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I didn't tradutor Espanhol

305,229 parallel translation
Well, I didn't want to jinx it.
No quería arruinarlo.
I didn't order that.
Yo no ordené eso.
I know you and Palmer didn't work out, so I just figured you had a drink or six.
Sé que lo de Palmer y tú no funcionó, así que me imaginé que te tomaste un trago o seis.
But I didn't kill anyone, bro.
Pero no asesiné a nadie, hermano.
So when I got up at 4 : 00 a.m. to drive you across the desert to an antique train museum, I didn't have to?
Así que cuando me levanto a las 4 : 00 am para llevarte a través del desierto a un antiguo museo de trenes, ¿ no tenía que hacerlo?
But I didn't have the answer.
- Hay que tenerla.
You and Spence didn't get Vern one single endorsement deal, so I did.
No le conseguiste a Vern ni una sola promoción. Así que lo hice yo.
I sure as hell didn't.
Claro que no.
Shit, Bob, I didn't even think to ask you. Do you even like Asian fusion?
Ni siquiera te pregunté si te gusta la fusión asiática.
I promise you I didn't do shit.
Quite the optimist who's never put on a pair of shoulder pads or a helmet, though I'm sure they would go beautiful with your baby-blue suit. Sorry I didn't wear a hoodie.
Cuando estoy en modo bestia, es imposible llegarle a un QB con ganas de darle por 45 minutos.
Okay, but I still don't see how that translates into you taking credit for something you didn't actually do.
¿ Stoneburner or Duarte? ¿ Qué piensas, Charles?
- I guess he didn't tell you. He and his posse got caught with a load of narcotics.
Tenemos que mostrar unión.
- And you didn't know about the deal? - I ain't gonna say I wasn't aware that he was gonna buy something, but, yo, I didn't even know he was gonna deliver the shit to my house.
El Sr. Siefert me pidió que viniera para darte una idea de la lista.
But, look, I didn't do shit.
¿ Cambios?
I didn't get a chance.
No tuve oportunidad.
I didn't, but thanks.
No lo hice, pero gracias.
I didn't know who else to call.
No sabía a quién más llamar.
I didn't know that.
No lo sabía.
I didn't think you cared.
No creía que te importara.
I didn't.
No lo hice.
I didn't like that you noticed, and, I mean, Shelby didn't even notice.
No me gustó que te hayas dado cuenta y Shelby ni siquiera se dio cuenta.
I thought you didn't want to talk to me.
Pensé que no querías hablar conmigo.
But as I was saying, I didn't bring you here to kill you.
Pero como decía, no lo traje aquí para matarlo.
Well, I didn't identify myself as Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective, but rather Sherlock Holmes, son of Morland.
Bueno, no me identifiqué como Sherlock Holmes, detective asesor, sino como Sherlock Holmes, hijo de Morland.
I didn't know from spies.
No sabía de espías.
I didn't know if helping Gephardt was the right thing.
No sabía si ayudar a Gephardt era lo correcto.
I didn't know what to believe, so I called Gephardt.
No sabía qué creer, así que llamé a Gephardt.
If the authorities were looking for me, I didn't want you to have to lie about where I was.
Si las autoridades me estaban buscando, no quería que tuvieras que mentir sobre dónde estaba.
I mean, you made a... person, Kitty, and you didn't tell me.
Quiero decir, hiciste... una persona, Kitty, y no me lo contaste.
I realized that I didn't need it.
Me di cuenta de que no lo necesitaba.
I just didn't know how to tell you.
Solo que no sabía cómo decírtelo.
I felt fixed, but I knew that... well, I knew that you didn't, so I just kept it to myself.
Me sentí reparada, pero sabía que... bueno, sabía que tú no, así que me lo callé.
I didn't really understand that.
Realmente no entendía eso.
I met a man who told me that if I didn't have sex with him, he promised he'd kill me with a knife.
Y conocí a un hombre que me dijo que, si no tenía sexo con él juraba matarme con una navaja.
I mean, people said that, while they didn't look the same, they did have a similar feeling.
Se dijo que, aunque no eran iguales, tenían el mismo sentimiento.
I didn't know it was called a restaurant. I just thought that's really interesting.
No sabía que lo llamaban restaurante.
I didn't initially see product as being something that we either could or should do.
En un principio, no consideré que podíamos o debíamos hacer productos.
[laughs] But actually, I married the one that wrote it, so I didn't have to buy it.
Pero me casé con la escritora, así que no debí comprarlo.
Besides, I didn't want to say anything before, but a big black fellow waiting on you hand and foot, very Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Y además, antes no quise decir nada, pero un tipo negro esperando a tu disposición, es muy Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- I didn't do anything.
- No he hecho nada.
- I would rather you didn't.
- Preferiría que no lo hicieras.
If I'd been in your shoes, I'd have made damn sure I didn't miss.
Si hubiera estado en tu pellejo, me habría asegurado de no fallar.
You said they'd kill me to get you, if this is the last time you hear my voice, know that I didn't give you up.
Dijiste que me matarían para llegar a ti, si esta es la última vez que escuchas mi voz, quiero que sepas que no te he delatado.
And I didn't go down without a fight.
Y que no me he ido sin combatir.
I didn't think about that.
No había pensado en eso.
I didn't know they were there.
Yo no sabía que ellos estaban aquí.
I said that last semester, too, didn't I?
Dije eso el semestre pasado también, cierto?
- I didn't know that.
- No sabía eso.
I walked into that lecture hall, the Constitutional Law class, and a group of men turned and looked at me like I didn't belong there.
Entré en la Sala de Conferencias, de la clase de Ley Constitucional y un grupo de hombres se voltearon y me miraron como si yo no perteneciera ahí.
When we became fully computerized in the late'90s, I didn't touch anything and I didn't use my hands.
Cuando nos computarizamos a fines de los noventa ya no toqué nada ni usé más las manos.

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