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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I just don't understand it

I just don't understand it tradutor Espanhol

469 parallel translation
Your Honor, I just don't understand, I didn't do it!
Señoría, no entiendo nada. ¡ Yo no fui!
I don't understand. It was just this afternoon.
No lo entiendo, quedamos a esta hora.
- I just don't understand it.
Sólo que no lo entiendo.
I don't understand it. I left them here just a minute ago.
No entiendo, acabo de dejarlas aquí.
I just can't take it. Don't you understand that?
- ¿ No lo comprendes?
I just don't understand it.
No lo entiendo, primero las escaleras...
I just don't understand it.
No lo entiendo.
I just don't understand it.
Es que no lo entiendo.
I just don't understand it, Jess.
No lo entiendo, Jess.
Oh, I can understand the crazy thinking of a road agent or a trigger-happy renegade... but how a man could leave a woman and baby... alone with an animal like that, I — I just don't understand it.
Comprendo la insensatez de un bandido, o un renegado de gatillo alegre... pero cómo un hombre puede dejar a una mujer y un bebé... a solas con un animal así es algo que sencillamente no comprendo.
I just don't understand how it can seem so real.
Simplemente no entiendo cómo puede parecer tan real.
No, I trust you. It's just I don't understand.
No, yo me fío, pero no he entendido bien.
It's just that I don't understand him.
Es sólo que no lo entiendo.
I just don't understand it, Monsieur.
No lo entiendo, Monsieur.
I don't really understand what it means. I just like to read it anyway.
No sé qué quiere decir, pero me gusta leerlo.
- I know all about it, Frank. - I just don't understand you.
- Sé todo eso, Frank.
- Just think, it's 10 years that I've had to listen to them and I don't understand one bit!
Piense que yo llevo diez años con ellos y no les entiendo.
It's something that involves you and my father and a lot of things I just don't understand.
Es algo que involucra usted, mi padre y otras cosas que no entiendo.
I just don't understand it.
No lo comprendo.
I still don't understand it... But I know it was there, Just as I know that your eyes and your voice
Aun sigo sin entenderlo... pero sé que estaba allí, como sé que sus ojos y su voz son las dos cosas más bellas que he conocido.
Impossible. I don't understand. I just put it here, on the table...
Un año después, con las ganancias de la feria... fundó una empresa conjunta con su padre... dedicada a la construcción de teatros.
I just don't understand it.
Simplemente no lo entiendo.
It's not that I don't love them, you understand. It's just that the day finally arrives when a man simply hasn't got the strength... to handle all the jams his children get themselves into.
No es que no los quiera, por supuesto... sino que finalmente llega el día en que un hombre simplemente no tiene fuerza... para lidiar con todos los enredos en que se meten sus hijos.
Bill, i just don't understand... understand it.
Es que no entiendo... no entiendo...
Yeah, I wouldn't have even brought it up at all except that my mother and father just don't understand.
Sí, ni se lo hubiera mencionado, solo que mi madre y mi padre no lo entenderían.
What rubbish you write, I just don't understand it.
No entiendo nada de la basura esa que escribes.
I just don't understand it.
Simplemente no la entiendo.
I don't understand it. I just don't understand it, Chief.
No entiendo, jefe.
I just don't understand any of it.
No entiendo nada.
They have it in just for me, I don't understand.
La han tomado conmigo.
I just don't understand it.
No entiendo.
Frank, I just don't understand How you could blow it like that.
Frank, es que no consigo entender como la cagaste así
Still no radio contact with Skyship 1. I just don't understand it.
¡ Por qué no tenemos Contacto con Buque Aéreo Uno?
I don't understand you. Don't you realise what a break it would be for them, just moving away from that underground tomb once in a while?
Yo no te entiendo. ¿ No te das cuenta de la ruptura que sería para ellos, sólo alejándose de la tumba subterránea de vez en cuando?
I just don't understand it.
No puedo entenderlo.
I know it's difficult for you to understand, love, but people just don't get married at your age.
Sé que te cuesta entenderlo, pero la gente no se casa a tu edad.
I just don't understand it, I just can't think why it's so terrible.
No entiendo, no sé por qué es tan terrible.
And why you gotta have so much action, I just don't understand it anyway.
Y porque necesitas tanta acción, es algo que no logro entender.
You saw. I just don't understand it.
No logro entenderlo.
I just don't understand it.
No Io entiendo.
I don't understand. That's just it.
La experiencia de la noche fue mi maravilloso pequeño gatito,.
It's just with all the presents around, I don't want you letting strangers into the house, you understand?
Es sólo que con todos los regalos... No quiero que dejes entrar a extraños.
I just don't understand how it happened.
No entiendo cómo pasó.
Well, I'm just doing mine, and I can't afford to lose it, so don't you come around here no more, you understand?
Yo también. Y quiero conservarlo, así que no venga más por aquí.
Just don't understand it, I guess.
Es sólo que no lo entiendo.
I just don't understand it... him being so good with guns and everything.
No lo entiendo... Con lo bueno que era con las armas, y todo.
I just don't understand it.
Es que no lo comprendo.
Look, I'm sure it's delicious. I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now.
Seguro que es delicioso, pero no entiendo por qué no podemos ver a Yoda ahora.
I don't understand it. Nobody just disappears without some reason.
No lo entiendo, nadie se va sin un motivo.
Honey, I know you explained it. We just don't understand.
Cariño, nos lo explicaste, pero no entendemos...
I just really don't understand any of it.
No entiendo nada.

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