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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I know it's not fair

I know it's not fair tradutor Espanhol

112 parallel translation
I know it's not fair, but what am I to do?
- ¿ Le parece justo? - No, no lo es, pero ¿ qué hago yo?
It's not fair to you and I don't know what I'm doing.
No es justo para ti, y yo no sé qué es lo que hago.
I don't know what you want me to say, It's just not fair!
No sé por qué me obligas a decirtelo, ¡ No es justo!
And there was no... I know it's not fair to judge a whole church on the basis of one individual... but there was just, uh... I don't know.
No es justo juzgar a toda la Iglesia por una persona, pero noté que faltaba humanidad en la Iglesia, demasiado énfasis en la doctrina, en las normas,
You know, I was thinking while you were gone, it's not really fair to have you make all the honeymoon plans, so I went ahead and I did them myself.
Sabes, estaba pensando mientras estabas fuera, en realidad no es justo tener que hacer todos los planes de luna de miel, así que me fui por delante y lo hice yo mismo.
I know life is not too fair. Sometimes it's ugly and stupid and mean.
Lo sé, la vida no es justa, a veces es fea, estúpida... y mala.
I don't know if it's fair to say what happens after one dies... but it's a plausible picture... that you could be somebody else... and that somebody else could be somebody that lived in the past, not in the future.
No sé si es justo decir qué sucede después de que uno muere, pero es posible que puedas convertirse en otra persona, y esa persona puede ser alguien que vivió en el pasado y no en el futuro.
Look, I know it's not fair, especially on Solstice eve but what can I do?
Mira, sé que no es justo, en especial en víspera de Solsticio ¿ pero qué puedo hacer yo?
It's not fair. - Honey, you know I do it for their own protection.
Querida, sabes que lo hago por su propia seguridad.
I know, it's not exactly fair to you.
Sé que he sido desconsiderada con usted.
I know Faith's not gonna be on the cover of Sanity Fair, but she had it rough.
Sé que Faith no es una santa, pero... ha pasado por malos momentos.
- It's not fair, I know.
No es justo, lo sé.
- It's not fair, I know.
¡ Dígamelo!
- I know it's not fair.
- Sé que no es justo.
Sweetheart, listen, I know that we've hurt you, But what you're doing isn't fair, it's not right
Cariño, sé que te hemos hecho daño, pero esto no es justo.
I know. That's not fair, is it?
No es justo, ¿ verdad?
I know it's not fair, but it's the way it is.
Sé que no es justo, pero es como es.
And I don't think it's really fair to say that she was wearing a scoutmaster uniform, so therefore, she should have let herself get kicked out, you know, and not tried to lie, cheat and steal the way everybody else did. I
Y no creo que sea justo decir que llevaba un uniforme de Jefe Scout, y qué, ¿ por eso tendría que haberse dejado echar, y no intentar mentir, engañar y robar como los demás?
Look, I know it's not fair to you, and I don't even know... if you feel the same way, but the thing is I...
Mira, yo sé que no es justo para usted, y yo ni siquiera sé... si usted siente la misma manera, pero es lo I...
Look, I know it's not fair, okay?
Mira, ya sé que no es justo, ok?
I'm sorry, Karen, I know it's not fair to ask you to wait So I'm going to have to break up with you
Lo siento Karen, no es justo pedirte que me esperes, así que terminaré contigo.
I couldn't find my paper cups that I needed for the ice-cream-sundae challenge, so I feel like it's not a fair starting point, you know?
No podía encontrar los vasos que traje que necesitaba para el desafío de helado sundae.
I know it's not fair to you, Brooke.
Sé que no es justo para ti, Brooke.
I know it's not fair.
Sé que no es justo.
It's really immature, but it was just sitting there and I was just, you know, I really want to be good at this, I really do. But it's just not fair for her treat somebody that way.
De veras me enfadé, solo estaba sentada allí y solo sabes, de veras quiero ser buena en esto, de veras, pero es solo que no es justo tratar a alguien así.
I know it's not fair for me to try to be a father after all these years, but...
Sé que no es justo que trate de ser tu padre después de tantos años.
It's not fair, you know, I have to go to school and you get to sit in here and do what you want all day.
No es justo. Yo debo ir a la escuela y tú puedes quedarte aquí y hacer lo que quieras.
It's not fair, and, you know, I'm gonna do it myself.
No es justo, ¿ sabes? voy a hacerlo sola.
It's not fair and I know it's not your fault.
No es justo y sé que no es tu culpa.
I Know It's Not Fair. I Know It Gives Me Absolute Power, But Tough.
Sé que no es justo, que me da a mí todo el poder, pero ya está.
I mean, everyone else is having sex with more than one person in this movie all of a sudden, so I think it's, you know, not fair if I'm only fucking you. - See, she's fine... Wait, what?
- No tiene problema... ¿ Espera, qué?
I know I've missed my deadline, again. And I know you have a lot of people to answer to, and it's not fair to you.
Sé que otra vez excedí la fecha límite y sé que tienes que responder ante mucha gente y no es justo para ti.
It's Just-It's Not Fair Because I Didn't Know That Was The Apartment I Was Getting.
Es sólo que no es justo... porque no sabía que ese era el apartamento que estaba rentando.
I know, I know it's not fair.
Lo sé, sé que no es justo.
- And I'm a good actor. It's not fair. - I know you are.
Y soy una buena actriz, no es justo.
Know what is fair? It's not fair that you can go to the movies with her, and I can not pass through the grain Bennett's favorite... Please...
Lo que no es justo es que tú puedas ir al cine con ella y yo no pueda pasar por delante de los cereales favoritos de Bennett.
Look, it's not a fair deal, and I know this isn't how you like to hand off cases to the D A, but, honey, hey, at the end of the day, it may be necessary.
Mira, no es un acuerdo justo, y sé que así no es como te gusta... darle los casos al fiscal, pero, cariño, oye, al final del día, puede ser necesario.
Yeah, I know, but it's just not fair, Dad.
Sí, yo sé, pero no es justo, papá.
I know it's not a fair thing to ask of a 14-year-old kid, but you've got to be strong for her.
Sé que no es justo pedirle esto a un chico de catorce años pero tienes que ser fuerte por ella.
You know, not that I judge at all. But it's like, you know, it's not fair.
No la juzgo para nada, pero es como, ya sabes, no es justo.
It's not fair, I know.
No es justo, lo sé.
It's not fair, I don't know anything.
No es justo, no sé nada.
I know it's not fair, my son.
Yo sé que no es justo, hijo mío.
And y'know, it's not fair, like.. so I woke up at 4 pm?
Y cachay que no es justo, porque.. si me levanto a las 4 pm?
No, you know, I can't keep pushing you. It's not fair to either of us.
No puedo seguir presionándote, no es justo para ninguno de los dos
I thought, you know, It's just not even fair to have the fun stop there, So have at them, you know.
Pensé, sabes, no es justo que la diversión termine allí, así que los tienen, sabes.
I don't even know what it means or what I'm even gonna do about it, but I know it's not fair to you, and I think we should break up.
Ni si quiera sé lo que significa o incluso lo que voy a hacer, pero sé que no es justo para tí, y creo que deberíamos romper.
You know, it's... it's not fair for me to smother you just because I'm going through something.
Sabes, es que... no es justo que te reprima sólo porque estoy pasando por algo
I don't know. It's not fair, really.
No es justo, realmente.
Baby, I know it's not fair, none of it, but I need you.
Sé que no es justo, nada lo es, pero te necesito.
I know it's not fair, and I'm really sorry.
Sé que no es justo, y lo siento realmente.

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