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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I looked up to you

I looked up to you tradutor Espanhol

229 parallel translation
You know, Mr LaSalle, for years I looked up to you.
Sabe, Sr. La Salle, lo admiré durante años.
I looked up to you.
Yo te admiraba.
When I was a kid, I looked up to you guys.
Cuando era niño, solía admirar a tipos como usted.
I looked up to you...
Te admiraba.
I looked up to you.
- Era mi amigo.
I looked you up first thing to find out if the Tans are still watching my mother's house.
Te busqué para ver si los cafés siguen vigilando mi casa.
I've always looked up to you, worshipped you as a kind of god.
Siempre te he admirado, Te he adorado como si fueras un Dios.
Ever since college, I've yessed you and looked up to you.
Te he obedecido desde que íbamos al colegio.
You'll never know how I admired and looked up to you in those days.
Nunca sabréis cómo os admiraba en aquellos días.
Sinceramente, me pones enferma.
I looked up the word you told me to in the dictionary. Alone.
Busqué la palabra que me dijiste en el diccionario.
Do you think it would be a bad idea, just to be safe, if I looked up this girl and, uh... -
¿ Crees que sería muy mala idea, sólo para asegurarnos, si vigilo a esta chica y, uh -
In the midst of all my terror and all the horror, when I looked up at you and saw treason just dripping out of your eyes, those big, brown eyes, I couldn't help saying to myself,
Pese al terror que sentía, al mirarte y ver la traición en tus ojos, esos grandes ojos castaños, sólo pude pensar :
I say, a chap called Sound just looked in. He's absolutely livid with you, old boy. He says he's going to bump his speed up next time.
Eh, alguien llamado sonido se pasó por aquí y está furioso contigo, dice que va a aumentar su velocidad.
I thought if I looked you up you might introduce me to some of your influential friends.
Pensé que si venía a verte, podrías presentarme a algunos de tus influyentes amigos.
To think that as a young boy I loved you and looked up at you as a hero.
Pensar que, de nifio, yo te amaba y te admiraba como héroe.
And I've always looked up to you, tried to ape you... but today I'm ashamed for you.
Siempre te he admirado. He procurado imitarte. Pero hoy me avergüenzo de ti.
I always looked up to you.
Siempre te admiré.
Maybe it never occurred to you that if I'd had anything that even looked like a home when I was 16 that maybe I wouldn't have ended up in prison.
Puede que nunca se te haya ocurrido pensar que si a mis 16 años yo hubiera tenido algo parecido a un hogar, quizás no habría acabado en la cárcel.
You'd be looked up to more. Dad... -... that's what I mean.
Serías más respetado, papá, a eso me refiero.
I was looked at, you know, the American fighting man, as being, uh, you know, like a warrior of sorts, you know, due to my background, the way my mother brought me up.
Me han visto como si fuera, ya sabes, el luchador americano,... como si fuera, ya sabes,... como una especie de guerrero, ya sabes, por mi entorno,... y la forma en que me crió mi madre.
But I believe you were covering up for once, years earlier, when you were in America, having looked after a little white baby called Daisy, whose death, though you could do nothing to prevent it,
Pero Creo que intentaba esconder que años antes estuvo en América... donde trabajó como niñera de una niñita llamada Daisy. No pudo evitarlo.
Must seem odd to you that I've looked you up after all these years.
Debe parecer raro que te haya buscado después de todos estos años.
Elusive words I heard and lies the moment you opened your eyes but now that the flames have fired up your ancient beauty you looked up and to the ring of life Mother Hellas the same lie you bear in mass.
Las grandes palabras falsas me las dijiste con la primera leche materna y ahora que el fuego se ha reavivado tú te ocupas sólo de cuidar tus bellezas antiguas y por las arenas del mundo, Madre Grecia, vas exhibiendo siempre la misma mentira.
I just asked you to do one thing... just stay awake and watch me... just wake me up if it looked like I was having a bad dream... and what did you do?
Solo te pedi que hagas una sola cosa... permanecer despierto y vigilarme... y despertarme si notabas que estaba teniendo un mal sueño... y que es lo que hiciste?
and she came up to me, and she looked me in the face, and I had never met her. I'd just known her from the films, you know,
y se acercó a mí y me miró a la cara, no nos habíamos visto.
And I would say, "I always looked up to you like an older sister."
Y diria que siempre te habia considerado una hermana mayor.
I woke up several times and looked in to say hello, but you weren't there.
Me levanté muchas veces y miré para decirte hola, pero no estabas.
I was one of those kids that looked up to you, man.
Yo era uno de esos chicos que te admiraban.
All the years I've looked up to you.
Todos los años me han mirado hasta usted.
Yes, you are, sir. Hey, I've always looked up to you.
Sí, señor, siempre lo he admirado.
Would you mind if I looked around up there, to see where it all began?
Le importaría que mirará allá arriba? Solo para saber donde empezó todo.
And I'll tell you, people really looked up to him.
La gente lo miraba con respeto.
I know you looked up to him.
Sabía que lo admirabas.
The truth is, I've always looked up to you and admired you.
La verdad es que siempre te he admirado.
Gobei, I've always looked up to you, and you've always looked out for me.
Gobei, siempre te he mirado por encima tuyo, y tu siempre mirabas afuera por mi.
I woke up one morning, and I looked at you over breakfast... and I thought to myself... God, this is what they mean.
Una mañana me desperté y te miré, desayunando y pensé para mí Caray, es eso que dicen.
Well, you looked so beautiful, I didn't, uh... Want to wake you up.
Te veías tan hermosa, no, eh..... quise despertarte.
I know that Dennis greatly respected your work and looked up to you.
Sé que Dennis respetaba enormemente su trabajo y le admiraba mucho.
You looked so delicious... I wanted to eat you all up.
Tenías un aspecto tan delicioso que quería comerte.
I always looked up to you, my big brother.
Sólo quiero saber qué le pasó a Dante.
That first night I met you, when you looked at me so attentively, I had to draw away. Having so looked up to you and wondered at you since that night, and at first thought you to be so good as to be at all mindful of me...
Yo le admiraba y estaba embelesada con usted, desde aquella noche, y al principio pensaba que cómo podía ser tan bueno para fijarse en mí....
You looked suspicious to me for a Iong time... But I tried to fight that notion... Until you turned up tonight.
Lo suponía desde hace tiempo... pero no quería creerlo... hasta esta noche.
I looked around for signs of intelligence, but nothing much, certainly nothing to justify not blowing it up, then... then, Dick, I met you.
Pero no encontré algo que generara no volar el planeta. Luego, Dick... te conocí a ti.
I actually looked up at the house and said, "Goodbye, Maris." "l hope you have a happy life, but I don't have to take any more of your crap".
De hecho, miré hacia la casa y dije, "Adiós, Maris, espero que tengas una vida muy feliz, pero yo no tengo por qué aguantarte más".
I had no idea that they looked up to you.
No sabía que te respetaran.
I mean... you know, all my life, I looked up to him and I wanted to be like him and and then just one day, just... bam!
Toda mi vida lo admiré, y quería ser como él... y un día, sólo- - pum.
You know, I gotta tell you it would be an absolute shame for me to let another day like today pass without ever telling you how much I've always looked up to you as my big brother.
¿ Sabes qué? Sería una pena que deje pasar otro día sin decirte que siempre te admiré como mi hermano mayor.
You know, growing up, spending all that time with you guys I think I was too little to really understand it, but l- - l always knew there was something special about the way you guys looked at each other.
Crecía y pasaba mucho tiempo con ustedes y aunque era muy pequeña para entenderlo siempre supe que había algo especial en como se miraban...
I've been talking to you for five minutes now about killing myself and no one's even looked up from their desk.
Llevo hablando 5 minutos con Ud. Sobre mi suicidio y nadie ha asomado la cabeza. Espere.
We laugh about it now, but the fact is, I've always looked up to you.
Ahora nos reímos de eso, pero lo cierto es que siempre te he admirado.

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