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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I just don't know what

I just don't know what tradutor Espanhol

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It just felt really comfortable, and I felt so much safer having him do it with me, and I could feel it, when I was singing with him and, like, looking at him, that I could pretty much zone out what was going on as long as he was next to me, and, I don't know,
Me sentí realmente cómoda, y me sentí mucho más segura teniéndole haciéndolo conmigo, y podía sentirlo, cuando estaba cantando con él y, como, mirándole, que podía saber lo que estaba pasando siempre que estuviera junto a mí, y, no sé,
I just don't know what to do with him.
No sé qué hacer con él.
My son has been shot, and I've heard other gunfire, and I don't know what's happening, but can you please just let me see my son?
Han disparado a mi hijo, y he oído otro disparo, y no sé que está pasando, pero ¿ puedes por favor dejarme ver a mi hijo?
I don't know what that thing was or even what you are, but whatever he wants, just give it to him.
No sé lo que era esa cosa, ni siquiera sé qué eres tú, pero lo que sea que quiere, dáselo.
He just - - I don't know what he's...
Solo... No sé lo que está...
I just don't know what to do now.
Solo es que no sé qué hacer ahora.
- I-I just don't know what it is.
- Yo no sé qué es eso.
I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going and he's just so kind.
No sé que es lo que estoy haciendo ni a donde voy y él es tan bueno.
I don't know, man, just think about what you're doing.
No sé hombre, sólo piensa en lo que estás haciendo.
I just don't know what to say.
Simplemente no sé qué decir.
I don't want to screw this up, but I can't just stand by knowing what I know.
No quiero que esto se estropee, pero no puedo quedarme sin hacer nada sabiendo lo que sé.
- What else can I do? I don't know, Finn, but I just don't get how you live like that. - I don't...
- ¿ Qué más puedo hacer?
- I just don't know what any of it means.
- Solo que no sé lo que significa nada.
I'm just waiting for them to let me back. - Yeah. I don't know what happens tomorrow, but today she agreed to be checked into the hospital.
No sé lo que pasará mañana, pero hoy ha accedido a una revisión médica.
They're just-those dummies don't-I'm sure they don't know what they're doing either.
Estoy seguro de que ellos tampoco saben que están haciendo.
You know, I just don't know what I'm gonna do.
No sé qué haré.
- I just don't know what I'm gonna do.
- No sé qué haré.
Just because Austin and I broke up doesn't mean I don't want to know what's going on with you.
Solo porque Austin y yo hayamos roto no significa que no quiera saber que pasa contigo.
I-I just don't know what or why.
Solo que no sé el qué o por qué.
Oh, you know, Betty, if you don't mind my asking, I was just wondering, what did you decided to major in?
Ya sabes, Betty, si no te importa que pregunte, me estaba preguntando, ¿ en qué has decidido especializarte?
I mean, I don't really know what I want to do, you know, I just want to study something, even if I have to change my major, like, later on.
O sea, realmente no sé qué quiero hacer, ya sabes, solo quiero estudiar algo, incluso si tengo que cambiarme de especialidad más tarde.
Actually, you know what, Ryan, if you don't mind just listening to this ruling, since you're a professional football player and I'm a professional commissioner.
La verdad, Ryan, si no te importa escuchar este veredicto, ya que eres jugador profesional y yo comisionado profesional.
I don't know who you are or what you just did to my associate, but I'd like to buy you a drink, or Amy dies immediately.
No sé quién es o lo que acaba de hacerle a mi socio, pero me gustaría invitarle a una copa, o Amy muere inmediatamente.
I just don't know what he's thinking.
Yo la verdad no tengo ni idea de en qué está pensando.
Look, I don't know what you and Dad are doing, but I just don't want to see you get hurt again.
Mira, no sé lo que papá y tú estáis haciendo, pero no quiero ver que otra vez os estáis haciendo daño.
- I don't know, this just popped up on my screen. - What's up?
- ¿ Qué pasa?
I just don't know what to do now.
Solo no sé qué hacer ahora.
Look, I don't know what the hell you just said, but that ain't happening.
Mira, no sé qué demonios acabas de decir, pero va a ser que no.
And just because you don't see me scrambling around i don't know fully what's been going on since at a one.
Y no porque no me veas maquinando algo, quiere decir que no sé lo que está ocurriendo en el juego.
Well, I don't know what to do just kidding.
No sé qué hacer Bromeaba.
I don't know what... Well, just take us through the mental process, that you, that you arrived at the yes with, there.
Guíanos por el proceso mental, que te ha llevado al sí, en esto.
"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to make of it," his doctor said.
"Lo siento, no sé qué opinar", dijo su médico.
I... I just... I don't know what happened.
Yo solo... no sé qué pasó.
♪ Don't speak, I know just what you're saying ♪
* No hables, sé lo que estás diciendo *
I'm just saying, I don't know what you worked out with your brother, but he seems pretty happy here.
- Cállate. Sólo estoy diciendo, no sé qué hiciste con tu hermano, pero él parece ser feliz aquí.
I mean, i don't really know what's going on between angle and malcolm, but it's way beyond just an alliance.
No sé qué pasa entre Angie y Malcolm... pero es algo más que una alianza.
But, uh, guess what she just finished doing. I don't know.
Pero adivina lo que ha terminado haciendo.
And I don't know what it is, but it's... it's tough to just dismiss... it's just nerves in song today.
Y no sé que es, pero es... es muy duro solamente rechazar... Hay nervios en la cancion de hoy.
And don't just say it's'cause you're not a birthday person,'cause quite frankly, I don't really know what that means.
Y no me digas que es porque no eres una persona de cumpleaños, porque, sinceramente, no sé lo que realmente significa.
- What the hell just happened? - I don't know.
- ¿ Qué diablos pasó?
You know, I just don't know what to do with her.
Sabes, no sé qué hacer con ella.
I just... I just don't know what.
Sólo que... solo que no se qué es.
I don't know what you're talk- - shut up. Let's just watch.
Solo veamos.
# Somebody... # The more I open up, the more I get hurt, so, I mean, you know, basically, what happens is I'm just riddled with scars and I just don't want anymore.
Canto más me abro, más herido quedo, así que básicamente lo que sucede es que estoy lleno de cicatrices, y tan solo no quiero más.
I don't really know what I'm supposed to do anymore about this, he just keeps stalking me.
No se muy bien que más se supone que tengo que hacer el sólo sigue acosándome.
Zoe Hart, I don't know what you did, but I could just kiss you.
Zoe Hart, no sé lo que has hecho, pero podría besarte.
I'm not nervous, I just don't want to be responsible for a building collapsing or something,'cause I don't know what I'm doing.
No estoy nervioso, solo que no quiero ser responsable de que se derrumbe un edificio o algo, porque no sé qué estoy haciendo.
I just don't know what Dylan's thinking.
No sé en qué piensa Dylan.
So i'm just absolutely- - i don't even know what to think now.
Así que estoy abolutamente... Ni siquiera sé que pensar ahora.
Here's a thought- - and i don't know what you guys think- - i'm afraid, one, abi could be selfish and just play the idol herself.
Este es una pensamiento... y no sé lo que ustedes piensan muchachos... Tengo miedo de que, 1 : Abi podría ser egoísta y jugar el ídolo a su favor.
They just called us early, and I don't know what to write on the paper.
Nos llamaron antes y no sé qué escribir en el papel.

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