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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I know it's not your fault

I know it's not your fault tradutor Espanhol

129 parallel translation
Now, look here, young lady, I know it's not your fault, but unless the proper authorities permit me to see my client at once,
Escuche, jovencita, sé que no tiene la culpa, pero a menos que me permitan ver a mi cliente, procederé con acciones legales.
- I know it's not your fault.
- Sé bien que no es culpa tuya.
I know it's not your fault, Lillie... but things would have been a whole lot easier... if you'd taken my advice and had all boys.
Sé que no es culpa tuya, Lillie, pero habría sido mucho más fácil... de haber seguido mi consejo y tener sólo niños.
I know that. But it's not your fault.
Lo sé, pero no es culpa tuya.
I know it's not your fault, because I've seen you looking toward my house every day.
Ya sé que no es culpa tuya, porque te he visto mirando hacia mi casa todos los días.
I know how you feel but it's not your fault.
Se como te sientes, pero no es tu culpa.
I know it? s not your fault
Sé que no es culpa suya.
I know it's not your fault.
Pero si yo sé que tú no has tenido la culpa.
I know it's not your fault!
¡ Se que no es culpa tuya!
It's not your fault, I know that.
No es culpa tuya, ya lo sé.
I know it's not your fault.
Yo sé que no es culpa tuya.
- I know. It's not your fault it didn't work.
Lo sé, no es su culpa que no funcionara.
You know, Peg I tried to get you the watch. It's not my fault. It's never your fault.
Yo le respondí, y el pobre Bella se puso en el medio, y lo alcanzó el fuego cruzado.
I know... I know it's not your fault. But it's crazy to feel this way about you.
Sé que no es tu culpa, pero es loco sentirme así por ti.
I know I'm not dealing with this very well... but it's not your fault, and...
Se que no estoy manejando esto bien pero no es tu culpa, y
Look I don't know why this is happening but I know it's not your fault.
Mira... ... no sé porque esto está pasando... ... pero sé que no es por tu culpa.
You know, I adore doctors, but I must say, if it is an epidemic this gay plague thing, it's your fault for not stopping it, not mine.
Adoro a los médicos, pero si esta plaga gay... es una epidemia... es culpa de ustedes, por no detenerla.
I know. It's not your fault, it's my fault.
No es culpa tuya, es culpa mía.
"It's not your fault, daddy, I know it's not."
"No fue culpa suya, papaíto, yo sé que no fue culpa suya."
I mean, look, it's not your fault, you know.
Mira, no es tu culpa.
You know, Hercules, it's not your fault... that I got hurt.
¿ Sabes, Hércules? No es tu culpa que haya salido herido.
Everytime you want to come over... I know that, it's not your fault.
Ya lo sé, no es culpa tuya.
I know it's not your fault, but look what your perfection has done to me.
Sé que no es culpa tuya, pero mira lo que me ha hecho tu perfección.
Mr. Vitti, I know it's not your fault but shouldn't we take this up with our insurance companies?
Sé que no fue culpa suya... ... pero pueden arreglarlo los seguros.
- I know it's not your fault.
- Sé que no es su culpa.
No words will fix it, but I know it's not your fault.
Las palabras no lo arreglarán, pero sé que no es tu culpa.
Oh, I know it's not your fault.
Oh, ya sé que no es culpa tuya.
Yeah, I know, and it's not your fault.
Sí, lo sé, y no es culpa tuya.
I'm not blaming you. lt's not your fault and it's not my fault. lt's just... I don't know.
No te culpo. No es tu culpa ni la mía. Es sólo que...
I know it's not your fault.
Sé que no es culpa tuya.
And I know it's not your fault.
Y sé que no es culpa tuya.
I know it's not your fault, but....
sé que no es su culpa, pero...
I know it doesn't help, but it's not your fault.
Sé que esto no ayuda, pero no tienes la culpa. Decidió hacer esto.
I know you blame me for what's happening with your father, but... it's not entirely my fault, and I need you to understand that.
Sé que me culpas por lo que está pasando con tu padre pero toda la culpa no es mía y necesito que lo entiendas.
Mom's crying and you're not being there and I know it's not your fault, I know you don't mean it to be that way, but that's how it is.
Mamá llora y tú no estarás allí y sé que no es tu culpa, sé que no quieres que sea así, pero así son las cosas.
- I know, it's not your doctor's fault. This would not have shown up on the pre-op lab work.
Lo sé, no ha sido culpa suya, esto no aparece en el trabajo preoperatorio.
I wanted to let you know, it's not your fault.
Quería decirte que no es culpa tuya.
I don't know, but what I do know is it's not your fault.
pero sé que no es tu culpa.
As far as I know, there are no species in the galaxy... that have mastered the art of mixing romance and vocation. It " s not your fault.
No es culpa suya.
I'm-I'm sorry, all right. I know it's not your fault, but... I thought if I just came down here, that I could maybe just figure out at least where he was, and-and maybe put some of this behind me.
Lo siento, ya sé que no es culpa suya pero pensé que si venía aquí y averiguaba dónde está el bebé me libraría de esta horrible sensación que tengo.
I know. It's not your fault.
No es tu culpa.
And I know that's not your fault, but I can't be a part of it.
La gente muere y sé que no es por tu culpa, pero no puedo ser parte de eso.
Don't humor me, and don't tell me it's not your fault, 'Cause I know every squirmy little face you got.
No te burles de mí diciéndome que no es tu culpa porque conozco cada uno de tus asquerosos gestos.
I know it's hard, but you gotta remember it's not your fault, it was just an accident.
Sé que es difícil, pero deben recordar que no fue error de Uds., sólo fue un accidente.
I'm not saying it's your fault, I'm asking if you know what happened!
No digo que culpa tuya, ¡ te estoy preguntando si sabes qué ha pasado!
No, it's not your fault. I know.
No fue culpa tuya, lo se.
It's not your fault, shorty. It's your fault for giving me... all that scrawberry milk after 9 : 00. I know.
No es tu culpa, linda.
I know it's not your fault, obviously you didn't make it up, but please, it makes us look like pod people.
Sé que no es culpa suya, obviamente no inventó la frase, pero... nos hace parecer monigotes.
No, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself! Don't touch me, I know it's not my fault! You don't listen, Bob, it's not your fault.
- No me toques, sé que no es mi culpa.
I know it's not your fault.
Se los dije.
I know it's not your fault
Sé que no es tu culpa.

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