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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I haven't seen her in

I haven't seen her in tradutor Espanhol

340 parallel translation
- I haven't seen her in a month.
- No la he visto en un mes.
I haven't seen her in ages.
No la he visto en años.
- I haven't seen her in months.
No la he visto desde hace meses.
- I told you, my dad is dead. Mom is in real estate but I haven't seen her in six years.
- Te lo he dicho, papá está muerto, y en cuanto a mi madre,
I haven't seen her in 9 years!
¡ Nueve años que no la visito!
I haven't seen her in a long while.
Hace mucho que no la veo.
Of course, I haven't seen her in a long time. But we were always the best of friends.
Claro que no la veía desde hace mucho, pero siempre fuimos buenas amigas.
I haven't seen her in six months.
No los he visto en seis meses.
I haven't seen her in over 48 hours.
Hace más de 48 horas que no la veo.
Why, I haven't seen her in a month of Sundays.
¿ Chrystal? No la he visto hace muchas lunas.
I'm afraid that's going to be a little difficult... because we haven't been told much about her in here... and we certainly haven't seen Doris Attinger in this courtroom.
Me temo que será un poco difícil, porque aquí no nos han hablado mucho sobre ella... y, desde luego, no la hemos visto en esta sala.
I haven't seen her in a long time.
Es que hace mucho que no la veo.
Well, there are a few shades that I haven't seen her in yet.
Bueno, aún hay algunos tonos que no le he visto.
I haven't seen her in over two years.
No la veo desde hace 2 años.
I haven't seen her in months.
Hace meses que no la veo
I haven't seen her in two months.
Llevo dos meses sin saber nada de ella.
I haven't seen her in six months.
Hace 6 meses que no la veo
I haven't seen her Look this happy in a long time.
No la veía tan feliz desde hace mucho tiempo.
I haven`t seen her in a couple days.
Hace un par de días que no la veo.
I haven't seen her this happy in a long time.
No la he visto tan feliz en mucho tiempo.
I haven't seen her photo in the paper but I have read the article.
No he visto su foto en el periódico, pero he leído el artículo.
Actually, I haven't seen her in a couple of months now.
Hace un par de meses que no la veo.
I haven't seen Kit since one of your countrymen kidnapped her from my shack in Bermuda last summer.
No he visto a Kity desde que uno de tus compatriotas la sacó... de mi casa en Bermuda el verano pasado.
But I have my mother in Rome, Sir, a widow and all alone the poor old thing, I haven't seen her for 5 years!
Tengo a mi madre en Roma, viuda. Hace 5 años que no la veo.
I thought I've found her A friend I haven't seen in 20 years
Creí que había encontrado a la amiga que no veo desde hace 20 años.
In fact, I haven't seen her since yesterday.
De hecho, no la veo desde ayer.
We never had much in common I haven't seen her favorite movie
Yo nunca tuve mucho A ver con ella El film que ella ama Yo no lo vi
I haven't seen her in six months.
- Hace seis meses que no la veo.
I haven't seen her in years.
Hace años que no la veo. !
- Well, I haven't seen her in 50 years.
- Hace 50 años que no la veo.
I haven't seen her in a long time.
La reconozco. Hacía mucho que no la veía
Haven't seen her since I went to serve in the army.
No la he visto desde que fui a servir en el ejército.
I bet you haven't seen her in ten years.
Ha vuelto.
I haven't seen her in over a year.
No la he visto desde hace más de un año.
The reason you haven't seen me is because I normally pick Susan up at her apartment in town.
No me ha visto porque suelo recoger a Susan en su piso de la ciudad.
I haven't seen her in ages.
Llevo mucho tiempo sin verla.
I haven't seen her in over a year.
Hace más de un año que no Ia veo.
I haven't seen her in a long time, we split up.
No la veo desde hace tiempo. Nos separamos, ¿ bien?
She lives in Seattle and I haven't seen her in three years.
Vive fuera y llevo 3 años sin verla.
I haven't seen her in five years.
No la he visto en cinco años.
I love her so much and I haven't seen her in so long.
La quiero mucho y no la veo desde hace tanto tiempo.
So I haven't seen her in three years, you know, and...
Hace tres años que no la veo, pero...
No. I haven't seen her in a couple of days.
No, hace un par de meses que no la veo.
- Tony, I haven't seen her in a long time. Gail's here.
Hace muclho tiempo que rno la veo.
I haven't seen her in four years.
Llevo cuatro años sin verla.
We used to be so close, but I haven't seen her in years.
Solíamos ser tan cercanas, pero no la he visto en años.
I haven't even seen her in six, seven months.
Llevo sin verla seis o siete meses.
I haven't seen her in about three or four months.
No la he visto en tres o cuatro meses.
I haven't seen her in over a year, though,'cause we've been traveling so much.
No lo veo desde hace un año, creo, porque hemos estado viajando mucho.
I mean... you haven't seen her in two years, right?
Digo... Tú no has vuelto a verla desde hace dos años, ¿ no?
I haven't seen her in, like, two years.
- No la he visto en, más o menos, dos años.

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