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I really miss you tradutor Espanhol

668 parallel translation
I really miss you.
Te eché mucho de menos.
" Sir, I really miss you people, but sometimes I get so busy I forget to.
" Señor, realmente los echo de menos, pero a veces estoy ocupado y lo olvido.
I really miss you.
¡ Realmente me haces falta!
Yes, I really miss you.
- Sí. Sí, te extraño mucho.
Really, Miss Davis, there are times when I would like to laugh at you.
Realmente, Srta. Davis, hay veces en las que me gustaría reirme de usted.
Dear, I wish you'd bind your wave when you go to bed. Miss Burns, really?
Debería usar una red cuando se acuesta.
Sugiko I really miss the person you used to be.
Sugiko, echo mucho de menos a la persona que eras antes.
I say, Miss Finch, do you really read me?
Srta. Finch, ¿ realmente lee mis obras?
Would it surprise you to learn that I was once intended for the church, Miss Elizabeth? Really?
¿ Le sorprende saber que estuve a punto de ser sacerdote, Srta. Elizabeth?
Shall I tell you who is really responsible for your sister's happiness, Miss Elizabeth?
¿ Sabe quién es realmente la responsable de la felicidad de su hermana, Srta. Elizabeth?
Look, Miss Bacon, I really must go now but do you think if I were to come past your house around 9 : 00 you might be just sitting around on the veranda?
Bueno, señorita Bacon, debo irme pero ¿ si pasase por delante de su casa a eso de las nueve a lo mejor estará sentada en la terraza?
But, Miss Bacon. It was really you I came to see.
Señorita Bacon, es a usted a quien he venido a ver.
I just wanted to tell you that I'm really not Miss Winthrop's brother.
sólo quería decirle que no soy el hermano de la Srta. Winthrop.
I will really miss you.
La voy a extrañar mucho.
- It's Miss Stella I really want to see. - Won't you come in?
En realidad es a Stella a quien quiero ver.
What I really came for, Miss Selby, what I really wanted to ask you was, if I might sit quietly in her room for a while.
Para lo que he venido, Srta. Selby, lo que realmente quería pedirle, era si podía quedarme tranquilo en su habitación un rato.
Miss Thursday if I had any thought that it really mattered to you whether I spoke to you or not...
Señorita, si llego a saber que le importa... el que le hable o no...
You know, Hildy, I feel that we ought to really try to find Miss Turnstiles.
Hildy, creo que deberíamos intentar encontrar a Miss Metro.
Well I'm really glad you think so, Miss, because I personally haven't very much faith in these newlywed housekeepers.
Me alegro de que piense eso, señorita, porque no tenía mucha fe en estas amas de casa recién casadas.
Maybe I am tough and stubborn, Miss Parker, but from where I sit, it's pretty hard to believe that you're really in love with Tim.
Puedo ser testaruda pero resulta difícil creer que quiere Ud. a Tim.
I just wanted to tell you that I'm really not Miss Winthrop's brother.
Sòlo quería decirle que no soy el hermano de la Srta. Winthrop.
And really, I did miss you, Sandy.
Y realmente, te extrañe, Sandy.
But I'm wondering if this post is really what you're looking for, Miss Marple.
Pero me pregunto si este empleo es lo que busca, señorita Marple.
Then Miss, I'm really sorry to have to tell you this but your brother has absolutely no understanding of the cause because it's the Bolsheviks like yourself who cheat people!
Pues señora, siento mucho decírselo, pero su hermano habla sin conocimiento de causa. Porque los bolcheviques como tú sí que son gandules. ¿ Has oído?
It's really not their fault. "Miss Timberlake, I offer you Upper Sandusky."
- Realmente no es culpa de ellos. Srta. Timberlake, le ofrezco Upper Sandusky
That is awfully generous of you, Miss Crawford, really, but I think I'm gonna try and keep it simple.
Es muy generoso de su parte, Señora Crawford, realmente, pero creo que iré muy simple.
I can't really blame you, Miss Page. But there is one thing...
No la culpo, Srta. Page, pero hay algo que...
I really can't figure you out, Miss Page.
No la entiendo, Srta. Page.
And that elusive thing called culture is really only an inheritable legacy available only to insufferable snobs of which, miss scott, i'm afraid you are a charter member.
Y esa esquiva cosa llamada cultura es únicamente una herencia disponible sólo para insufribles esnob de los cuales, señorita Scott, me temo que usted es uno de los miembros fundadores.
I've been very patient with you, Miss Wright, and really, there's no more time for these absurd theories.
He sido muy paciente con usted, Srta. Wright, y realmente, no hay tiempo para estas teorías absurdas.
I really would miss you.
Realmente te extrañaría.
You know, I'm really going to miss him.
Voy a extrañarlo.
You know the one thing that I really miss is a woman.
Sabes, Io que de verdad extraño es una mujer.
Look, do I really have to call you Miss Shaw?
¿ Realmente tengo que llamarte Srta. Shaw?
Miss Smith, I remind you that your violent overthrow-of-the-government, financially-rewarding songs really gives you a peculiar kind of freedom, to have your love-ins, to have your pot.
¡ Me permito recordarle que en sus canciones defiende el colapso del gobierno, acabar con el estado financiero que le permitiría una cierta libertad, ya sea para hacer el amor, ya sea para drogarse!
You know something? I really miss her.
La echo mucho de menos.
I mean, if it wasn't started by some kind of device or something... well, you don't really believe someone that close couldn't see who was in Mr. Parks's car, couldn't see that it was Miss Davis that was gonna be killed?
Si no comenzó por algún dispositivo o por algo... ¿ No cree que alguien estando tan cerca no vería al conductor? ¿ Cree que no vería que iba a matar a la Srta. Davis?
'Cos I do miss him really, you know.
Es que le echo mucho de menos, ¿ sabe?
Nothing personal except my keys, you see. Yes. Which I really would like to have the only copy of, Miss Evangelista.
No tengo nada personal a excepción de mis llaves de las cuales quisiera tener la única copia.
Marie-Hélène, I really didn't expect to see you here, Miss,
Marie Hélène, no esperaba verla aquí.
Miss Monroe, I ´ m afraid you ´ re the one that really needs help.
Srta. Larimore, me temo que es Ud. quien realmente necesita ayuda.
Oh, I can't really imagine you confused, Miss Mitchell.
¿ Qué? No puedo imaginármela a Ud. confundida, Srita. Mitchell.
You will forgive me, Miss Nazimova, for saying so, but I don't think Rudy's really exactly in the mood for company.
- Disculpe por decírselo, pero... no creo que Rudy esté de humor para recibir visitas.
Sometimes I really miss being held by a man, you know?
A veces extraño que un hombre me abrace.
I care about you Miss, really.
Yo le tengo cariño, señorita.
You know, I'm really gonna miss this place... and those warm nights in post-shock... carvin'birds out of soap with blunt Popsicle sticks.
Realmente extrañaré este lugar las noches de los electrochoques y el tallado de aves en jabón con palos de paleta. Pues, no te extrañarán a ti.
Miss Cuthbert, did you really say it or did I only just image it?
- Srta. Cuthbert, ¿ en verdad lo dijo o me lo imaginé?
I really, really miss you.
Te extraño mucho.
- I really did miss you, I'm not...
- Te he echado mucho de menos, yo...
I'm really going to miss you, Marty.
Te voy a echar de menos, Marty.
Really, Miss, next time I hope you let me take a gravity cycle.
Señorita, espero que la próxima vez me permita usar un graviciclo.

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