, and as soon as you get outta here, I'm going to bed.
Aprecio tu preocupación, pero tengo bastantes velas y leña y en cuanto te largues me iré a la cama.
Say, kid, I've got to get going.
Joven, nos tenemos que ir.
I've got clients waiting and I'm going to get a ticket if I don't move my motor. So, come on.
Tengo clientes esperando y tendré una infracción en un minuto si no muevo mi auto.
- What's going on? I don't know, but we've got to get these people out of here.
No lo sé, pero debemos sacar a esta gente de aquí.
By Christ, while I've got air in my body, they're going to get it!
¡ Por Dios, mientras me quede aliento, van a tenerlo!
I'm going to a place that's so exclusive, you've got to be recommended by a judge to get in.
Voy a un lugar que es tan exclusivo que tiene que recomendarte un juez para poder ingresar.
I'm going. I've got to get home, Chief.
Tengo que irme a casa, jefe.
I've got to get going to rescue him.
Debo ir a rescatarlo.
I've got to get going ; the march will be starting soon.
Ahora debo irme, la marcha va a comenzar.
I've got a hunch it's going to get hot down the road.
Presiento que las cosas se pondrán difíciles.
Me quedaré con una para que la examinen... y esconderemos el resto.
- We're just going to eat, and I've got to get changed. - You don't mind if we talk.
Tengo que cambiarme.
You are going to get educated in armed combat, and I've got some weapons in our car.
Van a ser educados en el combate armado, y yo tengo algunas armas en nuestro coche.
Look, I know we've got some unfinished business, but after this, there's no way we're going to let you get away.
Escucha, sé que tenemos cosas que conversar... pero te digo que, después de esto... de ningún modo te dejaremos ir.
And I've got to get going.
Tengo que irme.
Okay, Al, you keep an eye on our levels... and get ready to give me thejuice the second I've got this going.
Al, vigila todos los niveles y prepárate para reactivarla en cuanto la ponga en marcha.

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