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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I couldn't see anything

I couldn't see anything tradutor Espanhol

150 parallel translation
Myra, I don't want you to take offense in anything I say but, well, heck, you see, I got more money than I want as a soldier and, well, couldn't I square things up for you?
Myra, no quiero que te ofendas por nada de lo que voy a decir pero, ¡ cuernos! , verás, tengo más dinero del que quiero como soldado y, bueno, ¿ no podría solucionarte las cosas?
I told you we couldn't see anything up this high.
Te dije que no podríamos ver nada a esta altura.
That idiot hit me in the face and I couldn't see him, or anything anymore.
Y dejé de verlo. Ni a él ni a ninguna otra cosa.
Me acerqué cada sábado para verte, pero no me dejaron pasar.
You see, I'm on the ground and, any time now, you may be on ops again. Anything I said couldn't have any possible bearing on the matter.
De un momento a otro volverás a estar operativo y cualquier cosa diga podría tener influencia en el asunto.
- I couldn't see anything
No he visto nada.
I couldn't see who did it, or anything like that.
No pude ver quién lo hizo, ni nada de eso.
I couldn't see anything.
No pude ver nada.
I mean, it wasn't anything you couldn't see in any park these days.
No fue nada que hoy en día no se vea en cualquier parque.
I couldn't see anything ahead and Jigger...
No podía ver nada adelante... y Jigger...
See? I couldn't let anything stop me.
Ahora comprenderás que no podía detenerme ante nada.
I couldn't see anything.
No podía ver nada.
I went to see the sender, but I couldn't find out anything about his parents just that he'd been seen playing in the ruins.
Las ruinas de un hospital militar, Eso es. Un escritor lo atestigua. Dijo que vio al chico por alli durante una larga temporada.
I couldn't see anything on the screen.
No podía ver nada en la pantalla.
I did, couldn't see anything!
- ¡ Miraba, miraba!
I couldn't wait to see Sam and Haydée again, though I knew not to expect anything, since nothing was going to happen.
Estaba impaciente por ver a Sam y Haydée, aun sabiendo que era inútil porque no pasaría nada.
They held me down and forced me to drink it, I couldn't see anything.
Me sujetaron y me obligaron a beber, no podía ver nada.
I'm sorry I can't help you, but if the police couldn't find anything in this house, I certainly can't see how I'd be able to. Of course.
Lamento no poder ayudarlo... pero si la policía no encontró nada en su casa... no veo como podría encontrar algo yo.
- I couldn't see anything from under there.
- No podía ver nada desde ahí abajo.
There was so much smoke, I couldn't see anything.
Había tanto humo que no veía nada.
I couldn't see anything in the kitchen.
No he visto nada en la nevera.
I couldn't see anything in his dark eyes.
Me daba gusto verlo... contemplarlo.
- Yes, as the Major will confirm, you see, I was saving it up for a present for my wife. That's why I couldn't say anything just now, but I gave it to the Major last night... What rubbish!
Lo guardaba para un regalo para mí esposa, por eso no podía decir nada.
I couldn't see anything either.
No puedo ver nada más.
And so, anyways, um, I went outside and I must have walked right over the guy'cause I couldn't see anything anyways. [LAUGHS] And then my brother, my brother goes,
asi que sali, y debi caminar por encima del tipo porque no veia nada, y entonces mi hermano dice,
You see, I couldn't think of anything else I could do to save you.
Lo ves, no pude pensar en hacer otra cosa para salvarte.
Well, see, I couldn't believe that Rina would really leave me anything.
No podía creer que Rina me hubiera dejado algo.
I really couldn't see anything inside.
No pude ver nada adentro.
I couldn't see anything.
Yo no podía ver nada.
I couldn't see anything!
¡ No podía ver nada!
When I did, I couldn't see anything.
Cuando lo logré, no podía ver nada.
I couldn't see anything.
No podia ver nada.
For a few seconds I couldn't see anything.
Durante unos segundos, no he podido ver nada.
You didn't say anything, so I thought you couldn't see.
¿ Te diste cuenta de que me dieron una paliza?
I could hear heather screaming, but I couldn't see anything,
pero las llamas.... Podía escuchar a Heather gritando, pero no podía ver nada.
No, the first ten minutes... I couldn't see anything.
No, de los primeros 10 minutos no pude ver nada.
I ordered them late, couldn't see anything.
¿ Pero qué he hecho? Las guardé ayer. Ya era bastante tarde, no se veía ni tres en un burro.
I couldn't see anything.
no se podia ver nada
Who was a militant, who was not, I couldn't see anything.
No veía nada, no podía distinguir quién era de los nuestros y quien no.
Next thing I knew, we were in the water, I couldn't see anything.
De repente, estábamos en el agua. No podía ver nada.
So you see, El, why I couldn't tell you anything- - Anything at all.
Verás, EI, Entenderás por qué no podía decirte nada... absolutamente nada.
I looked around. I couldn't see anything.
Paré y miré a mi alrededor.
The truth is I've never been much of a believer in anything I couldn't see under a microscope.
La verdad es que nunca he sido demasiado creyente en nada que no pudiera ver a través del microscopio.
I couldn't see anything. Things were bouncing off me. I didn't have any control.
No podía ver nada y, todo estaba girando y no tenía control.
Nothing. I couldn't even see anything else.
Nada. Ni siquiera he visto otra cosa.
Well see, that's the thing, I couldn't think of anything at first. An then, it just dawned on me.
Ese es el problema, al principio no pude pensar en nada, pero apenas me di cuenta.
I couldn't see anything.
No. No podía ver nada.
I can see my mother still crying and crying and in my heart I knew that not only don't I do anything what I couldn't live with but that there's no way that anybody could talk me out of it.
Puedo ver todavía a mi madre llorando y en mi corazón yo sabía que, no sólo no hago nada con lo que no pueda vivir... sino que también no hay nada que nadie pueda hacer... para convencerme de lo contrario.
Last night I felt like I had a brick wall and couldn't see anything... like this is the way I felt and I couldn't see it ever going away.
Sentí como que había un muro frente a mí, y no podía ver más allá... y pensé que nunca desparecería, así me sentí.
I couldn't see anything at all.
- No, señor. No pude ver nada.
I couldn't see anything
Yo no puedo ver nada

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