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I didn't want to go tradutor Espanhol

1,254 parallel translation
No, but we were going to a party and I didn't want to go.
No, pero iban a ir a una fiesta y no he querido acompañarlas.
I didn't want this shit to go wrong
No quiero que esto salga mal.
I think I've got to a stage now I just want to stay in work two or three years ago I tried to increase my skills and went to school and did a carpentry certificate as I wanted to work as a carpenter but I found there was too many good carpenters that were out of work so I didn't go too far with that
Creo que he llegado a una etapa en que quiero mantenerme trabajando hace dos o tres años traté de capacitarme y fui a la escuela seguí un curso de carpinteria porque queria trabajar en eso pero encontre que habia demasiados carpinteros buenos sin empleo
Do you want to know why I didn't go to France?
¿ Quieres saber por qué no fui a Francia?
I didn't want to tell her I cancelled lunch with my editor to go to Banana Republic and help 20-something Sam pick a shirt.
No quise contarle que había cancelado la comida con mi editor para ayudar al veinteañero Sam a elegirse una camisa.
I didn't want to go through ops in case Worf was there.
No quise venir por ops en caso que Worf estuviera ahí.
I just didn't want to go to the movies by myself.
Yo simplemente no quiero ir solo al cine.
I didn't want the city to go with me.
No quice que la ciudad se fuera conmigo.
I didn't want it to go this far but the man after me is a blond packing a silver weapon and he's quite the ace!
Al principio, no quise que esto llegara tan lejos pero el hombre que trata de matarme es rubio, carga un arma plateada Y es realmente bueno! .
I didn't even want to go to the audition.
Ni siquiera quería estar allí.
He knows I didn't want him to go away.
Él sabe que yo no quería que se fuera.
Since Laura didn't have the nerve to call me, I want her... my feelings and this journal to go to hell!
Al no dignarse a llamarme en todo este tiempo, tengo claro que Laura. mis sentimientos y este diario se pueden ir a la reput ¡ sima madre que los repari ¢.
I didn't want to be alone, and didn't know where to go.
No podía estar más en mi casa y no sabía adónde ir.
- I didn't want to go to the bar.
Ah, sólo es que no quería ir al bar.
I didn't want to let go.
No quería soltarla.
That's why you didn't want to go out with me, because you're too embarrassed to be seen with me'cause I'm so tall.
Por eso no querías salir conmigo, porque estás demasiado avergonzado de que te vean conmigo porque soy muy alta.
You know, you're crazy. You know why I didn't want to go out with you?
Estás loca. ¿ Sabes por qué no quería salir contigo?
Faith knew I didn't want to go down there...
Verán, la cosa fue, Faith sabía que yo ni siquiera quería ir allá abajo...
I realized I didn't want to go.
He comprendido que no quiero ir.
Well, I didn't want to give these out in front of all the guests, but since there aren't any... here you go.
Bueno, no quería darles esto en frente de todos los invitados, pero en vista de que no hay ninguno, aquí tienen.
Well, the reason I didn't want to go running with you is... because... the way that you run is just a little...
Bueno, es que la razón por la que no quería correr contigo es porque la forma como corres es un tanto...
My mother didn't want me to go out alone but I insisted. I was a big boy.
Mi madre no quería que saliera solo, pero insistí porque ya era mayor.
I can't stay, but I didn't want to let another day go by.
No puedo quedarme, pero quería venir.
I get the impression that you wanted to see it... otherwise you'd have said you didn't want to go.
Si no, hubieras dicho... que no querías ir.
Someone who forced himself into my Iife two years ago. Because, afterwards I didn't want it to go on.
Alguien que hace dos años entró por la fuerza en mi vida, porque yo, después, no volví a querer.
- Cos I didn't want to go, anyway. - Yeah, me, neither.
- Al fin que ni quería entrar.
I was at the prefecture, it was sunny... I didn't want to go to work.
Estaba en la prefectura, hacía sol... No quise ir a trabajar.
I didn't want to go with her, so I stayed there.
A mi propia madre. No era mi familia.
I remember thinking that I really liked him, but I didn't want to go to bed with your boyfriend, Hm.
Recuerdo que realmente él me gustaba, pero yo no quería dormir con tu novio.
Magdalena, I think that was her name, didn't want to go in.
Que Magdalena, creo que se llamaba Magdalena, no quería entrar.
I didn't want you to go alone.
No sé, me daba palo que te fueras solo.
I didn't want to go to the school there anymore.
Ya no quería volver a la misma escuela.
My poor mother was getting worse and worse. I couldn't wait for the train to go because I didn't want to remember that.
Ymi pobre madre estaba cada vez peor y yo quería que el tren partiera porque no quería acordarme de eso.
I didn't want to go, but the Cohens took me to Paris where I was to meet my parents.
No quería irme, pero los Cohen me llevaron a París donde me reuniría con mis padres.
So he just wants me to show my face... but I didn't want to go alone
Así que quiere que me pase pero no quiero ir solo.
I didn't want to go to college because... college in the'50s was just a way of getting a diploma.
No quería ir a la universidad porque en 1950 sólo servía para tener un título.
I thought you didn't want to... go?
Yo creía que tu no querías... ir?
- Yes, it was. I should've made you go. But I was selfish, and I didn't want you to go. I wanted you to stay here with me.
He debido dejarte ir pero fui egoísta porque quería que te quedaras conmigo.
When you took the extra shift because I didn't watch the ballgame with you I know that you thought I had to go to work, but see, I kind of forgot that we had plans, and I didn't want to hurt your feelings, so I told you I had to work, but really,
Cuando tomaste el turno extra porque yo no miré el partido contigo sé que creíste que debía ir a trabajar pero me había olvidado de que teníamos planes y no quería lastimar tus sentimientos así que te dije que debía trabajar pero en realidad fui con Andy a andar en kárting.
if you want to wind it up... you gotta go like this, which I didn't do.
Así que si quieres darle cuerda a este reloj debes hacer así. Y yo no lo hice.
Pero el asunto fue que yo no quería asistir.
I've let Frasier drag me to all kinds of places I didn't want to go to just so that I could spend some time with him.
Dejé que Frasier me arrastrara a todo tipo de lugares, no quería ir, pero sólo así podía pasar un rato con él.
You could've told me you didn't want to go fishing. No, I did.
Pudiste decirme que no querías pescar.
Wait, wait. Is this because I didn't want to go shopping with Mom?
Espere, espere. ¿ Es esto porque yo no quiere ir de compras con mamá?
I said Sally didn't want to go out with you.
Me dijo Sally que no quería salir contigo.
I didn't want to go.
No quise ir.
I told him that night I didn't want to go through with it. I couldn't- -
Esa noche le dije que no queria hacerlo, no podia...?
And I was crying, because I didn't want to go... but at the end of the summer... I was crying because I didn't want to leave.
Y yo lloraba porque no quería ir pero al final del verano lloraba porque no quería irme.
I didn't want to go straight to college.
No quise entrar directamente a la universidad.
And I just didn't want you to go away without knowing that.
Y no quería que te fueras sin saberlo.
I didn't want to go home because I was in danger of making up with Tim.
Yo no queria ir a casa..... porque estaba en peligro de hacerlo con Tim.

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