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I thought i was going to die tradutor Espanhol

173 parallel translation
I thought I was going to die.
Creí que moriría.
When I thought I was going to die soon, I finally understood that I love you.
Cuando me di cuenta de que iba a morir, al fin comprendí que te amaba.
I thought I was going to die.
- Pensaba que me moría.
I thought I was going to die. I was hanging on the elevator for 20 minutes! Probably chicken again.
Pensé que moríria, estuve colgado del ascensor por 20 minutos.
And at springer's, i thought i was going to die.
Y donde Springer, creía que me moría.
I thought I was going to die laughing.
Yo creía que iba a morir de risa.
You know, I thought I was going to die.
Pues sepa, yo pensaba que me iba a morir.
The first time I felt it I thought I was going to die.
La primera vez que lo sentí pensé que iba a morir.
I thought I was going to die.
Creía que iba a morir.
I thought I was going to die.
Pensé que iba a morir.
I thought I was going to die.
Pensé que iba a morirme.
I thought I was going to die.
Pensé que me iba a morir.
One time when I thought I was going to die, I asked you to watch over Alexander.
Una vez cuando creía que iba a morir, le pedí que cuidara de Alexander.
I thought I was going to die.
Me dieron tanto, que me veía muerto.
When I thought I was going to die, I told Dr. Albright that I loved her.
Cuando creia que moriria le dije a la Dra. que la amaba no se porque
I thought I was going to die!
Pensé que me iba a morir.
When I was back in that room, I thought I was going to die.
Cuando volví a esa habitación, creí que iba a morir.
But I thought I was going to die...
Pero pensé que me iba a matar...
I thought I was going to die in here.
Creí que me iba a morir aquí dentro.
I thought I was going to die.
Creí que habías muerto.
I thought I was going to die.
Creí que iba a morirme.
When I thought I was going to die it all became so clear...
Cuando creí que iba a morir todo se volvió claro.
Two days ago I thought I was going to die.
Hace dos días pensé que iba a morir.
Tonight, when she was talking, I wanted my father so much, I thought I was going to die.
Esta tarde, cuando estaba hablando con ella, quería tanto a mi padre que he creído morir.
I thought I was going to die!
¡ Pensé que ibas a morir!
I was in so much pain I thought I was going to die... but Chun-Hyang took me in!
Tuve tanto dolor que pensé que iba a morir... ¡ Pero Choon-Hyang me cuidó!
Screw you! I thought I was going to die!
¡ Pensé que me mataban!
Dudes, chicks out there, listen up, the first time I got gonorrhea I thought I was going to die.
Chicos, chicas, escuchad. La primera vez que tuve gonorrea, creí que moría.
I thought I was going to die, but when I jumped out,
Pensé que iba a morir.
I missed you so much I thought I was going to die.
- Min-joo, te extrañé mucho. - Yo también. ¿ Fue bien el rodaje?
Deborah, I thought I was going to have to die without seeing you safely out of here... and without telling him off.
Creí que moriría sin verte marcharte de este lugar... y sin poder encararme con él.
I thought since she's old and doesn't eat much, she doesn't need the money. She was going to die soon.
¿ para qué necesitaba el dinero que guarda si no tardará en morirse?
But I know what I felt when I thought he was going to die.
Pero sé lo que sentí cuando creí que él iba a morir.
Thought I was going to die.
Pensé que iba a morir.
I thought he was going to die in my arms.
Creí que se me iba a morir en los brazos.
Thought I was going to give up and die, huh?
Pensabas que iba a renunciar y a morir, ¿ no?
I got so goofy last night, Diane, lying here wondering whether I was going to live or die, that I thought I saw a giant in my room.
Anoche estaba tan atontado, Diane aquí tendido preguntándome si viviría o moriría que creí haber visto un gigante en mi habitación.
I was afraid you were going to die, and the thought of it broke my heart.
Temía que vayas a morir, y eso me rompió el corazón.
Because I thought like I was going to die, because it makes me feel invincible, because it makes me feel triumphant, because I'm a Catholic, because I still love Lent and still love my penis and in spite of it all, I have no guilt.
Porque pensé que me iba a morir, porque me hace sentir invencible, porque me hace sentir triunfador, porque soy Católico, porque todavía amo el sufrimiento, y todavía amo a mi pene, y a pesar de todo no siento culpa.
And I remember the last thing that I thought was I'm going to die now.
Y recuerdo que mi último pensamiento fue... voy a morir ahora.
How did I feel when I thought Mario was going to die?
¿ Cómo me sentí cuando pensé que Mario iba a morir?
Well, I'd agree if I thought he was really going to die in six weeks but I don't.
Estaría de acuerdo si pensara... que realmente iba a morir en seis semanas. pero no lo creo.
Sometimes I laughed so hard, I thought I was going to puke and die.
A veces me reia tanto, parecia que iba a vomitar y a morir.
At the time, I thought I was simply going to die and there was nothing I could do about it.
Por entonces, pensé que iba simplemente a morir y no había nada que pudiera hacer.
I thought i was going to die. Yeah, but you didn't.
Sí, pero no moriste.
I thought he was going to die.
Pensé que iba a morir.
I thought she was going to die.
Pensé que iba a morir.
Clark, I really thought I was going to die.
Clark, realmente pensaba que iba a morir.
I inadvertently knocked over that pile of books. I couldn't breathe, and thought I was going to die.
Una de mis estanterías se desplomó accidentalmente... pensaba que iba a morir.
Because there were times where I thought that I was going to die.
Porque varias veces creí que iba a morir.
I was standing naked before the doctor and looking very proud into his eyes and ah, thought he should see how a Jewish woman is going, a proud Jewish is going to die, because most of us knew that in Auschwitz
Yo estaba parada desnuda frente al doctor, mirándolo con orgullo a los ojos, y ah.. pensaba que él iba a ver cómo una mujer judía iba un orgullosa mujer judía iba a morir, porque la mayoría de nosotros sabía que en Auschwitz de los grifos no salía agua sino gas.

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