I didn't know how tradutor Espanhol
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I got tired of running into friends and seeing the polite grin on their face because they didn't know what to say or how to say it.
Y me cansé de quedar con viejos amigos y de ver su educada sonrisa en sus caras porque no sabían qué decir o cómo decirlo.
I didn't want you to see me- - I know how it is.
Yo no quiero que me veas - Sé lo que es.
I would've told you sooner, but I didn't know how you'd take it.
Te habría dicho antes, pero no sabía cómo lo tomarías.
But, anyway, I didn't end up going, but, um, so I don't really know how to play.
Pero al final no fui así que la verdad no sé cómo se juega.
I kind of felt like I didn't know how to live anymore.
Me sentía como si no supiera cómo seguir viviendo.
We didn't date for that long, and I don't even know how much of it was actually real, but when you get nervous, you get mean and you get really pale, and then you start putting your hands through your hair like Danny Zuko.
No salimos por tanto tiempo, y no se que tanto fue real, cuando te pones nervioso, eres malvado y te ves muy pálido y entonces empiezas a pasar tus manos a través de tu cabello como Danny Zuko.
But I didn't know how much that was, so I went up and skydived and I tried different things, and I took a G-meter up, see how much the Gs spun.
Pero no sabía cuantos giros eran, así que hice varios saltos al vacío usando un acelerómetro, para saber a qué velocidad giraba.
I didn't know how old you were, so I just put a lot.
Yo no sabía cuántos años tenía, así que sólo hay que poner un montón.
I just didn't know how to handle it.
No sabía cómo manejar la situación.
A tiny slice of violence had wormed its way into my life, and I didn't know how to remove it.
Una pequeña ración de violencia había logrado entrar a mi vida y no sabía cómo eliminarla.
Tom, I... I didn't know how to say this to you, so, here, take this piece of paper.
Tom, no sabía cómo decirte esto así que, ten, toma este papel.
I didn't know how to be a mother, and there were so many people counting on me.
No sabía cómo ser madre y había tanta gente contando conmigo.
I didn't know how you'd react.
No sabía cómo reaccionarías.
I died and you didn't even know how!
¡ Morí y tu ni siquiera sabes cómo!
When I proposed and you said no I didn't know how I should be.
Cuando te pedí matrimonio y dijiste que no... no sabía como sería.
I didn't know how to tell you.
No sabía como decírtelo.
I couldn't reach you. I didn't know what to do, so I-I just started making grilled cheese, because it's literally the only thing I know how to make, and it's comfort food, and I figured you'd be hungry, and you...
No sabía que decir, así que empecé a hacer queso gratinado, porque es literalmente la única cosa que sé como se hace, y es comida casera, y me suponía que estarías hambrienta, y tú...
I know how tricky it can be to navigate some teacher / student relationships, and I have made some bad choices that I later regretted, though it didn't involve a minor.
Se lo difícil que puede ser manejar algunas relaciones profesor / estudiante, he tomado algunas malas decisiones de las que despues me he arrepentido, pero no implicaban a una menor.
I don't know how long it's been going on for, but she didn't want to tell me because she didn't want me to worry.
No sé, hace cuanto tiempo a estado pasando, pero no quiere decírmelo, para no preocuparme.
You know, she said I didn't understand her, wanted me to stop telling her how to live her life.
Sabe, dijo que no la comprendía, quería que dejase de decirle cómo vivir su vida.
But I didn't know how to ask why
Pero no supe como preguntar el por qué.
I didn't know where to turn, or how to take my leave... they seemed completely unconcerned!
No sabía por dónde tirar o cómo despedirme... ¡ Parecían totalmente indiferentes!
When Ted and I first married, I didn't know how lucky I was.
Al principio de casarme con Ted, no sabía lo afortunada que era.
If there was anything I could do... You know, I didn't realise how much my mum loved me till I was a mum.
si hubiera algo que yo pueda hacer... sabes, no me di cuenta lo mucho que mi madre me amaba hasta que me fui madre
But then I figured out that's how you wanted it, so I acted like it was okay... because I didn't want you to know how bad it hurt.
Luego descubrí que así te gustaba, y fingí que estaba todo bien porque no quería que supieras lo mucho que me dolió.
I-I didn't know how to do that.
No sabía cómo hacerlo.
I didn't know how not to see you.
No sabía cómo no verte.
I didn't know how to adjust the way he had.
Yo no supe adaptarme como había hecho él.
I didn't know how else to stop Panzer.
No conocía otra manera de detener a Panzer.
I didn't know how to tell you.
No sabía cómo decírtelo.
I didn't know how else to prove you were a...
No sabía de qué otra forma demostrar que eres un...
My father never wrote back and forth because I didn't know how to write well, so I depended on Father Murphy and the nuns to communicate with my father.
No nos escribíamos con mi padre, porque yo no escribía bien, así que dependía del padre Murphy y de las monjas para comunicarme con mi papá.
I didn't know how.
No sabía cómo
I didn't know how to boil a bloody egg.
No sabía ni cocinar un maldito huevo.
I guess because I was your first, you didn't know how to drug me right, and I kept coming to.
Lo espero porque yo fui la primera, no sabías como drogarme bien, y yo seguí.
I just didn't know how.
No sabía cómo.
I didn't know how to make a parachute yet.
No sabía hacer un paracaídas.
Liam, I didn't know how to face you after everything that I did.
Liam, yo no sabía como mirarte después de todo lo que había hecho.
I didn't know that Pedro knew how to draw.
- No sabía que Pedro supiese dibujar.
He'd be, you know, tearing down this old shack or he'd be sweeping up filth or dirt and he started to show me one day, and I didn't believe him, about the album and how it got to be so popular.
Estaba, ya sabes, vaciando algún saco o sacando el polvo o la suciedad y me empieza a hablar, un día, pero yo no le creía sobre su album, y como se hizo tan famoso.
Now things can finally get back to normal- -'cause I didn't know how I was gonna keep working at that office knowing this terrible secret about George's fiancée.
Ahora las cosas por fin pueden volver a la normalidad... porque no sabía cómo iba a continuar trabajando en esa oficina sabiendo ese terrible secreto sobre la prometida de George.
That I screwed everything up, and I didn't know how to make it any better, so I just... didn't.
Que lo estropeé todo, y que no sabía cómo mejorarlo, así que... no lo hice.
Anything to keep me away from dealing with you, because... I literally didn't know... how to be your father anymore.
Cualquier cosa que me alejara de tratar contigo, porque... literalmente ya no sabía... cómo ser tu padre.
Oh really, oh gosh, I'm so relieved, thanks, there is still just one little problem, how do you know I didn't break into this house set off the alarm and now I'm stalling by being upset about the Indian guy
Ah verdad, oh mi Dios, estoy tan aliviado, gracias. todavía hay un pequeño problema, como sabes que yo no entre a esta casa apague la alarma y ahora estoy estancado por estar molesto por el chico Indio y me he robado un montón de mierda violado a mi mama, y ustedes no han hecho nada
But I didn't know how to get out of it.
Pero no supe cómo librarme.
I didn't even know how I was gonna get out of bed... ( Sighs ) but... ♪ By my side
Oh, tu solo nada mas lo arrancaste, ¿ eh?
I didn't know how to save you!
¡ No supe cómo salvarte!
Actually, I-I owe you an apology, but I didn't know how to make it.
En realidad, te debo una disculpa, pero no sabía cómo hacerlo.
I didn't know how I was supposed to be your wife when I had to...
No sabía cómo se suponía que iba a ser tu esposa cuando tenía que...
I just got a new phone, and I didn't know how to turn it off.
Tengo un teléfono nuevo, y no sé como apagarlo.
I didn't know how tiny she was. A-ha!
No sabía lo pequeña que era.
i didn't know how to tell you 35
i didn't 6296
i didn't mean to 734
i didn't ask 203
i didn't mean to upset you 69
i didn't want to bother you 42
i didn't mean to offend you 51
i didn't hear you 152
i didn't realize 188
i didn't mean to hurt you 93
i didn't 6296
i didn't mean to 734
i didn't ask 203
i didn't mean to upset you 69
i didn't want to bother you 42
i didn't mean to offend you 51
i didn't hear you 152
i didn't realize 188
i didn't mean to hurt you 93
i didn't do it on purpose 65
i didn't see you 162
i didn't want to wake you 60
i didn't mean 401
i didn't know 1538
i didn't do it 744
i didn't do anything 1161
i didn't mean it 356
i didn't mean it like that 222
i didn't say that 1004
i didn't see you 162
i didn't want to wake you 60
i didn't mean 401
i didn't know 1538
i didn't do it 744
i didn't do anything 1161
i didn't mean it 356
i didn't mean it like that 222
i didn't say that 1004