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I didn't know it tradutor Espanhol

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I thought you didn't know what it was.
Creía que no sabías lo que era.
And to others, I know it didn't sit very well.
Y para otros, sé que no les cayó muy bien.
I mean, it's not like I didn't know those sort of neighborhoods existed, but I'd just... never been to one before.
Es decir, no es como si no supiera que ese tipo de vecindarios existiesen, pero... nunca antes había estado en uno.
Oh! Before I met Judith, I didn't know it was possible to go up two pants sizes in one meal.
Antes de conocer a Judith, no sabía que fuera posible aumentar dos tallas de pantalón en una comida.
It was a very crummy bar and I used to go in in evening gowns. I didn't know any better.
Era un bar de mala muerte, pero yo iba vestida de etiqueta.
And though I didn't know I knew it, if the black man rises up and says, "I'm just not gonna do that anymore..."
Y, sin saberlo, yo sabía que si el negro se alzaba y decía : "No voy a seguir haciendo eso",
I didn't know what it was, and I didn't know how it had opened.
Yo no sabia lo que era, y no sabia como se habia abierto.
I didn't know it was gonna break!
¡ No pensaba que se iba a romper!
You know, I didn't mean it like that.
Ya sabes, yo no quise decir eso.
I was only young and I didn't I didn't know how to take it.
Yo sólo era joven y no lo hice Yo no sabía cómo tomarlo.
No, you didn't. Listen, I know what it is.
Sé de qué se trata.
I'm flattered you chose me, but I didn't know it would involve sports.
Estoy halagado que me eligió, pero yo no sabía que implicaría deportes.
Yeah, but why didn't I know it?
Si, pero ¿ por qué yo no lo sabía?
I didn't even know it myself until we went back.
Ni siquiera yo lo supe hasta que regresamos.
I just didn't know my mom kept it.
No sabía que mi madre la guardaba.
There's an issue that I've been worried about since the merge because we didn't really do it right, you know, the whole "you're not my twin".
Hay un tema que me ha estado preocupando desde la fusión, ya que realmente no lo hicimos bien, ya sabes, todo lo de "tú no eres mi gemelo".
I didn't know it was still on when I got pull out.
No sabía que estaba activo cuando conseguí salir.
It was selfish, and I don't know why you didn't think of me when you did it.
Ha sido egoísta, y no sé por qué no pensaste en mí cuando lo hiciste.
Of course, I couldn't say much,'cause I didn't know anything about it.
Por supuesto, no pude decir mucho, porque no sabía nada de ello.
I made a pun and I didn't know it.
Hice una broma y no lo sabía.
I didn't know him and you can't prove it.
No lo conocí y usted no puedo probarlo.
But even when I was praying with you, I didn't know it was you.
Pero incluso cuando rezaba a tu lado, no sabía que eras tú.
I knew Walt was hiding something from me, I just didn't know it was this dark.
Sabía que Walt me escondía algo, pero no sabía que era tan turbio.
[Groans] I just didn't know what to say. You say no. I set it up for you perfectly.
Cuando viene el maestro de guitarra de Dottie, a veces lo veo un par de veces de más.
Yeah, I didn't want to be the one to break it off, but I didn't know how it was gonna work with me down here and you all the way up there.
Sí, yo no quiero ser el uno para romper con él, pero yo no sabía cómo iba a trabajar conmigo aquí abajo y todo el camino hasta allí.
- I don't know. She didn't want to burden me with it.
No lo sé, no quería recargarme con ello.
I didn't know what it was!
¡ No sabía lo que era!
Well, I mean, I didn't... I didn't know it was crack, so...
Yo no sabía que era crack.
So it's possible I have a twin I didn't know about.
Que es posible que tenga un gemelo del que no sabía nada.
No, uh, I didn't know that he actually went ahead and sent it.
No, uh, no sabía que el se había adelantado y lo había enviado.
The second it happened, I knew it, but I didn't know they were gonna do it.
Lo supe en el momento que sucedió, pero no sabía que iban a hacerlo.
You know, like I didn't deserve it.
Sabes, como si no lo mereciera.
But I didn't realize how, like, my friend - I have a younger friend who vapes and she told me it's just to kinda, like, calm her. She's like, I barely feel it, you know.
Tengo un amigo joven que vaporea y me dijo que apenas lo nota, le ayuda a dormir.
I... I hated her for what she did to me, but, you know, it didn't replace those other feelings.
La odiaba por lo que me hizo pero, bueno, eso no sustituyó al resto de sentimientos.
That's perfect,'cause I had a free hour next month, and I didn't know what to do with it.
Eso es perfecto, porque tenía una hora libre el próximo mes, y yo no sabía qué hacer con él.
I just... I didn't want to believe it, you know?
Es que no lo quería creer, ¿ sabes?
You know, it's one of the reasons why I didn't want to come back.
Sabes, esa es una de las razones por las que no quería volver.
You know, I used to think that you didn't have it in you man, but no, that's not it.
Sabes, solía pensar que no estaba dentro de ti, pero no, no es eso.
You know, I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now looking back on it, I guess she could be a serial...
Sabes, no creí nada de ello en el momento, pero, ahora mirando en retrospectiva, supongo que podría ser una ase...
I didn't want to bum her out, so I figured if I played along with it... you know, it would lead to some mind-blowing sex, which I was totally right about.
No quería desilusionarla, así que pensé que si le seguía la corriente ya sabes, daría lugar a un poco de sexo alucinante, - a lo cual tenía totalmente la razón. - ¡ Papá, papá!
It's not like I didn't know you did porn.
Como si no supiera que hiciste porno.
I didn't know my father and it sucked.
Yo no conocí a mi padre y fue una mierda.
I didn't know it cost them their lives.
No sabía que les costaría la vida.
I hope it brings you some peace to know your daughter didn't kill the twins.
Espero que te tranquilice saber que tu hija no mató a las gemelas.
He thought I knew about it and I just didn't care, that I was being, you know, same old Jimbo.
Pensaba que lo sabía y que me daba igual, era ser, bueno, el mismo viejo Jimbo.
And it was like I was being asked to cover up something I didn't know anything about.
Y fue como que me pedían que encubriera algo de lo que no sabía nada.
I just didn't know if I should bring my sack - with the big dollar sign on it.
Solo que no sabía... si debía llevar la bolsa con el símbolo de dólar.
I didn't even know I wanted to be a detective until I actually started doing it. I mean,
No sabía ni que quería ser detective hasta que empecé a hacerlo de verdad.
I didn't know about it!
¡ No lo sabía!
Um, well, you know, I had a birthday party once, and I said I didn't want any presents, but I got them anyway, and I totally loved it.
Bueno, sabes, tuve un cumpleaños, donde dije que no quería regalos, pero de todos modos me dieron, y me encantó.
I know I can be a gossip, but they didn't hear it from me.
Sé que puedo ser chismoso, pero yo no fui.

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