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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I couldn't breathe

I couldn't breathe tradutor Espanhol

357 parallel translation
I felt as if I couldn't breathe enough air into me.
Y sentí como si no respirara suficiente aire.
- I couldn't breathe.
No podría respirar.
I couldn't breathe.
Pensé que moriría.
All of the sudden, I couldn't breathe.
De pronto se cortó mi respiración.
I couldn't breathe. You had a nightmare.
No conseguía respirar.
He was holding me so tightly I couldn't breathe.
Me apretaba tanto contra su cuerpo que no me dejaba respirar.
I couldn't breathe.
No podía respirar.
I-I couldn't breathe if I came in.
No podría respirar si entrara adentro.
My pop couldn't understand why I want to breathe fresh air, wear a clean face and read a book now and then
Mi padre no comprendía mi necesidad de respirar, de leer libros.
I couldn't breathe..
De pronto noté que me faltaba la respiración.
I couldn't breathe, let alone preach, in one of those things.
No podría respirar, y menos aun predicar.
Arturo is so impulsive, I couldn't breathe.
Arturo es tan impetuoso, casi me faltó el aire.
- I couldn't breathe.
- No podía respirar.
My mouth was filled with snow I couldn't breathe, couldn't see your face
La nieve me llenaba la boca, me ahogaba, ya no veía tu cara.
The text was very long and the cabin was so hot and airless that I couldn't breathe
El texto era muy largo. Y en la cabina hacía tanto calor que apenas podía respirar.
- I couldn't breathe in there.
- No podía respirar ahí dentro.
- I couldn't breathe down there.
- No podía respirar allí abajo.
I couldn't breathe
No podía respirar.
I just couldn't breathe up there!
No podía respirar allá.
I couldn't breathe in the lift.
No podía respirar en el ascensor.
First I got dizzy, then I couldn't breathe then my throat felt like it was on fire!
Primero me sentí mareada, luego no pude respirar y luego, sentí mi garganta como si estuviera en llamas!
- I couldn't breathe.
- No podía respirar...
I couldn't breathe.
Y... no podía respirar.
It had me wrapped up so tight... I just couldn't breathe.
Y me tenía tan atrapado... que no podía respirar.
- I couldn't breathe in that thing.
- No podía respirar ahí dentro.
I couldn't breathe. Then, um... I must have blacked out.
Después... debí desmayarme.
I couldn't breathe at all.
No podía respirar bien.
I couldn't breathe, too many people.
No podía respirar, demasiada gente.
You've just hurt me so much, that for a moment I couldn't breathe.
Ya me has herido suficiente, por un momento no pude respirar.
I couldn't breathe...
No podía respirar.
I heard the prisoner sobbing, trying to tell the police that he couldn ´ t breathe.
Oí al prisionero ahogándose, tratando de informar que no podía respirar.
My heart started beating so fast I couldn't breathe.
Es sólo mi corazón latiendo.
I couldn't breathe.
¡ No podía respirar!
Holling, last night I couldn't breathe.
Holling, anoche no podía respirar.
We couldn't even breathe and I heard the sound of his voice.
No podíamos ni respirar y oí el sonido de su voz.
When I pushed her, I had to. I couldn't breathe.
Me vi obligado a empujarla, porque me faltaba el aire.
- I couldn't breathe!
Me faltaba el aire. No tenía aire.
I'd drop it right on your face till you couldn't breathe!
Te la dejaría caer en la cara y no podrías respirar.
I couldn ´ t hardly breathe. Come on.
Camy me dijo que tenía miedo.
I nearly died. Couldn't breathe.
Primero casi me caigo muerto.
I was on the rowing machine and then suddenly I felt this viselike grip just squeezing my heart and I couldn't breathe, Frank.
Estaba practicando remo... y de repente sentí una mano que me aferraba... el corazón y me quedé sin aire, Frank.
I just couldn't breathe and... I've got the shakes now. I need some vitamin B.
Me quedé sin aire y... ahora tengo temblores.
I couldn't even hear you breathe!
¡ Ni siquiera escuché tu respiro!
For a minute there, I just couldn't breathe.
En esa habitación... me faltaba el aire.
I remember I couldn't breathe.
Mike no recuerda nada. Se empezó a asfixiar.
I just couldn't breathe there, you know?
No podía respirar allí, ¿ sabes?
Then she was choking me, and I couldn't breathe.
Después me estaba asfixiando y no podía respirar.
Something in the atmosphere, some chemical, I don't know what, but she started coughing and she couldn't breathe.
Algo en la atmósfera, algún elemento químico. Comenzó a toser y no podía respirar.
I guess now we know how Maggie must've felt when she landed on our world and couldn't breathe.
Ahora sé cómo debe de haberse sentido Maggie cuando aterrizó en nuestro mundo y no podía respirar.
Sometimes it got so bad I couldn't even breathe.
A veces se ponía muy mal, no podía ni si quiera respirar.
My mother used to lie with me all through the night... when I was really bad and I couldn't breathe.
Mi madre se tumbaba a mi lado toda la noche cuando estaba muy mal y no podía respirar.

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