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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't do anything to her

I didn't do anything to her tradutor Espanhol

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I didn't do anything to her.
No le he hecho nada.
I didn't want him to do anything that would hurt her career.
No quería que hiciese nada que perjudicase su carrera.
I wouldn't force her into anything she didn't want to do.
No la forzaría a hacer nada que no quisiera.
- I didn't do anything to her!
- ¡ No le hice nada!
This night I didn't do anything but ask her to forgive me, all night long.
Esta noche no he hecho otra cosa que pedirle perdón continuamente. ¡ Vamos!
- I didn't do anything to her.
- No le he hecho nada.
I know it was our first date and I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me, but... Well, I guess it's only natural for a fellow to try to get a little fresh with a girl and make a pass at her but you didn't do anything.
Fue nuestra primera cita y no quiero que tengas la impresión equivocada de mí... pero supongo que es natural que un chico se ponga un poco fresco con una chica... y le tire un lance.
- I didn't do anything to her.
- No estábamos haciendo nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
Yo no le hice nada.
I didn't say I wanted to do anything with her.
No dije que quiero hacer nada con ella.
- I didn't do anything to her.
- No le hice nada.
- I didn't do anything to her.
- Yo no le había hecho nada.
I didn't do anything bad enough to deserve to go to her house.
No me porté tan mal como para tener que ir ahí. Es una lunática.
You know, the night I saw the devil... my girlfriend O.D.'d in the bed next to me. I didn't take her to the hospital. I didn't do anything.
La noche que vi al diablo... mi novia se murió de una sobredosis en mi propia cama.
- I didn't do anything to her.
No le hice nada.
I didn't force her to do anything.
No la obligué a nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
No le hice nada.
And I didn't want anything to do with her.
- No quería saber nada de ella.
I swear, I didn't do anything to her.
Juro que no le hice nada.
- I hope Tony didn't do anything to her.
- Ojalá Tony no le haya hecho nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
- No le hice nada.
¡ Le dieron un balazo!
- I didn't do anything to her.
- Yo no le hice nada.
Chloe, look, I promise you, I didn't do anything to her.
Chloe, mira, te lo prometo, yo no le hice nada.
I didn't do anything to her, I swear!
¡ Le juro que no le hice nada!
But I swear to God, I didn't do anything to her.
Pero le juro por Dios que no le he hecho nada.
Well, I didn't get to do anything with her, mister. Like he said, that big rough and tumble Connecticut boy done stoled her from me.
Nada, señor, la vi con ese tipo listo de Conneticut la última vez.
You know, if I didn't have four girls competing, I'd kick your ass for thinking you had anything to do with her.
Si no tuviera a cuatro niñas compitiendo mañana, te partiría la cara por pensar que tuviste que ver con ella.
I didn't do anything to her.
Yo no le he hecho nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
No le hice nada a ella.
Well, I didn't ask her to do anything.
Bueno, no le pedí que hiciera nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
A ella no le hice nada.
I didn't ask her to do anything.
No pedí nada.
I didn't do anything to stop her.
No hice nada por detenerla.
Mom, I'm telling you, I didn't tell her to do anything.
Mamá, no le dije que hiciera nada.
Okay, I was in that tub with her, but I didn't have anything to do with her death.
De acuerdo. Estaba en la bañera con ella pero no tengo nada que ver con su muerte.
You're definitely allowed by law to hit her now, Tom. It's self-defense. I didn't do anything.
- Definitivamente podrías alegar en una corte legitima defensa..... dulce Taboo estás en grán forma.
I didn't force her to do anything.
Yo no le forcé a hacer nada.
I thought you didn't want anything to do with her.
Pense que no querias saber nada de ella
No, I didn't do anything to her.
No, no le hice nada
My daughter made it clear she didn't want to have anything to do with me, And I didn't blame her for hating me, but... god, I missed her.
Mi hija lo ha dejado muy claro, no quería saber nada de mí, y no la he culpado por dejarme, pero...
I swear I didn't do anything to her.
Le juro que no le hice nada.
Except I... I didn't do anything to her.
Excepto que yo-yo no le hice nada.
I didn't do anything to save her.
No hice nada para salvarla.
I believe him. He didn't do anything with her. And I got to tell you, that made me want to go out with her even more.
Le creo el no hizo nada con ella y yo tengo que contarte que eso me hizo querer salir con ella aun mas si, ella es como...
But I didn't do anything to her
Pero no le hice nada
But I didn't do anything to her
Cuando apareció esta mujer
I didn't do anything to intentionally hurt you, and I didn't do anything to Amy to intentionally hurt her.
No hice nada para hacerte daño intencionalmente, y no hice nada a Amy para hacerle daño intencionalmente.
I know that haddie didn't have anything to do with this, but we will talk to her. Okay?
Sé que Haddie no tuvo nada que ver en esto, pero hablaremos con ella, ¿ Ok?
I'm sure she didn't have anything to do with this, but we will talk to her.
Estoy segura de que ella no tuvo nada que ver en eso, pero hablaremos con ella.
You see, uh, I didn't actually do anything to her.
Verás, en realidad no le hice nada.

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