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I told her the truth tradutor Espanhol

169 parallel translation
Now that I'm with you, I'm beginning to believe that I told her the truth.
Ahora que estoy contigo, comienzo a creer que le dije la verdad.
I happened to run into Francine Anderson... and we got to chinning about the show and I told her the truth.
Me topé con Francine Anderson... y llegamos a las confidencias sobre la obra, y le dije la verdad.
But I thought it would be better if I told her the truth.
Pero pensé que sería mejor decirle la verdad.
And when I told her the truth... she went crazy.
Y cuando le dije la verdad se volvió loca.
I told her the truth.
Le he dicho la verdad.
I told her the truth.
Le dije la verdad.
And I told her the truth.
Y yo le dije la verdad.
I told her the truth.
- La verdad.
And when she was old enough, I told her the truth about me.
Y cuando fue suficientemente mayor, le dije la verdad acerca de mi.
I told her the truth, we had a little sex, she told me the guy's name :
Le dije la verdad, tuvimos relaciones sexuales... y me dijo el nombre- - Grover.
But the way she was talking about it, I knew if I told her the truth she'd hate me.
Pero, por la manera en la que hablaba sabía que si le decía la verdad, me odiaría
I told her the truth, that I wanted a divorce.
Le dije la verdad, que quería el divorcio.
Well, Ethan, I told her the truth.
- Bueno Ethan, le dije la verdad.
I told her the truth.
– Le dije la verdad.
If you think it's sometimes easier to bullshit than to explain. You're not alone. But I told her the truth.
Si crees que es más fácil mentir que explicar... no estás solo.
- I told her the truth!
- Pero es eso mismo.
I told her the truth and then she left with Felix anyway.
Le dije la verdad y aun así, se fue con Felix.
No, I told her the truth.
No, le dije la verdad.
- I told her the truth about the poetry.
Está bien, le... Le conté la verdad sobre la poesía.
I told her the truth and she's upset.
Pues que le he contado la verdad y se ha mosqueado.
I told her the truth, which is something she could use a little bit more of from her supposed friend and her boyfriend.
Le dije la verdad, algo que podría recibir más de su supuesta amiga y su novio.
I have told the truth, I didn't kill her.
He dicho la verdad, yo no la maté.
If you told the truth, you didn't have interest in her except as the wife of your boss, then you gotta do something. I...
Si ha dicho la verdad, usted no tenía más interés por ella que como esposa de su jefe, así que tiene que hacer algo.
I told you... I mean her... the truth in my letter.
Le dije a usted quiero decir, a ella la verdad de mi carta.
Don't you realise that her sister told me the truth, how you were a young fool, and I was an old one, which is worse.
¿ No te das cuenta que su hermana me dijo la verdad? Tú fuiste un joven tonto ; yo, un viejo tonto, lo cual es peor.
I could have told her the truth, but I didn't.
No le dije la verdad. No sé por qué.
- It might be better if I just told her the truth.
- Sería mejor que le dijera la verdad. - No puedes hacerlo.
I told her my name was Charles Hardin, which it is, and everything I told your aunt had the ring of truth in it.
Nada. Le dije que yo era Charles Hardin, lo cual es cierto. Bueno, y todo lo que le dije fue la pura verdad.
I'm sorry this happened, but I think it would be best for everyone if you told her the truth.
Lamento que esto ocurriera, pero creo que sería lo mejor para todos si usted le dijo la verdad.
Don't tell her what I told you to tell her. Just tell her the truth now, OK?
No le digan lo que yo dije que dijeran. ¿ Digan la verdad ahora, Ok?
I hope you told her tell him the truth.
Espero que le digas que diga la verdad.
I always told her the truth... about you, about everything.
Siempre le dije la verdad, de ti, de todo.
Everything I told you about her was the truth.
Todo lo que te conté es la verdad.
I never would have married her if you'd told me the truth.
No me hubiese casado si me hubieras dicho la verdad.
I told her that an in-person relationship... was more than I could handle right now. I told her the truth, though.
No, no.
I should have just come home and told my wife everything, admitted the truth,'cause now my wife doesn't even trust me anymore, and I don't blame her because I don't trust me, either.
Debería haber llegado a casa y haberle contado todo, admitir la verdad, porque ahora mi mujer ya no confía en mí, y no la culpo por no confiar en mí.
If I had told her the whole truth it would have destroyed her belief in the strength and the wisdom of our caste.
Si hubiera dicho la verdad habria destruido su fe en la fuerza y sabiduria de nuestra casta.
I merely told her the truth.
Tan solo la dije la verdad.
Look, I know I should've told you about her. Yeah, you should've. But I guess it's hard for you to get the truth out.
pero... pero parece que te resulta dificil decir la verdad.
I told him to tell the truth to tell her that he loves her every time he looks at her.
Le dije que dijera Ia verdad que Ie diga que Ia ama cada vez que Ia vea.
I told her he deserved to know the truth about the pregnancy and about what kind of man his father really is.
Yo le dije que el merecía saber la verdad sobre el embarazo y sobre que tipo de hombre que es su padre.
I mean, I just told her the truth.
Solo le dije la verdad.
I just told her the truth.
Le dije la verdad.
You just promise me that when you do find her just tell her I wish she had told me the truth right from the beginning.
Prométanme que cuando la encuentren le dirán que ojalá me hubiera dicho la verdad desde el principio.
Saw doctor sir, I had told you that I will make her speak the truth.
Ve doctor,... le dije que iba a hacer que dijera la verdad.
I never found out what he told her... but I can pretty much guarantee it wasn't the truth.
Nunca supe qué le dijo pero estoy seguro de que no fue la verdad.
I already told her the truth.
Ya le dije la verdad.
if i hadn't told her the truth about me, she would still be alive!
Si no le hubiera dicho la verdad sobre mí, ¡ aún estaría vida!
the first time around, i told lana the truth about me. and i asked her to marry me.
La primera vez de este día, le dije a Lana la verdad sobre mí... y...
You think I should have told her the truth.
Crees que debería haberle dicho la verdad.
I should've just told her the truth.
Debería decirle la verdad.

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