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I didn't know what it was tradutor Espanhol

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I like this photograph, it's maybe one of my favourite photographs because I didn't know what I was doing.
Me gusta esta fotografía, quizás una de mis fotografías favoritas porque no sé qué estaba haciendo.
I didn't know what it was like to die before.
No sabía cómo era morir.
I didn't know what was going on... and he went so quick... and well, you know, those things happen... and, gosh, I'm sorry about it.
No sabía qué estaba sucediendo... y todo pasó tan rápido... y sabes que esas cosas pasan... y lo siento mucho.
I didn't know exactly what the end was to be, but... it wasn't very hard to guess.
No sabía exactamente cómo iba a ser el final, pero... no era muy difícil de adivinar.
You may remember that when I put him on the stand. He didn't know what day of the week it was.
Recuerden que cuando le interrogué,... no sabía ni que día de la semana era!
Ni siquiera sabía que estaba haciendo hasta que fue demasiado tarde.
- I saw you in hurdle! - No you didn't! I know it isn't easy to believe, but what you really saw wasn't a man of flesh and blood at all, it was...
- No, y sé que es difícil de creer, pero no era un hombre de carne y hueso, era...
I was feeling when he saved my life but I just didn't know what it was then.
Sentí algo cuando me salvó Ia vida, pero no supe qué era entonces.
It was too small for a basketball, and I didn't know what to do with it.
De balón no me servía y no sabía qué hacer con ella.
What good was that? I came back, didn't I? You've bossed me all my life and now you know it hasn't done any good.
Me obligaste a irme una vez, y puedo volver de nuevo.
D.A.'S acting on it now. Well, I didn't know what was in those specifications.
Yo no sabía nada.
I didn't even know what it was.
Yo ni siquiera sabía lo que era.
We only just met yesterday, and I don't know, it didn't seem to make any difference what his name was.
Nos conocimos ayer, y no sé, no me importó cómo se llamase.
You know, I didn't believe it was possible. What, darling?
No creí que fuera posible.
I didn't know what it was.
No sabía muy bien qué.
I didn't know what to think. It was all a lie she told about my leaving...
Era mentira que me fuera.
I don't know what he said, but it didn't sound like he was inviting me to a picnic.
No sé lo que dijo, pero no sonaba como una invitación a un picnic. ¿ Qué dijo?
I didn't know what your name was in the dream. But it was you.
No sabía que tu nombre estaba en ese sueño, pero eras tú.
I didn't know until it was too late what kind of a dirty racket he was in.
No supe qué tipo de delincuente era hasta que fue demasiado tarde.
I woke up today and didn't know what day it was - it bothers me.
Me molesta despertarme y no saber en qué día estamos.
It all happened so fast, I didn't know what I was doing.
Todo ocurrió tan deprisa. No sabía lo que hacía.
I didn't know what it was.
No sabía qué era.
I didn't know what I was going to say until after I'd said it.
No sabía qué iba a decir hasta que lo he dicho.
I think you ought to know that it didn't take me long after we were married to realise what was wrong.
Al poco de casarnos vi que en nuestro matrimonio algo iba mal.
Not that it matters, Paul, but I didn't know that Harry was what he is.
Ya sé que ya no importa, Paul. Pero, no sabía que Harry es lo que es.
Of course, she didn't know what it was all about, but I knew.
Claro que ella no sabía de qué iba todo, pero yo sí.
Yes, you told me that. I didn't know what it was like... for a man to make his living by his gun, walking the streets, a living target.
Si, eso me dijistes, no sabia lo que era... para un hombre el vivir de su revolver, caminando las calles, como un blanco viviente.
Right away I knew somebody was in trouble. What I didn't know was that it was me.
Eso ya me ha hecho pensar que iba a haber problemas.
At first, I didn't know... what it was that brought me home.
Al principio no sabía qué era lo que me traía a casa.
I don't know what to say to her. I remember I didn't know anything about death or it didn't touch me closely until I was much older. Rhoda is 8.
¿ Cómo se lo diré a Rhoda?
Now look, Edward, I don't know what's come over you... but Mrs. Rath was pretty confused toward the end, and you know it. She didn't even know what she had to leave.
Mira, Edward, no entiendo qué te sucede... pero la Sra. Rath estaba muy confundida al final y tú lo sabes.
I didn't know what time it was
No sabía qué hora era
I didn't know what day it was
No sabía qué día era
Alone I didn't know what time it was
Soy sólo tuya No sabía qué hora era
I didn't know what it was like.
Yo no sabía lo que era eso.
I didn't know what it was, so I went to see the doctor...
No sabía lo que era. Por eso fui a ver al doctor..
I didn't know what time it was.
No sabía qué hora era.
At first, I didn't know if it was what you were gonna pay me or my Social Security number.
Al principio, no sabía si era lo que me iba a pagar o mi número de la Seguridad Social.
It was like a dream, I didn't know what to think.
No, era como un sueño, no sabía qué pensar.
That's what they all say, "I didn't know it was loaded."
Eso es lo que dicen todos : "No sabía que estaba cargada."
I didn't know what it was.
No sé lo que era.
I didn't think it was John, because what does he know?
Nunca creí que fuera John porque, ¿ qué sabe él?
- I didn't know what it was.
- No sabía qué era.
- It was right after the accident,..... I was full of sedatives, I didn't know what I was saying.
- Fue justo después del accidente, estaba hasta arriba de calmantes, no sabía lo que decía.
At work, I can not concentrate anymore and as I didn? t know what to think, I thought it was better to tell you everything
En el trabajo ya no puedo concentrarme, y como no sabía qué pensar, deduje que lo mejor era decírselo todo.
And I was dreaming of something and I heard the sounds coming and I didn't know what it was and it frightened me.
Y estaba soñando y oí los sonidos. Y no sabía qué era y me asusté.
- I didn't know what it was at the time, but I dashed off a copy of that list in pencil.
Sí. No sabía lo que era, pero hice una copia a lápiz.
I didn't know what it was... until old Quinlen made it important by not letting me go without a shootout.
No supe qué eran... hasta que Quinlen les dio importancia no dejándome ir sin un tiroteo.
I saw this dimple in my chin and didn't know what it was.
Yo veía este pozo en mi barbilla y no sabía qué era.
I didn't know what it was.
No supe qué era.
You see, I... I didn't get the chance to... discuss it with him properly - you know what he was.
Verás, yo... no tuve la oportunidad de... discutir con él correctamente.

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