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I know you did it tradutor Espanhol

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I know you did it.
Sé que lo hiciste.
I know you did it for me, father.
Sé que lo hizo por mí, padre.
How did you know I was looking for it?
Entiendes todo sobre mí, ¿ verdad?
Now I don't think you did it, but I think you know who did.
No creo que tú lo hayas hecho pero sí creo que sabes quién lo hizo.
I know who you are as a person couldn't have done this, which means, if you physically did do it, you were acting outside yourself, and that's what a dissociative state is.
Sé que tú no pudiste hacer algo así, eso significa que, si lo hiciste físicamente, actuabas fuera de sí, y ése es el significado de un estado disociativo.
Even if you did do those horrible things, it's only because you know I'm important to you and one of the best football players alive.
Incluso si ha hecho todas esas cosas horribles, es solo porque sabe lo importante que soy para usted y que soy uno de los mejores jugadores vivos del mundo.
I mean, you know who did it as well as me.
Usted sabe quién lo hizo tan bien como yo.
It's about time I did, you know?
Era hora que lo hiciera, ¿ sabes?
Shawn, I know this isn't your thing, but it makes me so happy that you're here. And look, we did it!
Shawn, sé que esto no es lo tuyo, pero me alegra mucho que estés aquí.
Did you know president Obama's not a U.S. citizen? Damn it, Frankie. I knew asking my brother was a bad idea.
¿ Sabían que el presidente Obama no es un ciudadano de los E.E.U.U.? Maldición, Frankie.
I do not know what happened, but you have my word that I did not do it.
No sé lo que ha pasado, pero le doy mi palabra de que yo no he introducido eso ahí.
There's no story. You maybe even just drew him closer to the page. I don't even know if you did it honestly.
¡ Quizás sólo lo dibujaste más cerca de la página!
I don't know how you did this, but you won't get away with it.
- No sé cómo hicieron esto pero no se saldrán con la suya.
Don't know if you still need it, but I did more work on the thermal footage... that other shape in the background that Mike showed me.
No sé si todavía lo necesitas, pero hice más trabajo en las fotos térmicas... esa otra forma en el fondo que Mike me mostró.
You know, I did not set up this league to have a trophy end up with my wife's name on it or as a bong in my attic.
No he arreglado esta liga para que el trofeo acabe con el nombre de mi mujer o como cachimba en mi desván.
Whatever you say, I know you did not feel anything towards Diego. And you know it.
Por mucho que finjas, sé que no sientes nada por Diego y tú también lo sabes.
He did not say it. And I think you already know the passenger.
No lo precisó, y supongo que ya va conociendo a mi suegra.
I've taken lives for less. I don't know what you did to get it.
- No sé qué hizo para obtenerlo.
Listen, I don't know what you did, but it worked.
Mira, no sé qué hiciste pero funcionó.
I could have let her die, I could have consoled you at her funeral, or I could save her, even though it meant risking our friendship, and I did know that much, Will.
Yo podría haberla dejado morir, podría haberte consolado en su funeral, o podría haberla salvado, incluso si eso hubiese significado arriesgar nuestra relación de amistad, y no lo supe mucho, Will.
I did it for you, Fai. Do you know that?
Lo hice por ti, Fai. ¿ Lo sabes?
I know I was distracting you, but I did see the bus go through the red light, and that's when it hit that woman.
Sé que te distraje pero sí vi que el autobús pasó con luz roja y atropelló a la señora.
You know, sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be better if they did cheat.
Saben, a veces me pregunto si no sería mejor que nos engañaran.
It was good to see you, Sandy... but you did not come to Uruguay just to know about my meds... and if I've been drinking.
Es bueno verte, arena... pero no llegó a Uruguay sólo para saber sobre mis medicamentos... y si ha estado bebiendo.
You didn't even know that I loved it, Nikki, but I did.
Ni siquiera sabías que a mí me gustaba, Nikki, pero así era.
- I know. I know it is so impossible, but you did it.
¡ Sé que es imposible, pero lo lograste!
Look, I know our plans changed. But, they changed because I did well. And I know it doesn't feel like that to you, but maybe it's a good thing that they changed.
Yo sé que nuestros planes cambiaron, pero cambiaron porque me esmeré y yo sé que no estás de acuerdo pero quizá sea bueno que hayan cambiado.
I did it for your own benefit too, you know?
Lo hago por tu propio beneficio también, ¿ sabes?
- That's not what I did and you know it.
- Eso no es lo que hice y lo sabes.
I guess I just did not want to believe it was true, you know?
Yo no quería creer que fuera cierto, ¿ sabe?
You know, it felt good, what I did.
Sabes, me sentí bien por lo que hice.
I know what you did with Ted wasn't easy, and I just want you to know that I love you for it, and I think it's a new beginning for our relationship.
Sé que lo que has hecho con Ted no ha sido fácil y... quiero que sepas que te quiero por hacerlo... y creo que es un nuevo comienzo para nuestra relación.
You think I don't know why you did it?
¿ Crees que no sé por qué lo hiciste?
I know why you did it.
Sé por qué lo hiciste.
- I know what you did. - I'm not gonna let you do it again!
- No dejaré que lo hagas de nuevo.
You felt it too, I know you did.
Tú también la sentiste. Sé que sí.
That was just not the way I did it, you know.
Que simplemente no era la manera que lo hice, ya sabes.
Look, I know they did a job on you, okay? I know it wasn't fair and that stooge of Silver's played dirty. But she did it.
Sé que fue una encerrona que no fue justo, que su lacaya jugó sucio.
You know, that jail thing... you know, he had it worse than I did, you know, with his family and everything.
Lo de la cárcel. Él lo tenía peor, con la familia y todo eso.
That's how I built my empire, stealing dope from that- - you know, dope. - So when did it go bad?
Así es como construí mi imperio, robándole droga a ese ya sabes, a ese idiota.
Listen good when I talk to you because it's very important that you know what I did before you come out of my belly.
Escucha bien mientras te cuento mi historia... porque es my importante que comprendas la vida de tu mamá... antes de que salieras de mi vientre.
- I did not know it was you.
- No sabía que eras tú.
I do not know, it's How did you do.
También sé que está funcionando. Lo que no sé, es Cómo lo hiciste.
I don't know how you did it.
No sé cómo lo hizo.
- I know why you did it, Herman. - Why?
- Se lo que hiciste, Herman.
You know I actually did think about it, but I figured, you know, that'd kind of rude since you were pouring your heart out and all.
¿ Sabes? , se me ocurrió, pero pensé que sería una grosería ya que estabas abriendo tu corazón.
Now, I don't know how you did it, but somehow you convinced five kids to believe in the tooth fairy again.
No sé cómo lo hizo, pero de algún modo convenció a cinco niños de volver a creer en el hada.
I do not know how you did it but bravo.
Bravo No sé cómo lo hiciste pero bravo
You know, I-I did see Diana writing in her planner once, and there was a little book next to it.
Sabes, y-yo vi a Diana escribiendo en su libreta una vez, y había un pequeño libro al lado.
( I don't know. I don't know, but I can hear it now. ) ( Did you hear that?
No lo sé, pero ahora puedo escucharlo. ¿ Has escuchado eso?
I don't know how you did it, but...
No sé cómo lo hiciste, pero- -

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