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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't know it was you

I didn't know it was you tradutor Espanhol

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At that time, I was interested in capturing an event because I didn't know any better and that was the language of the period... something happened in space and time, you try to be there and make an interesting shape, any picture about it.
En ese tiempo, yo estaba interesado en capturar un evento porque no conocía nada mejor, y ese era el lenguaje del período... Algo ocurre en el espacio y el tiempo, tratas de estar ahí y de obtener una imagen interesante, alguna foto de eso.
I didn't know what was going on... and he went so quick... and well, you know, those things happen... and, gosh, I'm sorry about it.
No sabía qué estaba sucediendo... y todo pasó tan rápido... y sabes que esas cosas pasan... y lo siento mucho.
You may remember that when I put him on the stand. He didn't know what day of the week it was.
Recuerden que cuando le interrogué,... no sabía ni que día de la semana era!
- I didn't know it was you.
- Me ha asustado.
- Mac, I didn't know it was you.
- Mac, no sabía que eras tú.
- I saw you in hurdle! - No you didn't! I know it isn't easy to believe, but what you really saw wasn't a man of flesh and blood at all, it was...
- No, y sé que es difícil de creer, pero no era un hombre de carne y hueso, era...
I didn't know it was you, but I fell in love with you again and I'm not going to lose you again.
No sabía que eras tú... pero me enamoré de ti otra vez... y no te perderé de nuevo. Nunca más. No quiero vivir más sin ti, Mary.
She's in love, but I didn't know it was you
Está enamorada, pero no sabía era de ti.
Oh, Sherry, honestly, I didn't know it was you.
¡ No sabía que aquella chica eras tú!
I didn't know it was you.
No sabía que erais vosotros.
However, before I go, I want to tell you that maybe I was wrong the other night. But I didn't know it at the time.
Pero, antes de que me vaya, quiero decirte que quizá estuve mal la otra noche.
- I didn't know it was you, boss. I'm sorry.
- No sabía que era usted, jefe.
You know, Linda, I was offered a chance to do something unselfish tonight, and I didn't take it.
Sabes, Linda... tuve la oportunidad de ser generoso, y no la aproveché.
You see, I didn't want you to know that I was so extravagant, and I suppose it was awfully foolish of me to try to tell you...
¿ Sabe? No quería que supieran que soy muy extravagante y supongo que fue estúpido por mi parte decírselo.
I didn't know it was you.
No sabía que eras tú.
Gee, Mr Merlin, I didn't know it was you. I thought it was a customer.
Le he tomado por un cliente.
You know, I was just thinking the buffalo wouldn't be so badly off if it didn't have such a one-track mind.
Estaba pensando que el búfalo no estaría tan mal si no fuera tan obstinado.
I must have loved you for years, only I was such a stupid fool I didn't know it.
Debo haberte amado durante años, pero fui tan tonta que no lo sabía.
You know, I didn't think it was possible.
Sabes, no creo que sea posible.
I guess you other fellows didn't know it was so late either, huh?
Y ustedes tampoco se habían dado cuenta, ¿ verdad?
It was hard enough getting me to marry you before, and I didn't know you.
Te resultó difícil hacer que me casara contigo antes, y ni te conocía. Pero ahora sí.
What good was that? I came back, didn't I? You've bossed me all my life and now you know it hasn't done any good.
Me obligaste a irme una vez, y puedo volver de nuevo.
I'm telling you he didn't know who he was buying it for.
Insinúo que no sabía para quién lo compraba.
I didn't know it was you.
No sabía que fuera ud.
I didn't even knock. How did you know it was me...
¿ Como supo usted que sería yo?
- Dr Ackroyd, I didn't know it was you.
- Dr. Ackroyd, no sabía que fuera usted.
You know, I didn't believe it was possible. What, darling?
No creí que fuera posible.
I didn't know it was so much. You must believe me.
Pero es que... yo no sabía que debiese dese hace tanto tiempo.
Oh, Alexei. If I was a little unjust, you know I didn't mean it.
Si he sido injusta contigo, no fue con intención.
I didn't say there was anything wrong in it. I just thought you'd want to know.
Yo no he dicho que haya nada malo, pensé que querrías saberlo.
You know, I didn't realize it was getting so late.
No sabía que fuera tan tarde.
I still can't understand it, though. You know, I didn't tell anybody I was coming here.
Sigo sin entenderlo, te repito que no le he dicho a nadie que venía aquí.
I didn't know you'd come back. When I saw you in the café, I first thought it was bad luck.
Cuando te vi entrar al café, pensé que era un mal momento.
Coatl. I didn't know it was you who ran away.
No sabía que eras tú el que había huido.
He lied to you. lf he was here, I didn't know about it.
Le mintió. Si estuvo aquí, yo no me di cuenta.
There was a reason you didn't try to follow it, and you and I know it.
Usted no lo siguió por una razón, y ambos la sabemos.
I didn't know he was having one, but I came to dance it with you.
No sabía que hubiese ninguno, pero lo bailaré contigo.
Naciste para ser bandido.
I didn't know you were working here. I wouldn't have bothered you, Johnny unless it was absolutely
No te habría molestado si no hubiese sido absolutamente necesario.
I didn't know what your name was in the dream. But it was you.
No sabía que tu nombre estaba en ese sueño, pero eras tú.
- Excuse me. I didn't know it was you.
- Perdone, no sabía que fuera usted.
I didn't know it was there. I'm quite sure you didn't.
- No sabía que estuviera ahí.
I thought you said you didn't know who it was.
Pensé que había dicho que no sabía quien era.
I know it's my fault, Mr Fay. You see, I had those two men right under my nose but I didn't follow them. I was too busy giving my name and address to someone.
No pude seguir a esos tipos porque estaba dando a alguien mi nombre y dirección.
You see, I didn't know it was a storage closet.
Verá, no sabía que era un armario de trastos.
Of course, I didn't know it was you.
Por supuesto, no sabía que era usted.
- I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you.
¡ No sabía que eras tú! ¿ Cuándo aprenderás a pelearte con los de tu talla?
You thought I didn't know where it was.
Creías que no sabía dónde estaba.
I didn't know it was you. Why didn't you say something?
No sabía que era Ud. ¿ Cómo es que no dijo nada?
I heard that jinx had been wished on somebody, but I didn't know it was you.
Había oído que le habían echado la maldición a alguien, pero no sabía que eras tú.
I think you ought to know that it didn't take me long after we were married to realise what was wrong.
Al poco de casarnos vi que en nuestro matrimonio algo iba mal.

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