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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't ask you to

I didn't ask you to tradutor Espanhol

1,227 parallel translation
Niles, I didn't ask Tom to dinner so he could talk to you.
No invité a Tom a cenar para que termine hablando contigo en la cocina.
I didn't ask you here to assess your qualifications for the ops position.
No le pedí que viniera para evaluarla para el puesto de operaciones.
I didn't ask you here to discuss this.
No les pedí que vinieran para discutirlo.
I didn't ask you to sleep with her.
Nunca te pedí que te acostaras con ella.
I didn't ask you to step in...
Nunca te dije que te involucraras...
I didn't ask what you said you wanted to do.
No le pregunté qué desea hacer.
Didn't I ask you to go away?
- ¿ Qué está haciendo aquí, entonces?
I really want the job, but I didn't ask her to approach you.
Quiero el puesto, pero no le pedí que te dijese nada.
Niles didn't ask me to come here. I came because I care about you.
Niles no me ha pedido que venga aquí, yo he venido porque me preocupan los dos.
I didn't ask whether you wanted to go.
- No pregunté si querías o no.
I didn't ask you to come.
- No te pedí que vinieras.
I didn't know you were coming, and I didn't ask you to stay.
No sabía que vendría y tampoco le pedí que se quedara.
Didn't I ask to see you?
- Lo siento. Barry, ¿ no he pedido verte?
I didn't ask you to do all this for me.
Yo no te pedí que hicieras todo esto por mí.
I didn't ask you to get injured for me either.
Ni tampoco te pedí que te hicieras herir por mí.
You didn't even bother to ask me if I was thirsty, sister.
Ni siquiera me preguntaste si tenía sed, hermana.
I didn't want to say this when you were going out with her, but if you ask me, Shawn,
No quería decir esto cuando salías con ella, pero si usted me pregunta, Shawn,
- I didn't ask you to do that.
- No te pedí que hicieras eso.
Hmm, I didn't think you needed to ask.
No pensé que necesitaras preguntar.
I didn't ask because I'm concerned about your ability to perform. I'm concerned about you.
No pregunté porque estoy preocupado por su habilidad para desempeñarse, estoy preocupado por usted.
Thanks, Mrs. Dubcek. I wouldn't ask you to let me in if I didn't think Sally really needed help.
No le pediría dejarme entrar si no pensara que Sally necesita ayuda.
I didn't ask you to get out of the car.
No le pedí que saliera del auto...
I didn't ask you to do that, Donald.
Yo no te lo he pedido, Donald.
Of course, you didn't ask to be at the center of this historic conflagration any more than I did, but we find ourselves here nonetheless by some mysterious mix of circumstances and all the world watching.
Usted, claro, no ha pedido estar en el centro de esta conflagración histórica, ni yo tampoco. Pero aquí estamos por una misteriosa mezcla de circunstancias ante los ojos del mundo.
I didn't hear you ask permission to smoke in my office.
No te oí pedir permiso para fumar en mi oficina.
I didn't ask you to get involved in this.
No te pedí que te involucraras en esto.
- I didn't ask you to replace it.
- No te pedí que la cambiaras.
You know, I didn't ask you to do that.
Sabes, no te pedí que hicieras eso.
You told me you were out for an innocent walk. That's all I needed to know. You didn't ask hard questions, almost like you didn't want to know.
No basta con que los pacientes se precipiten a los tribunales para acusar a sus médicos por todos sus males...
I didn`t ask you to.
No te pedí eso.
You didn't ask me if I wanted to come in the first place.
No me preguntaste si deseaba venir antes.
And I didn't ask to love you, but I do.
Y no pedí amarte, pero te amo.
I heard a rumor I didn't want to believe was true, so... I thought I'd ask you directly.
Me ha llegado un rumor difícil de creer y prefiero preguntártelo directamente.
I didn't ask George to invite you.
No le pedí a George que te invitase.
Girl, I'm surprised he didn't ask you to marry him.
Me sorprende que no te haya propuesto matrimonio.
I didn't ask for your help but I came here to learn how to fight like you.
No pedí tu ayuda pero vine aquí para aprender a luchar como tú.
They want to ask you a question. I didn't really know how to handle it.
Querían preguntarte algo, y yo no sabía qué hacer, así que...
I didn't come to you for help thinking you'd ask me to do something like THIS!
¡ No es eso lo quería que hicieses!
I didn't ask you what you've done,... and why the heck you had to break a window to research a class project.
No te he preguntado qué has hecho, y por qué mierda debiste romper un vidrio para hacer un trabajo para la escuela.
I didn't mean to but..... I don't believe anyone could refuse you any confidence if you were of a mind to ask for it.
Ya está.
- Or I could ask you to wait for us. - Why didn't you?
O si no, pedirte que esperaras por nosotros.
But if you didn't tell me until now, I couldn't afford to ask you.
Si no te lo he preguntado, es porque no me atrevía.
Do you know you're the first one I didn't ask to meet the parents?
Oh, ¿ sabes que eres la primera a quien no le pido conocer a sus papás?
And I didn't ask you to come to me with your problems.
Y no pedí que tú vinieras a mí con tus problemas.
But I didn't ask to see you.
Pero yo no he pedido verle.
- I didn't ask you to come with me.
- No le pedí que viniera conmigo.
Didn't I ask you to leave?
¿ No te he pedido que te vayas?
Didn't I ask you not to put the peanut butter in the refrigerator?
¿ No te dije que no pongas la mantequilla de maní en la heladera?
I didn't ask you to.
No te pedí que lo hicieras.
You know, I didn't ask to be the Emissary... But for better or worse, I guess that's what I am...
No pedí ser el Emisario, pero para bien o para mal, lo soy...
Sorry, we didn't realize... I'm going to have to ask you to come with me.
Rango de capitán en adelante. Lo sentimos. No nos dimos cuenta que...

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