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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I really don't know anything

I really don't know anything tradutor Espanhol

296 parallel translation
I really don't know of anything much Fanny has got.
Fanny nunca ha tenido gran cosa, excepto su afecto por Eugene.
Well, I don't really know. I can't help it, I can't find anything that fits.
No puedo arreglarme... No encuentro nada que me sirva.
I really don't know of anything much Fanny has got except her feeling about Eugene.
Realmente no conozco mucho de lo que Fanny tiene excepto sus sentimientos por Eugene.
I really don't know anything about American sports.
Realmente no sé nada sobre los deportes de los Estados Unidos.
You know, I don't know anything about you really.
Sabes, realmente apenas sé nada de ti.
I don't really think there's anything we can add to what you already know, Dr. Velasco.
No podemos añadir nada a lo que usted ya conoce.
You know, for the sake of that dinner, I really don't want anything to happen to you.
Sòlo por esa cena, no quiero que le pase nada.
And yet I feel I really don't know anything about you at all.
y, sin embargo, yo siento que realmente no sabemos nada acerca de usted.
En realidad no sé como subí a este barco.
I'm ashamed to say I really don't know anything about archaeology.
Me temo que no sé nada de arqueología.
But I don't really know anything about birds.
Pero no sé mucho sobre pájaros.
I don't know who you are and we don't know anything at all about radar or jets or anything else but if you're really low on fuel we'll clear you to land here.
¿ Nos tienen en el radar o no? No se quien es usted y jamas he oido hablar de radar, ni tampoco de ningun jet. pero si estan secos, vamos a autorizarles a aterrizar.
I don't really know anything about it at all.
En realidad, no lo sé.
I really don't know anything any more.
No sé nada.
I don't know what got into me talking like that. I know you've never really thought anything bad about me.
No sé qué me ha pasado, sé que tú nunca has pensado mal de mí.
Only us two, but I really don't know anything about it.
Sólo nosotros dos, pero yo no sé nada sobre lo que sucedió.
I don't know anything, really.
Yo no sé nada.
No, I don't really know anything about it.
No, en realidad no sé nada sobre eso.
I really don't know anything!
¡ De verdad que no se nada!
He doesn't know anything, but I really don't like this, Justin.
Él no sabía nada, pero de veras no me gusta, Justin.
I don't know as how I really have to explain anything.
Bueno, y no sé porque tengo que daros tantas explicaciones.
Hey, like in a hothouse. Think these have anything to do with those guys being killed, huh? I really don't know.
Como una incubadora. ¿ Tendrán que ver con las muertes?
Well... about you... I really don't know anything.
Quiero que me cuentes cosas.
Look, I'm really busy, and since you don't seem to know anything...
Escuche. Estoy muy ocupada y... parece no saber nada del caso.
Look, I know you really tried... but if you don't have anything for me in five minutes.... I'm going to have to tell the G and R... Board that not even Remington Steele knows what happened to George.
Sé que lo han intentado, pero si no tienen nada para mí tendré que decir al consejo que ni siquiera Remington Steele sabe qué ocurrió con George.
- I don't really know anything about that.
No sé nada de eso.
I really don't know anything
Realmente no sé nada
I know you really didn't need my test answers or anything, but I kinda got the feeling like, I don't know, like we were a team in there.
Sé que no necesitabas las respuestas de mi prueba... pero sentí, no sé, como que... éramos un equipo.
You know, I don't want you to think that I don't respect you or anything because I really do.
¿ Sabes? No quiero que pienses que no te respeto, porque lo hago.
I really don't know anything
Y realmente no sé nada
You know, I really don't wanna think about anything heavy or long-term like that tonight.
No quiero pensar en nada duradero como eso esta noche.
I really don't know anything.
La verdad es que no sé nada.
I don't really know much about your relationship. He hasn't said anything. I've mostly guessed.
No sé mucho sobre su relación, no me ha dicho nada, pero me lo he imaginado.
I don't want pressure anything, but I really think you should get know him better, cause he could be very...
No quiero presionar nada, pero creo que deberías conocerlo... mejor, porque podría ser muy...
And I really don't know anything.
Y la verdad es que yo no sé nada.
Thanks, but I really don't know anything.
Gracias. pero realmente no sé nada.
And I really don't know... if in the time we spent together... I have taught you anything.
Y realmente no sé... si en el momento que pasamos juntos... le he enseñado algo.
I don't even know... because I've never really done anything like this before.
Ni siquiera sé, porque nunca he hecho algo así. ¿ Tienes un abogado?
I really don't know anything.
En serio, no tengo experiencia.
I don't really know anything about you, and you don't know me, and...
A veces siento que no sé nada de tí y tú también no me conoces a mi....
I mean, we really don't know if there's anything left down there, do we?
Digo, realmente no sabemos si queda algo allí abajo, ¿ no?
Look, I really don't know anything.
no puedo ayudarlo.
I don't know anything, really.
No sé nada en realidad.
I don't really know anything about cars.
Yo realmente no se nada de autos.
Actually, I don't really know anything about you.
En realidad, no sé nada de ti.
- I really don't know anything about you.
.... .Bueno, realmente no sé nada de Ud.
You don't know who I really am! You don't know anything about me!
¡ Tú no sabes quién soy yo realmente!
I don't really know anything.
No sé realmente nada.
I, I I know this is an ideal sort of kissing moment you know, night, moon, boat, water lapping you know, it's, um... i t's perfect and I'm I'm not feeling that it would be nice but I don't really know anything about you and I'm I'm still on the rebound
Ya sabes : la noche, la luna, el bote, el agua... Tú sabes, es perfecto.
I don't really know anything about birds.
Porque los pájaros comen todo el tiempo.
So I'm sorry what I said yesterday, I really don't know anything about her.
Lamento lo que dije ayer, realmente no la conozco.

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