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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't know that

I didn't know that tradutor Espanhol

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Come on, you know that I've always believed that you would do great things, even when you didn't believe it.
Vamos, sabes que siempre he creyó que haría grandes cosas, incluso cuando que no lo creía.
Okay, well, I didn't know that.
No lo sabía.
I didn't even know that could happen.
Ni siquiera pensaba que eso era posible.
I didn't know about that.
No lo sabía.
You know I didn't know that.
Tú sabes que yo no lo sé.
I know this is asking a lot, but we wouldn't come to you if Reddington didn't believe that this Djinn might be helpful in clearing my name.
Sé que esto es pedir mucho, pero no nos vendrá a ti si Reddington no creía que este Djinn podría ser útil en la limpieza de mi nombre.
Y-you know, Piggy, I-I-I didn't want to have to come out - and say it, but... - [Groans]... but what's really going on here is that, um, you're too special.
Sabes, Piggy, no quería venir y decirlo, pero... pero lo que realmente está pasando es que... eres muy especial.
I-I didn't know that.
No lo sabía.
And I remember that my heart was beating so fast, Max, then my imagination just started going wild, I was thinking, oh, gosh, what if someone's trying to break in or maybe it's a bear, or Bigfoot, or, I didn't know!
Y recuerdo que mi corazón latía tan rápido, Max, entonces mi imaginación solo se aloco, y estaba pensando, oh, Dios mío, ¿ qué pasa si alguien está tratando de meterse... o tal vez es un oso, o un Pie Grande,
I wanted to make sure that you didn't grow up like me, you know, with nothing.
Quería asegurarme de que no crecías como yo, ya sabes, sin nada.
I didn't mean that, I just meant, it's good, you know?
No quería decir eso, me refería a que está bien, ¿ me entiendes?
I didn't even know I knew that word!
¡ Ni siquiera sabía que conocía esa palabra!
You know I didn't mean it that way.
Sabes que no quería decir eso.
I-I didn't have to know Victor to know that the single hardest thing for him...
Yo no tenía que conocer a Victor para saber que la cosa mas dificil para el...
I didn't even think that after we broke up that he would, you know, make that profile and put those photos up there.
Jamás pensé que luego de romper él crearía un perfil falso y publicaría las fotos.
Wow. I didn't even know that and gave you my udon. Udon!
Ni siquiera sabía eso y te di mi udon. ¡ Udon!
- What? Wow. Honey, no, all I'm saying is, that if that didn't just make a baby, I don't know what will.
Cariño, no, todo lo que estoy diciendo es, que si esto simplemente no hizo un bebé, no sé qué lo hará.
I didn't even know that was a thing.
Yo ni siquiera sabía que era una cosa.
Now, look, I'm not saying that he didn't make a mistake, but you know that there is not a monstrous bone in his body.
No estoy diciendo que no cometiera un error, pero sabes que no tiene ni un hueso de monstruo en su cuerpo.
You know I didn't mean it that way.
Sabes que no quería decirlo así.
Yeah, but I didn't buy that sob story, so I just took her phone when she wasn't looking, and I called my cousin, you know, the 15-year-old, and she told me about "H.A.S."
Sí, pero no me creo esa historia llorosa, así que le cogí el teléfono cuando no estaba mirando, y llamé a mi primo, ya sabes, el de 15 años, y me contó lo de "S.S.".
I married a man that I didn't really know.
Me casé con un hombre al que en realidad no conocía.
I was a scrawny little sport climbing kid, you know, I didn't, I didn't belong in the mountains like that.
Yo era un escalador pequeño y flacucho, no eran para mí las montañas en ese sentido.
Honnold : Tommy told me that he wanted to climb the Fitz Traverse. I didn't even know what that means exactly.
Tommy me dijo que quería escalar la travesía del Fitz, no sé lo que eso significa exactamente.
First I didn't know what it meant. But then I realized that every photo has a number hidden within it.
Primero no sabía lo que esto significaba, pero entonces descubrí que en cada foto hay un número oculto dentro de ella.
What they didn't know is that he was beating me, because I covered up for him again and again.
Lo que ellos no sabían es que me latía, Porque me tapé para él una y otra vez.
I'm adopted, and no we're no talking about it, but yes, it means I have personal feelings about this issue, which I would consider putting aside if I didn't know that this was just Wes and his crazy.
Yo soy adoptada, y no estamos hablando de ninguna, pero sí, Significa que tengo sentimientos personales sobre este tema, Que yo considerar poner a un lado
I know how you feel, Catherine,'cause there's nothing scarier than being accused of something that you didn't do.
Sé cómo te sientes, Catherine, porque no hay nada que dé más miedo que ser acusada de algo que no hiciste.
I saw them go up there, and I didn't do anything, and... Maybe that says a lot about me, about how stupid I was and how stupid I am, but I didn't know they were gonna do that.
Los vi ir allí arriba y no hice nada, y quizás eso dice mucho sobre mí, sobre lo estúpido que fui y lo estúpido que soy, pero no sabía que iba a hacer eso.
Does it make sense that a weird kid like that came into our village yet you and I didn't know?
¿ Tiene sentido que un tipo raro como ese entrara... en nuestro pueblo y tú y yo aún no lo supiéramos?
- I didn't know that.
- No lo sabía.
You know, obviously, I voted for what the orchestra asked for, but unfortunately, that didn't work out.
Usted sabe, obviamente, voté por lo que pidió a la orquesta para, pero, por desgracia, que no funcionó.
Did you know that I almost didn't wear this shirt today?
¿ Sabías que casi no me pongo esta camiseta hoy?
I hadn't... uh, I didn't know if you'd be okay with that.
No sabía si te parecería bien.
I didn't know that they were planning to switch schools.
No sabía que estaban planeando cambiar las escuelas.
I didn't know Vanessa felt that way about me.
No sabía que Vanessa pensaba asi de mi.
I didn't know that was possible.
Yo no sabía que era posible.
You didn't say on your profile that this is what you were into,... you know what I mean?
En tu perfil no decías que te iba este rollo, ¿ sabes?
And don't give me that business about bonding, because Joe didn't even know I was there.
Y no me vengas con eso de entablar lazos, porque Joe ni siquiera sabía que estaba allí.
Well, I didn't know if that razor made it to the next town.
No sabía si el filo llegaría a la otra ciudad.
You know, I've, uh, been hiding out in that Gremlin for, like, ten years now... from something, turns out, I didn't even do.
Usted sabe, yo tengo, eh, ha escondido en que Gremlin para, como, diez años... de algo, resulta que ni siquiera hago.
I didn't know that. Where are you working?
No lo sabía. ¿ Dónde estás trabajando?
I didn't know that you were down here.
No sabía que estabas aquí abajo.
I want you to know that I didn't forget about him.
Quiero que sepas que no me he olvidado de él.
Yeah, I know that you didn't get a good look at the suspect, but we're holding a line-up, and so if you could just take a look.
Sí, yo sé que usted no recibió una buena mirada en el sospechoso, pero estamos sosteniendo un line-up, y por lo que si usted podría echar un vistazo.
♪ Didn't you know that I'm a good person?
♪ ¿ No sabes que soy una buena persona?
I didn't know that.
No sabía eso.
How do I know that you didn't call her from a landline?
¿ Cómo sé que no la has llamado desde un teléfono fijo?
I didn't know you felt that way about me.
No sabía que te sentías lo mismo por mí.
Fatt didn't know that I entered his house!
¡ Fai no sabía que entré a su casa!
I didn't know how much harm it would do, but in my heart I knew that there was something wrong with doing that.
No sabía cuánto daño haría, pero en mi corazón, yo sabía que había algo malo en hacer eso.

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