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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't want to say anything

I didn't want to say anything tradutor Espanhol

342 parallel translation
I didn't want to say anything in front of your wife, but that little fellow of yours is very sick.
No quería decir nada delante de su mujer, pero su pequeño está muy enfermo.
You see, I didn't want to say anything about this. But, you see, Godfrey had been working for us as a butler and whatnot, and things had been going along very well... when all of a sudden it happened... just like that.
Veréis, no quería decir nada, pero Godfrey había trabajado para nosotros como mayordomo y las cosas iban muy bien, cuando...
I didn't say there was anything wrong in it. I just thought you'd want to know.
Yo no he dicho que haya nada malo, pensé que querrías saberlo.
I was hoping something like this would happen, but I didn't want to say anything until the time come.
Confiaba en que pasara algo así, Pero no quería decir nada hasta que llegara el momento.
As of now, of course, I didn't want to say anything, since you advised me not to talk except in your presence.
En ese momento, por supuesto, no dije nada,... porque usted me dijo que sólo hablara en su presencia.
I didn't say anything because I didn't want you to think I was obligating you.
No te dije nada, porque podrías pensar que quería obligarte.
I didn't want to say anything until I knew I could make it livable... for us.
No quería decirte nada hasta que estuviera habitable... para nosotros.
I didn't want to say anything offensive.
No pretendía decir nada ofensivo.
I've known about it for days... and I didn't want to say anything until I was sure.
Lo sé desde hace unos días....... y no quise decir nada hasta estar segura del todo.
I didn't want to say anything in front of your staff, because every time I mention what I do, people go into a panic.
No quise decir nada frente a su equipo... porque cuando digo a qué me dedico, cunde el pánico.
Yes, I know, but I didn't want to say anything.
Sí, lo sabía, pero no quería decir nada.
I didn't want you to say anything that might endanger your health.
No quería que dijeras algo que pudiera ponerte en peligro.
I didn't want to say anything, but that chicken dish we had...
No quise decir nada, pero ese pollo...
- Well, I didn't want to say anything...
- Bueno, no quería decir nada...
- I don't want to pry into your life, but I would rather you didn't say anything then be dishonest.
- Benjamin, no quiero entrometerme. Pero preferiría que no dijeras nada a que mintieras.
Come on. Max, I didn't want to say anything about this before, but I went to see a doctor today.
Max, no quise decírtelo antes pero hoy fui a ver al doctor.
I know. I know you can't. I didn't want to say anything.
Ya sé que no puede.
- I didn't want to say anything...
- Perdonad, yo no quería decir...
You don't want to talk to me or anything. I didn't say that.
- No quieres hablar conmigo ni nada.
I didn't want to say anything
Así paso inadvertida.
I didn't want to say anything but there's a black rider, a Nazgul, over us.
No quería decir nada pero hay un jinete negro, un Nazgul, sobre nosotros.
I didn't want to say anything.
No queria decir nada.
I just didn't say anything before'cause I didn't want anyone to know I was scared.
Yo no he dicho nada antes Porque yo no quería que nadie supiera que estaba asustado.
( Champagne cork pops ) I didn't say anything last night, as I didn't want to be a nuisance and spoil other people's enjoyment.
No dije nada anoche, ya que no quería ser una molestia, y arruinarles la velada a los demás.
Not this time, because I didn't do anything. And I want to hear you say it. What, Al?
Entonces si me das el cuerpo de Bella podemos olvidarnos de todo ésto.
I didn't want to say anything that would frighten her or cause her any confusion.
No quería decir nada que la asustara o la confundiera.
I didn't want to say anything while George was around.
No quise decir nada cuando George estaba aquí.
I didn ´ t want to say anything until I was sure.
No quise decir nada hasta no estar segura.
I didn't want to say anything in front of the men.
No quería decirlo delante de ellos.
He seemed so hopeful, I didn't want to say anything.
Parecía tan esperanzado, que no quise decir nada.
I didn't want to say anything.
No quería decir nada.
So, anyway, she said she'd be grateful if I didn't say anything to the agency, because she didn't want that them to think she was unreliable, you know.
De todas formas, dijo que me agradecería que no dijese nada a la agencia porque no quería que la tomasen por informal ¿ saben?
I didn't really want to say anything about this earlier, but I don't think you're really up for this.
Realmente no quería decir nada de esto, antes... pero no creo que este preparado para esto.
I didn't want to say anything... How he could go the day after Buddy died.
No quería decir nada, pero ¿ cómo se fue al día siguiente de que murió Buddy?
I didn't want to say anything. I thought you'd say not to. You know that barbecue idea I was talking about?
No quise decir nada porque temía que me dijeran que no lo hiciera pero, ¿ saben la idea de la barbacoa de las que les hablé?
- I didn't want to say anything...
- No quise decir nada...
Yes. I didn't want to say anything, but that's exactly... Yes.
Sí, no quería decir nada, pero sí, exactamente... sí.
I didn't want to say anything in front of the children, but I am worried about Miss Fine.
- ¿ Sí? No quería que los niños oyeran, pero me preocupa la Srta. Fine.
I didn't want to say anything until we verified it.
No quise decir nada hasta verificarlo.
I didn't want to say anything till we got closer to home. He-He...
No quería decirte nada hasta estar cerca de casa.
I didn't want to say anything in front of Clay.
Yo no quería... decir nada delante de Clay.
I didn't want to say anything, but I think we're being followed.
Creo que nos están siguiendo.
I didn't want to say anything, but I knew it was you two.
Yo no quería decir nada, pero yo sabía que tu tenías razon.
I didn't want to say anything, but I think somebody put drugs in my beer.
Mira, no quise decirles nada pero creo que alguien Me puso droga en la cerveza.
- I didn't want to say anything.
- No queria decir nada.
I didn't want to say anything, but that happens to be a very good fork.
No queria decir nada, pero sucede que es un buen tenedor.
I didn't want to say anything in front of her, but you don't have to be a genius to figure out the company's story doesn't hold up.
No quería decirlo en frente de ella, pero no tienes que ser un genio para darse cuenta que la historia de la compañía no se sostiene.
I didn't want to say anything to upset her, but between you and me, I have an awful feeling he's stuck back on Rain world.
No quise decir nada para alterarla, pero entre Ud. y yo, tengo la sensación de que está atascado en Lluvialandia.
You didn't want to hear anything I had to say. You never did.
- No quisiste escucharme.
I didn't want to say anything in front of others.
No quería decir esto frente a los otros.
I didn't want to say anything but you do look a little... on the petite side.
No quise decir nada, pero los dos parecen un poco más bajitos.

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