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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I didn't want to tell you

I didn't want to tell you tradutor Espanhol

840 parallel translation
I tell you, I didn't want to kill you.
No quería matarte.
I'll tell you why she didn't want to talk to me.
Le diré por qué ella no quiso hablarme.
Not even spoken to a man. I didn't want to tell you.
No quería decírtelo.
No quiero contárselo si no quiere oírlo.
Suppose I didn't want to tell you who I really am. What would happen?
Imagina que no quisiera decirte quién soy en realidad. ¿ Qué sucedería?
You see, Anna, this is why I didn't want to tell you.
No te dejaré ir. Ves, Ana, por esto no quería contártelo.
I didn't want to tell you about it until the time was right.
No quería hablarte de ello hasta que llegara el momento adecuado.
However, before I go, I want to tell you that maybe I was wrong the other night. But I didn't know it at the time.
Pero, antes de que me vaya, quiero decirte que quizá estuve mal la otra noche.
You see, I didn't want you to know that I was so extravagant, and I suppose it was awfully foolish of me to try to tell you...
¿ Sabe? No quería que supieran que soy muy extravagante y supongo que fue estúpido por mi parte decírselo.
Well, why didn't you tell me that in the first place? I didn't want to stop you.
¿ Por qué no me lo ha dicho?
And Leon, I want to tell you something which I thought I would never say... which I thought nobody ever should say, because I didn't think it exists.
Leon, quiero decirte algo que creí que nunca diría que creí que nunca nadie debería decir porque ni siquiera creía en su existencia.
Dad, I didn't want to tell you this, but do you know what she called you?
No quería decírtelo, pero ¿ sabes cómo te describió?
I didn't want to tell you this... but now, you see, I have to.
No quería decirte esto pero ahora tengo que hacerlo.
I didn't want to tell you, but now I have to.
No quería decírselo, pero tengo que hacerlo.
I didn't tell you because.. Well, I just didn't want to go back to Pittsburgh.
No se lo dije porque... no quería volver a Pittsburgh.
I didn't tell you before because I didn't want to upset you...
Y yo no te lo he dicho antes porque no quería hacerte sufrir.
Even though you were on my father's ship, you didn't come to me for help. I want to tell you a story.
Aunque estuvo en el barco de mi padre, no vino a pedirme ayuda, ni a contarme lo ocurrido.
I didn't want to have to tell you but I took pupils.
No quería decírtelo, pero di clases a alumnos.
I didn't want to tell you. It would have only made you sad.
No quería decírtelo, porque te entristecería.
If I didn't want to, I'd tell you.
Si no quisiera verte, te lo diría.
I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our last weeks together.
No te lo había dicho porque no quería estropear nuestras últimas semanas.
I didn't want to tell you, but after that Ginger episode...
- ¿ Qué?
─ Oh, come Miss Ransome. All I want you to tell us is whether at that very moment.. You didn't know that McCurdy was dying.
Vamos, sólo quiero que nos diga que sabía que el Sr. McCurdy se estaba muriendo y que usted huyó por saberse culpable de asesinato.
No quería decirtelo.
No quiero contártelo.
That's what I wanted to tell you after it I didn't want to spoil your supper
No he visto que se escapaba. Lo han traído, no le han creído.
- I didn't want to tell you...
- No queria decirtelo...
I didn't want to tell you in front of the others.
Por eso he salido aquí, no quería decírtelo con los otros.
I told Father I didn't want to go on with this. I wanted to tell you everything.
No quería seguir, quería decírtelo todo.
I just wanted to tell you. I didn't want you to worry about...
Sólo quería decirte que no quiero que te preocupes por...
But I didn't want to tell you then.
Pero yo no quise decirlo en ese momento.
'I didn't have the guts to tell you this while I was alive,'because I didn't want to end up like Sandy Dixon's kid.
No tuve el valor de decirle esto mientras estaba con vida, porque no quería acabar como el hijo de Sandy Dixon.
In actual fact, I didn't want to tell you this,
Verás, no quería decírtelo, pero dadas las circunstancias, lo haré.
I didn't want to tell it to anyone, this isn't the kind of confession you make lightly...
La verdad es que no tenía ningunas ganas de contarla,... porque las confesiones nunca se hacen voluntariamente.
There have been rumors for some time. I didn't want to tell you.
Han habido rumores por algun tiempo que no he querido decirte.
I didn't want to tell you...
No te lo quería decir...
Since I'm here, I want to tell you. You know why I didn't want to marry you?
Ahora te lo diré. ¿ Sabes por qué no te he querido como esposa?
I didn't want to tell you this but you've forced me to.
No quería decírtelo, pero tú me obligas.
I didn't want to tell you till I had it pretty well cinched.
No quería decírtelo hasta estar seguro.
I didn't want to tell you about it...
Yo no quería decírselo a ustedes...
I didn't want to tell you, but- -
No te lo quería decir.
- I didn't want to tell you.
- No quería decírtelo.
- Oh? - I didn't want to tell you.
¡ No quería contártelo!
Didn't you tell Romolo that I don't want to see him?
¿ Romolo no sabe que no quiero verlo?
All right, I didn't want to tell you.
Muy bien, no quise decírtelo.
Didn't I tell you? - Do you still want me to hold this sign?
- ¿ Aún quieres que sostenga el cartel?
I didn't want to tell you before your birthday.
No quería decírtelo, porque mañana es tu cumpleaños.
I didn't want to tell you, either.
Yo no quería decirte, tampoco.
I didn't want to tell you because I thought it might be against the rules in his job.
Eric, ha hecho apuestas. No quise decirlo por si...
To tell you the truth, I didn't want to come here in the first place.
A decir verdad, yo no quería venir aquí.
I had to tell you that because I didn't want to hurt you or kid you along.
Tenía que decírselo... porque no quería herirla o engañarla.

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