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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't know you were

I didn't know you were tradutor Espanhol

4,587 parallel translation
I didn't know you were such a quitter.
- No sabía que te dabas por vencido tan fácil
I didn't know you were coming here tonight.
No sabía que venías hoy.
I didn't know you were allergic to me.
No sabía que eras alérgica a mí.
Dad, I-I didn't know you were back.
Papá, yo-yo no sabía que habías vuelto.
Hey, Baymax. I didn't know you were still active.
Baymax, no sabía que aún estabas activo.
I didn't know you were thinking about going to college.
No sabía que querías ir a la universidad.
Oh, I didn't even know you were into that kind of thing.
Ni siquiera sabía que te gustaba eso.
I'm so sorry, Alice, I didn't know, you guys were on a break - - - Ow!
Lo siento mucho, Alice, Yo no sabía, ustedes estaban en un descanso ¡ Ay!
I didn't know who the fuck you were.
Yo no sabía ¿ Quién coño estabas.
I didn't know you were in danger, that he was going to hurt you.
Yo no sabía estabas en peligro, que va hacerte daño.
I didn't know you were gonna make it.
No sabía si llegarías.
Honey, I didn't know if you were... coming home last night, and...
Querido, no sabía si anoche ibas a regresar y...
I didn't know you guys were dating and now I feel awkward.
No sabía que salían y ahora me siento raro.
I would've let you know we were coming, but I didn't plan this.
Debería haberle avisado de que veníamos, pero no lo planeé.
- I didn't know you were...
- No sabía que usted estaba...
I didn't know you were...
¡ Doctor Quirke! No sabía que estuviera...
I didn't know you were coming.
No sabía que vendrías.
She got angry because I said that you were a good man and she didn't know what that meant.
Se enojó porque le dije que eras un buen hombre, y no sabía qué quería decir con eso.
I didn't know you were here tonight.
No sabía que estabas aquí.
I didn't even know you were dating.
Ni siquiera sabía que estuvieses saliendo.
I didn't even know you were going.
Ni siquiera sabía que ibas a ir.
I didn't know you were in town.
No sabía que estaba en la ciudad.
I didn't know if you were gonna cry or puke.
No sabía si ibas a llorar o a vomitar.
I didn't know you were a poet.
No sabía que eras un poeta.
I saw your boat. I didn't know you were up.
Vi tu bote. ¡ No sabía que estabas haciendo!
I didn't really know you were coming home early.
No tenía idea de que volverías antes.
I didn't realise you were, you know, exclusive.
No me di cuenta de que eran, ya saben, exclusivos.
I didn't know you were into acting.
Yo no sabía que estabas en la actuación.
You know, I had a feeling you'd be arriving any day because they didn't seem that bothered with me anymore and I had begun to suspect that they were going to replace me with the real thing.
Sabes, yo presentía tu llegada. Porque ya no me prestaban tanta atención y sospeché que me iban a reemplazar por el verdadero.
I didn't even know you were coming.
Yo ni siquiera sabía que vendrías.
If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were starting to sound like a proud mum.
Si no la conociera, yo diría que está empezando a parecer una madre orgullosa.
I didn't know you were keeping a blowjob tab.
No sabía que guardabas un registro.
I didn't know you were in Württemberg.
No sabía que estabas en Württemberg.
Many, I didn't know you were home.
Marty, no sabía que estabas en casa.
I didn't know you were in that much pain.
No sabía cuánto estabas sufriendo.
I know you didn't like carsen and Mikey, but they were my brothers.
Sé que no te caían bien Carsen y Mikey. Pero eran mis hermanos.
I didn't know you were coming.
Yo no sabía que venías.
Mr. Harker, I didn't know you were still here.
Señor Harker, no sabía que aún estaba aquí.
I didn't know you were coming.
No sabía que ibas a venir.
I didn't know you were gonna tell me who I could hang out with... when you said I could stay here. I've seen it time and time again. Wow.
Lo he visto una y otra vez.
I didn't know you were here.
No sabía que ibas a estar aquí.
I didn't know you were here.
Yo no sabía que ibas a estar aquí.
I'm sorry. There are so many new people here, they didn't know who you were.
Perdone, tenemos mucha gente nueva.
I didn't even know you were chefs.
No sabía que eran chefs.
I knew you were away on business, but I didn't know you were in Dallas.
Sabía que estabas en un viaje de negocios. pero no sabía que estabas en Dallas.
Trying to help, or were you running away? I didn't know, all right?
¿ Qué vamos a hacer?
Since I didn't know what you were wearing.
Porque no sabía qué vestirían.
I was standing there, I didn't know where you were.
Esperaba allí. No sabía dónde estabas.
I didn't know you were joining us for lunch, pal. Super.
Yo no sabía que estaba uniendo a nosotros para el almuerzo, amigo súper
I didn't know you two were close.
No sabía que fuerais íntimos.
I didn't know you were here.
No sabía que estuvieras aquí.

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