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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I don't know about that

I don't know about that tradutor Espanhol

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Okay, well, I don't know anything about that.
Vale, bien, yo no sé nada sobre eso.
I don't know, that was a - - about 10 years that just kinda went away.
No sé, eso fue hace... 10 años... que sólo se fue.
I don't know what the hell she's talking about, but I am liking that caboose.
No sé de qué demonios habla, pero me está gustando ese trasero.
I don't know about that, but I do know this.
No lo sé, pero sí sé esto.
She said that my weakness was that I don't know enough about her past, so I've decided to summon someone who does.
Dijo que mi debilidad era que no sé lo suficiente acerca de su pasado, así que decidí invocar a alguien que sí sabe.
I deleted that account, college is all about reinvention, all you need to know is that I'm country, I'm clean, and I don't plan to kill you in your sleep.
He eliminado esa cuenta, la universidad tiene que ver reinvención, todo lo que necesita saber es que soy país, estoy limpio, y yo no pienso que matar en tu sueño.
Uh, I don't know about that.
No sé eso. Yo...
d I don't know who to blame d d I don't know if it's all the same d d but I think you love me too d d'cause you say that you do d Don't even think about putting that guitar down.
Ni se te ocurra bajar esa guitarra.
Would that be the only thing I don't know about you?
¿ Sería eso lo único que no sé de ti?
I don't know about that.
Eso no lo sé.
I know you want to escape your problems things you did in the past things that I don't care about because I love you.
Sé que quieres escapar de tus problemas, cosas que hiciste en el pasado cosas que no me importan porque te amo.
Well, I don't know about that.
Bueno, no sé yo.
I don't know... That I was ready to be a mom when Elvis was born, and I felt sad about that.
No sabía que estaba lista para ser madre, y eso me puso triste.
I don't know. I spoke to grant about the national parks job, and he mentioned that's mostly big picture planning and delegating, and not very much nitty-gritty, hands-on stuff that I love to do.
No lo sé, hablé con Grant del trabajo en Parques Nacionales, y él mencionó y es en general planear y delegar, y no mucho del trabajo, pesado con las cosas que me encanta hacer.
And you wrote that beautiful movie about her, and I just don't know if I could ever be as good as her.
Y escribiste esa hermosa película sobre ella, y no sé si podría llegar a ser tan buena como ella.
Oh! Well, I don't know about that.
Bueno, no sé de eso.
I really don't know what to say about that, kid, except I'm sorry.
Realmente no sé qué decir acerca de eso, chica, excepto que lo siento.
You know, I just got an offer from Latham Watkins in Chicago, and I don't want to take it, but... I need to know that you're serious about this.
Acaban de hacerme una oferta de Latham y Watkins en Chicago, y no quiero aceptarla pero necesito saber que vas en serio con lo nuestro.
I need you to know that you don't have to worry about me.
Necesito que sepáis que no os tenéis que preocupar por mí.
Lina : Oh, please. You think I don't know that you and Jess were talking about me
Oh, por favor. ¿ Crees que el don apos ; t saben que tú y Jess estaba hablando acerca de mi
Aj : I don't know about that guy's breath, but he definitely has a homophobia problem.
I don y apos ; t saber acerca de ese tipo y apos ; aliento s, pero definitivamente tiene un problema de la homofobia.
Oh, I don't know about that.
Eso no sé.
I-I-I would love to talk to you about that sometime, but i-i-if it's our children that you are so concerned about, if they disagree with you on some things, if that's not okay with you, then I-I-I don't... I don't know.
Y me encantaría hablar contigo sobre eso alguna vez, pero si es por nuestros hijos por lo que estás tan preocupada, si no están de acuerdo contigo en algunas cosas, si eso no te parece bien, entonces no sé.
I don't know anything about that.
No sé nada de eso.
I don't know about that.
No sé nada de eso.
So, I think what we've learned here is that you don't know what you're talking about.
Entonces, creo que con esto hemos aprendido... que no sabes de lo que hablas.
Well, I don't know about that.
Bueno, yo no sé nada de eso.
Yeah, um, look, I know that we both agreed that a spin-off was the better way to go, but- - I don't want to talk about that.
Sí, mira, sé que ambos estamos de acuerdo que una empresa filial era la mejor manera de actuar, pero no quiero hablar acerca de eso.
And I'm sorry, you know, this... this wasn't about my issues with JT, it's just that he and my best friend would be devastated if anything ever happened to Vincent, a-and I don't know how to help.
Y lo siento, ya sabes, esto... esto no era por mis problemas con JT, es solo que él y mi mejor amiga estarían destrozados si algo le pasara a Vincent, y no sé cómo ayudar.
- I don't know. - Well, we know about Skye's parents, about the darkness that lies inside her.
- Bueno, sabemos lo de los padres de Skye, la oscuridad que reside en ella.
I don't know about all of that.
No se sobre todo eso.
I don't know anything about that company or why they would wanna kill me.
No sé nada de esa empresa ni de por qué querrían matarme.
I know you don't think I notice anything that's not a pretty dress or a jewel, but strangely enough, I give a damn about my country.
Sé que no crees que pueda ver algo que no sea un bonito vestido o una joya, pero por extraño que parezca, me preocupo por mi país.
I don't know about that.
No lo sé.
I swear, I don't know what you're talking about. What is that?
Jefe, le juro que no sé de qué está hablando, no sé qué es eso.
I don't know how he'll feel about that.
No sé cómo le sentará.
So I don't know about you, but that makes me feel like it's a family.
Así que, yo no sé vosotros, pero a mí eso me hace sentir como si fuera de la familia.
I suppose you don't know anything about that, either.
Supongo que tampoco sabes nada sobre eso.
I think that they're just gonna only be talking about the play, and... I don't know... I'd rather just... celebrate with you guys.
Creo que solo van a hablar sobre la obra, y... no sé... preferiría simplemente... celebrarlo con vosotros.
Um, I don't know about any of that, but I think I should eat something.
Um, no sé nada de eso pero creo que debería comer algo.
I'm worried that you don't know anything about me, or about us.
Me preocupa que no sepas nada de mí, o de nosotros.
Look, you know that there's no one as interested in keeping me alive as me... but I don't know what you talking about.
Mira, sabes que a nadie le interesa más que yo viva que a mí pero te digo que no sé de qué hablas.
Yeah, you know, about that, I don't want to be a guy just waiting at home all day like some sort of normal-face housewife.
No quiero convertirme... en un ama de casa con una cara normal.
I don't know that much about him.
No sé mucho sobre él.
Hey. I... I don't know about that.
No... se sobre eso.
Yeah, I don't know anything about that.
Si, no se nada acerca de eso.
I don't know about that.
Yo no se de eso.
Sean is my good friend and I don't think he'd like that I know about this.
Sean es un buen amigo y no creo que hubiera querido que yo supiera esto.
After that, whatever you do with any other patients, I don't want to know about it.
Después de eso, lo que sea que hagas con cualquier otro paciente, no lo quiero saber.
Okay, I don't know how I feel about that kiss.
Bueno, no sé cómo me siento acerca de ese beso.
I don't know about that. I don't think a kid should have that much weight on her shoulders.
No creo que una niña debiera tener tanto peso sobre sus hombros.

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