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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't want to know

I didn't want to know tradutor Espanhol

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I didn't know which was which, so I didn't want to call my friend and then bother you.
No sabía cuál era cuál, así que no quería llamar a mi amigo y luego molestarte a ti.
I didn't want him to know about his parentage.
No quería que se enterase de su parentesco.
But I didn't want her to know what a loser I was, so I stretched the truth a little.
Pero no quería parecer patético así que estiré la verdad un poco.
I didn't want to leave it in the hall. You never know.
No quise dejarla en el pasillo, nunca se sabe.
And I don't know ; I guess I just didn't want the night to end.
Y, no lo sé, supongo que no quería que esa noche terminara.
I know I didn't date a lot, so when Geneva and I were serious, you didn't want to hurt me, and it was before we ever got together.
Sé que no la fecha mucho, así que cuando Ginebra y yo estábamos graves, que no quería hacerme daño, y fue antes de que alguna vez se reunieron.
You know, I thought you would kick me out'cause you didn't want to be with a guy without a job.
Ya sabes, pensé que me echarías porque no querrías estar con un tío sin trabajo.
I didn't want her to know.
No quería que lo supiera.
I didn't want to know what color the Statue of Liberty was.
No quiero saber el color de la Estatua de la Libertad.
I screwed up, and I want to make things right, you know. He didn't deserve it...
Metí la pata y quiero arreglar las cosas.
Which is why I didn't want people to know.
Que es por lo que no quiero que la gente lo sepa.
I didn't want you to know until I was sure it was serious.
No quería que tu lo supieras hasta estar segura de que fuera algo serio.
Something that I didn't want to tell anybody about because, frankly, I can't trust the FBI, and as much as I know Walter cares...
Algo sobre lo que no quería contarle a nadie porque, francamente, no puedo confiar en el FBI, y al igual que sé que Walter se preocupa...
I know you didn't want your father to be guilty, but maybe now you can move on.
Sé que no querías que tu padre fuese culpable, pero quizá ahora puedas seguir adelante.
There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know.
Hace un tiempo en Florida cuando sospechaba que Mason estaba tramando algo porque estaba muy enganchado con esa caliente vampira Kathy y no quería que nadie lo supiera.
I know you didn't really want to give me a ride today, but thanks.
Sé que en realidad no querías darme un paseo hoy, pero gracias.
Now, I know, Sabrina, you didn't want me to do the Electric slide.
Yo sé, Sabrina, que no querías que hiciera el Tobogán Eléctrico.
All I know is that I didn't want to be on that list, so I left.
Lo único que sé es que no quería estar en esa lista. Así que lo deje.
I didn't want anyone to know
No quería que nadie lo supiera
Guys, I didn't have time to mention it up there, but I want each of you to know what an honor it is to work with me.
Chicos, no tuve tiempo para decirlo ahí arriba. pero quiero que cada uno de ustedes sepan el honor que es trabajar conmigo.
I didn't want to know anything about Artis'life.
No quise saber nada sobre la vida de Arties.
I didn't know until the day before yesterday, but I didn't want to tell you at the funeral.
Lo sé desde anteayer, pero no quise decírtelo en el funeral.
Well, you know, it's not often I get to cook for more than just Bob and I, so... I didn't want to miss my chance.
Bueno, ya sabes, no ocurre a menudo que cocine para más que para Bob y para mí, así que... no quería perder mi oportunidad.
- I know that, but you're my friend and I didn't want her to get away with it.
- Lo sé, pero tu eres mi amiga y no quiero que se salga con la suya.
What'd you do, mug an undertaker? Yeah, I know I'm a little overdressed, but I came here right from work,'cause I didn't want to be late.
Sí, sé que voy demasiado elegante, pero vengo directamente desde el trabajo porque no quería llegar tarde.
I don't really know how else to explain it, but he didn't want his wife to find out, and I guess they started this thing on the side, and then it got too serious.
No puedo explicar. Pero él no quería que su esposa se enterara... y creo que se salió de control y era demasiado grave.
All I know is that she didn't want to do it.
sólo sé que ella no quería hacerlo.
I don't know, I just... I didn't want to upset you, Amy.
No sé, no quería que te molestaras.
You know, when it happened and they were talking about amputating my leg, there was only one reason I didn't want to amputate and that's so I can race a motorbike, you know.
Ya sabes, cuando pasó y estaban hablando sobre amputarme la pierna, sólo había una razón por la que no quería que me la amputasen y era el correr con una moto, sabes.
- I didn't want you to know.
- No quería que supieras.
I wanted to know your secrets right away and I didn't want to tell you mine until I felt I could trust you, and that wasn't fair.
Quería conocer tus secretos enseguida y no quería contarte los míos hasta sentir que podía confiar en ti y no fue justo.
I know you didn't want to be in the Cabinet, that you wanted to be on your own, but you've got the job, and your job is to support your brother.
Se que no querias estar en el gabinete, Que querias estar en lo tuyo, pero tienes el trabajo, Y tu trabajo es apoyar a tu hermano.
I didn't want you to know what had happened. Can't you see that?
No quería que supieras lo que había pasado, ¿ puedes entender eso?
I didn't want anyone from our side to know we were looking, but, as it turned out...
No quise que nadie de nuestro lado supiera que estábamos buscando, pero como resultó...
50 Well, I was scared but 50 I didn't want him to know that.
Estaba asustado pero no queria que lo supiera.
Look, Reid, I know you didn't want me to, but I've had a word with the governor, asked him to get that Cooper prick off your back.
Mira, Reid, sé que no querías, pero he hablado con el gobernador, le pedí que te quitara al gilipollas de Cooper de encima.
You know, I didn't want him to...
Es que... No quería que...
♪ I didn't know that I want to go ♪
Aquí está...
Hey, Em, you know that I didn't want to leave Thanksgiving, OK?
Oye, Em, sabes que en Acción de Gracias no quería irme, ¿ verdad?
You know, I just thought you'd come back because you didn't want to run anymore.
Tú sabes, solo pensé que tú volverías porque tu no quieres correr más.
You know, at first I didn't want to believe what everybody was saying about him,
Ya sabe, al principio no quería creer lo que todos decían sobre él,
It's for the best really. I didn't want to know.
Nunca me dijo nada.
You got to know where he got his drugs. Look Matt, I didn't ask if he didn't want tell, right?
Mira, Matt, si él no me lo contaba, yo no hacía preguntas, ¿ vale?
You never know for sure with Joel, I didn't want to get my hopes up.
Nunca se sabe a ciencia cierta con Joel, yo no quería hacerme de ilusiones.
I didn't want to know either.
Yo no quiero saber tampoco.
I know, you told me the other day and it seemed so important to you that I didn't want to forget, so I wrote it down.
Lo sé, me lo dijiste el otro día y pareció tan importante para ti que no quería olvidarlo, así que lo escribí.
Let's imagine, I don't know what if I didn't want to do the job?
Imaginemos... No sé, una teoría... Si no colaboro, ¿ qué haría Jo?
I'm sorry. I know you don't want him to be your daddy, I didn't want him to be your daddy either.
Sé que no quieres que sea tu papá yo tampoco quería que fuera tu papá.
But he didn't even want to know where I was from or how- -
Pero él no quería ni saber de dónde era ni cómo...
Your mom used to make me take you on weekends, you know, twice a month, but I didn't want you around. "
Tu madre me hacía llevarte los fines de semana, vos sabés, dos veces al mes, pero yo no te quería cerca. "
I just--I don't think I would be a good parent if I didn't come by and tell you that, uh- - well, I want to know why maddy wasn't invited.
No creo que sería un buen padre si no viniese a decirte... bueno, quiero saber por qué Maddy no fue invitada.

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