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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I don't know you very well

I don't know you very well tradutor Espanhol

239 parallel translation
Mr. Sterling, I - I don't know very much about stocks, but - Well, if I were you, I wouldn't invest in any stock until I'd consulted my banker.
Sr. Sterling, no sé mucho de acciones, pero... si fuera Ud., no invertiria en ellas sin consultarlo con mi banquero.
You know very well I don't eat fish
Sabes que no como pescado.
Well, I was feeling bad and like you know, he gave me something to drink and, well, I guess in my condition it went to my head'cause I don't remember anything very clearly after that.
Bueno, me sentía mal, como ya sabes, y me dio algo para beber, y... Bueno, me temo que en mi estado, se me subió a la cabeza porque no me acuerdo de nada de lo que pasó después.
You see I don't know Mimi very well.
Verá apenas conozco a Mimi.
Bah, that would suit me very well, only I don't know... if you know how to warn your commander that you missed a train.
Me haría un favor, pero no creo que sepa cómo decirle a su comandante que ha perdido el tren.
Now listen... I don't know Ronnie so very well but I know you.
¿ Dónde está Ronnie? ¿ Qué ha hecho? Cálmese.
I don't really know you very well, do I?
No te conozco muy bien.
Well, I don't know you very well, but all right, Bill.
Bueno, no lo conozco mucho, pero de acuerdo, Bill.
Don't you dare to call me that. You know very well I never even made one decision without your knowledge and consent.
Sabes que jamás tomo una decisión si tu conocimiento y tu consentimiento.
I, of course, don't know you very well, but you certainly look to me like a very kind and reasonable man.
Por supuesto, no le conozco bien, pero seguro que contemplo a un hombre amable y sensato.
I'm afraid you don't know me very well.
No me conoce muy bien.
I'm afraid you don't know me very well.
Me temo que no me conoces muy bien...
Yes, but, you know, I don't remember her very well.
Sí, pero no la recuerdo muy bien.
I don't think you would like it, it is very hot, I know it very well
No le gustará, es caluroso. Lo conozco bien.
Look, I don't know your trouble, but you don't look very well to me.
No conozco su problema, pero no parece estar bien.
Very well, I'll send Burgdorf. You know him, don't you?
Enviaré a Burgdorf. ¿ Lo conoce?
I just don't know you very well.
Es sólo que no te conozco demasiado bien.
I don't care, you know it very well.
No pienso nada, lo sabes bien.
You know, I don't dance very well myself.
Sabes, no bailo muy bien.
Well, I don't suppose you know very much about all this at present.
Creo que no está muy informado por ahora.
But you write very well, Leonardo. For such a letter as this, I don't know enough.
¿ Sería tan amable de escribirla por mí?
Elizabeth, I don't know you very well, but I want you to do something for me.
Elizabeth, no la conozco lo suficiente, pero quiero que haga algo por mí.
It's just occurred to me. I don't know you very well, do I?
Acabo de pensar que apenas te conozco.
I don't believe you know Oliver very well at all.
No creo que usted conoozca muy bien a Oliver.
- You know very well that I don't...
- Sabes que no es...
You know very well I don't.
- Ya sabes que no.
- I don't have to tell you! You know very well I'm innocent.
¡ No tengo nada que reprocharme!
Well, I... I'm very glad to see you, although I don't know who you are.
Me alegro de verle aunque no sé quién es usted.
No se si me recuerde o no... pero conocí muy bien a su madre.
Do you know how she is? And you know very well that I've never been fond of your mother's imaginary illnesses. No, I don't know.
Y sabes muy bien que nunca he tomado en serio... las enfermedades imaginarias de tu madre.
If anyone asks, say you don't know. I'm very well, thank you so very much.
Si todo el mundo pregunta, di no le sabe soy muy bien, gracias así mucho
Well, I must say, young man, I'm very proud of you! Doctor, I don't know if...
Bien, debo decir, jovencito, que estoy muy orgulloso de usted!
Yes, I do suspect you, and you know very well, why If you don't apologize right now, I'll file a complain as soon as we'll communicate with Earth.
Sí, sospecho de ti, y lo sabes muy bien, ¿ por qué Si no te disculpas ahora mismo, voy a presentar una queja en cuanto nos comunicaremos con la Tierra.
- You don't know us very well, but to even consider that Max or I would murder each other, let alone seven other CONTROL agents!
No nos conoce bien. ¡ Pensar que Max o yo seríamos capaces de asesinarnos además de a otros siete agentes!
I started to say, " You don't know me very well.
Contesté : " No me conoce muy bien.
I bet you are thinking I'm just a shy guy nobody wants to know... I don't think I want to dance with you, y'know ; you don't dance very well.
Creo que no bailaré más.
You know, Lieutenant, I really don't feel very well.
No me siento bien, teniente.
I on the other hand am persuaded that you know very well, but don't want to tell me.
Yo en cambio estoy convencido de que sabeis muy bien en dónde, pero no quereis decirmelo.
You know very well that I don't drink wine.
Ya sabes que yo no bebo vino.
Well, you know, I think this has been a very successful meeting. Don't you?
Pienso que esta reunión ha sido un éxito. ¿ verdad?
I don't think I want to know you very well.
Creo que no quiero llegar a conocerle de esa forma.
You don't know me but I know you very well.
No me conoce pero yo a Ud. lo conozco muy bien.
I don't know you very well.
No le conozco muy bien.
I don`t know you very well, but don`t you ever say hello?
No la conozco muy bien. ¿ Pero nunca dice hola?
I just wanted to say that... I'm very embarrassed by the way I behaved tonight and I... well, I don't know quite what to say now, except... the thing about love is that you can really make an ass of yourself.
Solo queria decir que... estoy apenada por mi comportamiento de esta noche y...... bien, no se qué más decir excepto que... el amor te hace cometer estupideces.
You know very well... that while not in the public sector... my salary is more than enough... and I don't need more to get by.
Sabes bien que sin ser del sector público, mi salario me basta con creces... y no necesito más para vivir.
I know that you don't know me very well, but I just wanna let you know that I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.
Sé que no me conoces muy bien... pero quiero que sepas... que no dejaré que te pase nada.
Well, I don't know you very well, but you have a look in the eyes, especially, that's very much like Jack.
No te conozco muy bien, pero tienes un algo, la mirada, especialmente, muy parecida a Jack.
You don't know prisons very well, Mrs. Fletcher. I've made a career of it.
Usted no conoce a las reclusas, yo las conozco demasiado.
It's wrong that I don't know you very well.
Está mal no conocerte tan bien.
I don't know you very well
Disculpe, pero... Yo no le conozco mucho...

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