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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't mean to hurt her

I didn't mean to hurt her tradutor Espanhol

81 parallel translation
- I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
No quise herir sus sentimientos.
Selim, you're quite amorous, for a eunuch my heart was not trimmed i didn't mean to hurt you i've not only told you about her ;
Para ser un eunuco, ¿ no eres demasiado entusiasta? Mi corazón no fue cortado. - No tenía intención de herirte.
- I didn't mean to hurt her.
- No pretendía ofenderla.
I didn't mean to kill her, I didn't mean to hurt her.
Yo no quería matarla, no quería hacerle daño.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quise herirla.
- I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
No quise lastimar sus sentimientos.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No fue mi intención herirla.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quería lastimarla.
- "I didn't mean to hurt her, she made me lose my mind". - Hey, lemme see that!
- "No quise hacerle daño a ella, ella me hizo perderla mente".-Oye, déjame ver eso!
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quer � a hacerle da � o a ella.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quería hacerle daño.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quise lastimarla.
I didn't mean to hurt her, Dad.
No quise lastimarla, papá.
- I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. - She'll be okay.
- No quise herir sus sentimientos.
- I Ioved her, man. I didn't mean to hurt her, man.
No quería hacerle daño.
I may have been impulsive but I didn't mean to hurt her.
Pude hasta haber sido impulsivo, pero no quise lastimarla.
I didn't mean to hurt her, I swear.
No quería hacerle daño, lo juro.
Didn't mean to hurt her, I didn't.
No quise lastimarla.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
Yo no quería hacerle daño...
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quería herirla.
I don't blame him. / You know he didn't mean to hurt her.
- No lo culpo. - Sabe que él no quiso herirla.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No era mi intención lastimarla.
I didn't really mean - I didn't want to hurt her.
No quise no quería lastimarla.
Jeanne must be going through hell. I didn't mean to hurt her. What other option was there?
Jeanne debe estar pasándola mal no era mi intención lastimarla que otra opción había?
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quise hacerle daño.
Please, I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quise hacerle daño.
I didn't want to see her get hurt, but then I looked at her young and shiny face not beaten down yet by busted dryers and mean bosses with guns...
No quería verla frustrada. Pero al ver su radiante cara inocente sin que la vida y los jefes crueles la hubieran golpeado todavía.
Oh, don't worry. This whole place is going to go up like a torch. - I didn't mean to hurt her.
Oh, no se preocupe, este lugar completo va a arder como una antorcha.
[Cameron] I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
No quise herir sus sentimientos.
I just told her that you didn't mean to hurt me.
Sólo le dije que no quisiste lastimarme.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No fue mi intención dañarla.
I didn't mean to hurt her, if that's what happened.
No pretendía herirla, si eso es lo que pasó.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quise matarla.
I didn't-I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quería hacerle daño.
I... certainly didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
Yo... de verdad que no pretendía herir sus sentimientos.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No pretendía herirla.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No quiero hacerle daño.
I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt her.
David, he hecho algo terrible.
I didn't mean to hurt her, because she's a very good lady dragon.
No quise hacerle daño, porque ella es una muy buena dragona.
I didn't mean to hurt her feelings.
- No quise hacerle daño.
As for Anne-Marie... I didn't mean to hurt her.
En cuanto a Anne-Marie no era mi intención hacerle daño.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
- No quería herirla.
I didn't mean to hurt her.
No era mi intención hacerle daño.
I didn't mean to hurt her, Franky.
No quería hacerle daño, Franky.
I didn't mean to hurt her, Mr. Donovan ; I swear.
No quise hacerle daño, Señor Donovan, lo juro.
I didn't mean to hurt her!
¡ Yo no le haría daño!
I didn't mean to hurt her, either.
Tampoco quise lastimarla.
I didn't mean to hurt her.'
No quise hacerle daño ".
I didn't mean to hurt her, please.
Yo no quería hacerle daño, por favor.
I didn't mean to hurt her. ( crying ) So Jewel and Natasha had a fight in the dressing, that much we know.
No era mi intención hacerle daño.
I didn't mean for her to get hurt.
No se lo dije para lastimarla.

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