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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't see you there

I didn't see you there tradutor Espanhol

540 parallel translation
I didn't see anything up there that you could've tripped on.
No hay nada allí.
I didn't see you there. Did you whore around with anyone?
No he visto gkomenises con alguien?
Drake. Now, there are one or two points I suppose you didn't happen to see mrs.
Supongo que no vio a la Sra. Druce y a la Srta. Baring salir del teatro juntas anoche.
Oh, thank you. I didn't see it there.
Gracias, no la había visto.
It's too bad I didn't see you there.
Qué lástima que no te vi allí.
I didn't want to see you hurt but there it is.
No quería decir lo que sentía por Ud.
I just been along there, I didn't see you.
Pues yo estuve allí y no le he visto.
Sorry, Captain. I didn't see you there.
Perdón, no le había visto.
I didn't come to the Hall to see you. I didn't know you were there.
No fui a verle a usted.
Gee whiz, I didn't expect to see you, Mr. Ballantine. Hey there.
Dios, no me esperaba verle, Sr. Ballantine.
Oh, I beg your pardon. I didn't see you coming back there.
Oh, perdone, no le vi venir.
Ah, I didn't see you there. Speed!
Ah, no le había visto ¡ Rapidez!
You see there was one thing I didn't bargain for in our relationship.
Hay una cosa con la que no contaba en nuestra relación.
You see, there is no-one else I could go to. I didn't know what to do.
No sabía a quién recurrir... ni qué hacer.
I didn't see anyone... of course, you stay there only smoking!
Yo no he visto a nadie... ¡ Claro, está ahí fumando tan tranquila!
I didn't see you get on back there.
No te vi subir.
I'm sorry. I didn't see you up there.
Perdone, no la vi.
It's difficult to understand... but, see, you weren't there, you didn't see him like I did, Sid.
Es difícil de entender... pero tú no estuviste ahí, no lo viste como yo, Sid.
It would be pretty Much u n heard of. You see, If i didn't get in there At precisely m i dnight, Then the whole Timetable would Be upset.
Si no estoy ahí precisamente a la media noche,... se arruinaría todo el itinerario.
You see, down where I was... I didn't know what was going on out there. Nobody ever told me anything.
Allá abajo no me enteraba de lo que pasaba aquí afuera.
Hey, Shelly, I didn't see you there, now.
Shelly, no te había visto.
- I didn't see you there. What'll you have?
- No sabía que estabas aquí.
There's no need for me to see him. Didn't I tell you to expect all kinds?
No necesito verlo. ¿ No le dije que espere toda clase de personas?
I didn't see you there.
No te veía.
I didn't want to hurt you but there's so many things that you don't see...
No quería hacerle daño pero hay tantas cosas... de las que no se da cuenta, que no las ve.
But if you were there, why didn't I see you?
- Pero si estuviste allí, no te he visto..?
- You never said. Was Marina there? - No, I didn't see Marina.
- No me lo dijiste. ¿ Estaba Marina?
You didn't see anything, did you? No, but I think there's something going on here.
- No, pero creo que aquí pasa algo.
- I didn't see you there...
- No la había visto...
Because when I looked into the crate, you know, I didn't see it in there.
Pero, ¿ qué pasó con el revólver de culata nacarada? Cuando miré dentro de la caja, no lo vi.
You didn't see me in there because I left before you got in there.
Ud. No me vio ahí adentro porque me fui antes de que Ud. llegara.
You know, when I look back at it, I know now that it was all there for the seeing, except we didn't see it.
Sabes, cuando miro atrás sé que pudimos haber ganado la guerra.
Didn't I see you walking down... from the top up there?
¿ Acaso no te vi caminando desde allá arriba?
Sorry, sir, I didn't see you there.
Lo siento, señor, no le había visto.
I didn't see you there.
No te ví allí.
I didn't see you there.
No la vi allí.
But I didn't see you there...
Me suena, pero de otro sitio...
I didn't see you there.
No lo vi allí.
I didn't see you do any better up there :
Bueno, tú no lo hiciste mejor :
I know you have no comprehension, sitting there in that chair, and I wouldn't believe it myself, if I didn't see it with my own eyes.
Desde ahí no puede entenderlo, yo tampoco lo haría, si no lo estuviera pasando.
I didn't expect to see you until Wimbledon. Assuming there'll be a Wimbledon.
No esperaba verte hasta Wimbledon... si es que se jugará Wimbledon.
There're no fractures, but I don't understand why the hell you didn't see the doctor when you were in Paris.
Bueno, no hay fracturas. Pero no entiendo por qué no fuiste a un médico en París.
Lewis, I didn't see you there.
Lewis, no te había visto!
When you see the end of things comin'close and staring'at you, it's not what you've done that you regret, it's what you didn't do, And most of all, , that afternoon at the river, when there was nothin'I could do, Will,
Cuando ves el fin de las cosas acercarse, no es lo que hiciste lo que más lamentas, sino lo que dejaste de hacer, Y lo que más lamento es esa tarde en el río, cuando no pude hacer nada por ti, Will,
Because you're much older than the boys I date,'cause you're drunk, and because when I went there tonight to see a United States astronaut give a lecture, I didn't expect him to prowl after us all night long.
Porque usted es mucho mayor, está borracho, y porque cuando fui a oír el discurso de un astronauta americano, no esperaba que él nos acosara toda la noche.
I didn't realize you'd been out there to see him.
- Sí, claro... No sabía que hubieses ido a verle.
Do you think I didn't see that in there?
¿ Crees que no lo he visto?
Jeez, I didn't even see you down there.
Vaya, ni siquiera te vi ahí abajo.
I'm sorry but I didn't see you there.
Lo siento, no te había visto.
But the sad part, you see, my poor ol'mother was sittin'back there... and some other parents... and that old chicken-eating preacher they called Rev. Parks, I didn't like him very well.
Lo triste era que mi pobre madre estaba sentada atrás... igual que otros padres... y ese predicador come-pollo, el reverendo Parks que me caía mal.
Did you know yourself at the time that most of the Jews of Warsaw had already been killed? I did know, but I didn't see anything. I had never heard any description what is happening over there.
Acepté llevarles sus mensajes, y después quisieron informarme de su situación.

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