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I told him not to tradutor Espanhol

1,084 parallel translation
I told him not to ask embarrassing questions.
Pedí al público que evitaran las preguntas indiscretas.
So I told him not to judge on appearances.
No hay que confiarse de las apariencias
I told him not to remain a widower.
Le dije que no permaneciera viudo.
I told him not to eat from other people's plates
Ya le dije que no metiera la mano en el plato de otro.
I told him not to slug it out with him.
Le dije que no fuera al intercambio de golpes.
Le dije que no te llamara.
- I told him not to continue it.
- Le dije que no continuara.
- I told him not to do that.
- Le dije que no lo hiciera.
I told him not to go, but he's faulty, malfunctioning.
Le dije que no se fuera, pero él no está bien.
Oh, Jeez. I told him not to drink Coke afore he went to sleep.
Le dije que no bebiera Coca Cola antes de acostarse.
- Well, I told him not to move.
- Bueno, yo le dije que no se mueva.
- I told him not to move.
- Le dije que no se moviera.
- I told him not to buy cheap wine.
- Le dije que no comprara vino barato.
I told him not to bring a check!
¡ Le dije que no trajera cheques!
Yes, but you're not to tell him I told you.
Sí, pero no debes decirle que te lo dije.
I told him not to do it.
- Una chica francesa despegando.
I told you not to let him come.
Te dije que no lo dejaras venir.
You see, Banjo, I told you not to worry about him.
Lo ves Banjo, Te dije que no te preocuparas.
Yeah, she was because I told her not to go with him again.
Sí, porque le dije que no volviera a ir con él.
The first one shot Barnero, the second one told him not to shoot, and he was the one I shot in the leg.
Uno disparó a Barnero, y el otro le dijo que no lo hiciera y es a ese al que disparé en la pierna.
Wife says to her husband... you should've told me that the boy was born when we met and not hide him in your pants all the time like I'm his mother.
Una mujer le dice a su marido... me tenías que haber dicho que el chico nació cuando nos conocimos y no esconderlo en los pantalones como si yo fuera su madre.
You were followed. You went to see Grant and I told you not to see him.
Te siguieron. ¡ Fuiste a ver al Abogado de Su Majestad cuando te dije que no fueras!
I told him I wasn't, and I asked him... not to tell my mother.
Le dije que no lo estaba, y le pedí... que no le dijera a mi madre.
The doctor told me I was a little depressed and, as a friend, he advised me not to spend my money visiting him every week to talk about what was going on in my head.
El médico me decía que era un agotamiento nervioso y aunque un amigo me decía que era inútil gastarme el dinero en él para curarme debía ir a verlo dos o tres veces por semana, para contarle todo aquello que me pasara por la cabeza.
I told her not to leave him? To peace until we bought it.
Le dije que no le dejaría en paz hasta que nos comprara.
I've told him not to worry.
Le dije que no se preocupe.
I tell you, Quincy, when I was 17 years old, I told my aunt not to marry him.
Quincy, cuando tenía 17 años le dije a mi tía que no se casara con él. ¡ Cielos!
I've told him not to carry bricks.
Le dije que no transportara ladrillos.
I told you not to let him eat any tripe. He's had a fever since then.
ya os dije que no le dierais callos, que luego siempre le da fiebre.
I told him to keep it for me, not to tell anyone and that it was a promise.
Le dije que me la guardara... y que me prometiera no decírselo a nadie.
I did. I told her not to go with him.
Le dije que no se fuera con él...
I've told him not to talk to him.
Le he dicho que no hable con él.
He wanted you to think of him as of a traitor, and not that I agreed to tell a lie which might have not been told.
Quería que pensarais que era un traidor, y no que estuve de acurdo en contar una mentira que podría no haber sido dicha.
Shall I let him in? I told you before not to get in with dirty shoes.
Ya te dije otras veces, de no entrar en la casa con los botas llenas de barro.
I told you not to kill him.
Te dije que no mataras al boxeador.
My brother told me not to go into this business. Parking lots, he says. I told him he was crazy!
Mi hermano decía : "¡ Los garajes son el futuro!" Le dije que era idiota.
I told him I wouldn't marry him unless he promised not to leave me any money.
Le dije que no me casaría con él a menos que me prometiera no dejarme dinero.
I've told you a hundred times not to give it to him.
Te dije mil veces que no le des.
I told you not to see him.
Te dije que no lo vieras.
I told you not to talk to him!
Qué haces hablándole. Te lo había prohibido.
I told him it was not true, and not to feel guilty about something so normal.
Y yo le expliqué que eso no era verdad y que no debía de sentirse culpable por algo tan normal.
If I told them the whole truth they'd pack me off to a lunatic asylum and not him.
Si les digo la verdad ¡ me mandarán a un manicomio!
I would not want to healed. You mean you do not want to ruin his dreams. A very've told him that confront with stvarnošæu.
Lo que quiero decir es que sus sueños nunca acabarán Pero está siempre de cara a la realidad.
Go to the guy if you love him, you bitch, I'm not a bitch, Franz, Be reasonable, I told him it's not possible,
¡ Lárgate con él si le quieres, zorra! No soy una zorra. Trátame bien.
I already told my date... he's not my boyfriend, just my date... but I already told him we couldn't go... and he's gone down to the beach...
Le dije al chico, no es mi novio ni nada así, que no podíamos ir, y se fue a la playa...
This is fate I've already told him not to practise kung fu all day or gang up
Es el destino. Ya le he dicho que no se lleve practicando todo el día. O que ande con mucha gente.
- I'm not gonna leave him. - We can't leave him there. - I told you to start the car.
Bien, chicos, párate un cierre hermoso!
I told him it's not possible. I told him I belong to you.
Le dije que era imposible, que era tuya.
I told you only to rinse him, and not to stir him two hours.
Te he dicho que lo limpiaras, no que lo removieras durante horas.
I told you not to fuck him.
Te dije que no lo hicieras.
'Cause I'd have told him to tell you not to come till noon.
Pues le diría que le dijera que no viniera antes de mediodía.

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