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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I've had it up to here

I've had it up to here tradutor Espanhol

135 parallel translation
I've had it up to here!
¡ Ya tengo bastante!
I've really had it up to here.
Estoy hasta la coronilla.
I've had it up to here!
¡ Lo he tenido hasta aquí!
Well, I've had it right up to here.
Pues yo ya estoy hasta aquí.
Gianni, don't talk about deals, I've had it up to here. - It's my fault?
- No hablemos de negocios que estoy harto.
Don't you talk nonsense too, I've had it up to here.
- Vuelvo sola. Oiga, Camilla, déjese también de historias, que estoy harto.
Believe me, I've had it up to here with them!
¡ Créame señora que estoy de esos niños hasta la coronilla!
I've had it up to here with love.
¡ Estoy hasta las narices del amor!
Look, I've had it up to here.
Mira, estoy harto.
No, no, I understand, you've had it up to here.
- No, la comprendo. Están ustedes hartas.
I've had it up to here having my electric razor used for what? For shaving your legs! At last I'll have some peace!
Lo he pasado mal aquí afeitándome con mi maquinilla gastada ¿ gastada?
I've had it up to here with your stories!
¡ Estoy harto de vosotros!
I've had it up to here with the sound of bad scales I'm bored with these provincial ways
Hasta aquí viví de lecciones de solfeo estoy harta La provincia me aburre
But we don't get to sleep ; I've had it up to here!
Y nosotros no dormimos, ¡ estoy harto!
I've had it up to here!
¡ Estoy hasta aquí!
I've had it up to here.
Ya no puedo más.
I've had it up to here for today!
Hoy ya tuve demasiado, ¿ Entendiste?
I've had it up to here.
Estoy harta.
- I've had it up to here!
- ¡ Estoy harto!
I've had it up to here with pretty girls.
Ya estoy hasta aquí de chicas bonitas.
I've had it up to here with your division... and it's annual $ 33 million deficit!
¡ Estoy hasta la coronilla con tu división... y su déficit anual de $ 33 millones!
I've had it up to here with being exploited by farmers!
Ya estoy más que harto de ser explotado por campesinos.
I said I've had it up to here with your letters, with your threats...
He dicho que estoy harto de sus cartas, con sus amenazas...
Look, lady, I've had it up to here.
¡ Miren, ya estoy harto de que me den la lata sobre mi vestimenta!
I've had it up to here with all this female crap!
¡ Ya he tenido suficiente de todas estas tonterías de mujeres!
- [Gasps] Wh- - I've had it up to here with all you people.
Estoy hasta la coronilla de Uds.
I've had it up to here!
Esto no es una sorpresa. Ya tuve demasiado.
I've had it up to here, girl
Ya estoy harto, chica
Pierce! I've had it up to here with your forever putting the knock on the army!
Pierce, ya estoy harto de que siempre ataques al Ejército.
I was going to give it to you before we came up here, but things got so hectic, this is really the first chance we've had to be alone.
Iba a dártelo antes de venir, pero todo se complicó esta es la primera oportunidad que tenemos de estar solos.
I've had it up to here with all your rah-rah buddy routine.
Ya me hartó tu numerito de los grandes amigos.
I've had it up to here.
Estoy hasta las narices.
I've had it with you up to here.
¡ Me tienes hasta aquí!
I've had it up to here.
Ya me cansé.
I've had it up to here, as a matter of fact.
A decir verdad, estoy harto.
I've had it up to here with your cheerful disposition.
Estoy hasta aqui de tu buen humor.
I've had it up to here.
Hasta aquí hemos llegado.
Listen, I've had it up to here with you maniacs.
Escuchad, estoy harta de vosotros.
[trevor] i've had it up to here with your nagging.
Estoy arto de tus gruñidos.
OK. I've had it up to here with you people.
Ya estoy harto de ustedes.
I've had it up to here with you.
Tu padre te deja esto.
I've had it up to here.
Ya estoy harto.
I've had it up to here.
No aguanto más.
I've had it up to here!
¡ Estoy harto!
Well, I've had it up to here.
Bien, lo soporté hasta aquí.
I've had it up to here.
Me tienen hasta aquí.
I've had it up to here with you, Mister.
Ya me harté de ti.
After a while, I've had it up to here.
Luego de un tiempo, ya estoy harto.
You can push your torpedoes around all you want, but I've had it up to here!
Incordia a tus gorilas si quieres, yo no puedo más.
/ Nah. I've had it up to here with Beluga.
No, estoy hasta arriba de caviar.
You know, I've had it up to here with this Indian malarkey.
Estoy hasta aquí de tanta palabrería india.

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