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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't want to do this

I didn't want to do this tradutor Espanhol

296 parallel translation
I told you I didn't want anything to do with this unless Moto was eliminated.
Te dije que no me involucraría a menos que eliminaran a Moto.
Dad, I didn't want to tell you this, but do you know what she called you?
No quería decírtelo, pero ¿ sabes cómo te describió?
I didn't want to do this.
No quiero hacerlo.
I didn't want it to happen but... there's nothing a guy can do about the real McCoy, and that's what this is.
No deseaba que esto sucediese. No se ir contra el verdadero amor. Eso es lo que siento.
Didn't I tell you? - Do you still want me to hold this sign?
- ¿ Aún quieres que sostenga el cartel?
I didn't want to do this.
Yo no quería hacer esto.
I want to spit out what this lady didn't say, why do you stay mum?
Quiero decir lo que esta señora no ha dicho, ¿ por qué se calla?
I didn't want you to do this.
No queria que hicieras esto.
I didn't want to do it this way, but I order you. Put on their clothes and these wigs.
yo no quería hacerlo de esta manera, pero es una orden se ponen estas ropas y estas pelucas
I said, that I didn't want to have anything to do with this old story
Le dije que no quería saber nada de esa vieja historia.
That I didn't want to have anything to do with this situation
Que no quería tener nada que ver con el asunto.
No quería hacer esto delante de usted otra vez.
Something's wrong, I didn't want to do this.
Algo va mal. No quería hacer esto.
Didn't your father believe... that I had some kind of demonic power over you... that I made you do things you didn't want to do... for example, write this letter?
¿ No creyó tu padre... que yo tenía algún tipo de poder diabólico sobre ti, que te hice hacer cosas que no querías hacer... por ejemplo, escribir esta can'ta?
I told you I didn't want you to do this.
Te dije que no quiero que hagas esto.
I didn't want her to do this.
No quería que hiciera esto.
I really didn't want to do this one nude, but you know...
Yo realmente no quiero hacer esto nude, pero ya sabes...
- No, I do. I really do. You know, I didn't want to bring it up this morning and depress you... but I have seen Springsteen in concert.
No quería mencionarlo esta mañana y deprimirte... pero he visto a Springsteen en vivo.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pull rank on you. I didn't want to have to do this.
Me temo que voy a tener que ejercer mi autoridad, no quería hacerlo.
You are a tough motherfucker I don't want to talk to you any more Move on from this shit about blackmail and Sunny because the reality situation is I didn't do it
eres muy duro no quiero seguir hablando contigo olvida eso del chantaje sobre sunny porque yo no la mate que puedo decir me has juzgado mal no lo creo se acabo estoy cansado de esta mierda oye que hay de chans?
Not this time, because I didn't do anything. And I want to hear you say it. What, Al?
Entonces si me das el cuerpo de Bella podemos olvidarnos de todo ésto.
I didn't want to do this until it was absolutely necessary, but, uh, sit down.
No quería hacer esto hasta que fuese absolutamente necesario, pero, uh, siéntate.
I want all that stuff out! I didn't want him to do any of this!
Quiero todo eso fuera de aquí.
All right, I didn't want to do this, but I have no choice.
Bien, no quería hacer esto, pero no me queda elección.
Rachel, I didn't want to have to do this.
Rachel, no quería hacer esto.
Okay, I didn't want to have to do this.
Ok, No quería tener que hacer esto.
I didn't want to do it, but everyone was partying because we had just won this school competition thing.
Yo no quería hacerlo, pero todos estaban festejando porque ganamos una competencia de la escuela.
You know, I didn't want to do this, but you kinda forced my hand.
Verás, no quería hacer esto, pero no me dejas opción.
I didn't want to have to ask you, but... You're the only person who can do this.
pero... eres la única persona que puede hacerlo.
Now, I didn't want to do this, but it's part of the assignment.
Yo no queria hacer esto, pero es parte de la tarea.
Mother said I didn't have to do this Klingon stuff if I didn't want to.
Mamá me dijo que no hacía falta que siguiera las tradiciones klingon.
I didn't even want to do this.
Ni siquiera quería hacer esto.
food for the soul or the mind so i decided to be a stage director than a scene painter but entering this course required a degree in another field i didn't want to study history polish or sociology i wanted to do something related to stage directing
Alimento para el alma, o la mente. Así pues, decidí ser director teatral mejor que pintor de decorados. Pero ingresar en ese curso, requería un título de licenciado en otro campo.
I told you I didn't want to do it this way.
Te dije que no quería hacerlo de esta manera.
I didn't want to do this.
No quería hacerlo.
I told you I didn't want anything to do with this.
Te dije que no quería tener nada que ver con esto.
I didn't want to have to do this.
No quería tener que hacer esto. pero ¿ Qué se le va a hacer?
Mira, no quería hacer esto aquí, porque no hablé con Mike todavía de eso, pero Mike y yo no sólo estamos saliendo.
I didn't want to do this before you described it.
Quería hacer esto, antes de que lo describieras.
I didn't want to do this today, but I want a divorce, Birdee.
No quería hacer esto hoy, pero quiero el divorcio.
Look, I know you didn't want me to do this but,
Mira, sé que no quieres que haga esto pero...
Grams, I really didn't want to get into this since I only just got here and I'm kind of prone to headaches and all but I don't do well with the church and the Bible and this prayer stuff.
Sabes abuela, no quiero entrar en esto, sabes y no se me dan las cosas de la iglesia la biblia y las oraciones.
Do you mind if I say : "This is the movie Frank Black didn't want you to see"?
¿ Le molesta si digo que ésta es la película que Frank Black no quería que vieran?
I told you I didn't want to do this, didn't I?
¡ Pasa a publicidad! Te dije que no quería hacer el sketch.
I didn't want to do this.
No queria decirte esto.
Man, I feel like a bit of a scum bucket doing this... since I came here as an officer of the law... and the situation and everything... but I feel like I'd be a fool... if I didn't do something I really want to do... which is to ask you for a date.
Me preguntaba... me siento como un tacho de basura haciendo esto... desde que vine acá como un oficial de la ley... y la situación y todo... pero creo que me voy a sentir un tonto... si no hago algo que verdaderamente quiero hacer... que es pedirte que salgamos.
I didn't want to do this at all, but...
No quería hacer esto, pero...
I told you I didn't even want to do this.
- Ni siquiera queria hacer esto.
Would it make you feel any better if I didn't want you to do this?
¿ Te haría sentir mejor si yo no quiero que hagas esto?
Miss Malena, this heart of mine, on fire... has written som any letters... and if I didn't have the courage to send them to you... it was only because I didn't want to do you harm.
Srta. Malena, este corazón mío, enllamas le ha escrito muchísimas cartas. Y si no tuve el coraje de enviárselas fue porque no quise causarle daño.
I didn't even want to do this.
Yo no queria hacer esto.

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