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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I told him the truth

I told him the truth tradutor Espanhol

188 parallel translation
- I told him the truth.
- Le he dicho la verdad.
No, I didn't tell him that. I told him the truth.
No, no le dije eso. Le dije la verdad.
I told him the truth.
Buenas tardes, señora.
Nor does the pain I would put Alfredo through if I told him the truth.
Ni el dolor que pueda causarle a Alfredo, cuando le tenga que decir la verdad.
I told him the truth. I told him i liked him but i'm not in love with him. And i never was.
Le he dicho la verdad, que le aprecio mucho pero no le quiero, ni le he querido.
I told him the truth coming in from the airfield.
Le dije la verdad cuando veníamos del aeródromo.
- No, I told him the truth.
No, le dije la verdad y eso fue un error.
But I told him the truth that I didn't like it.
Que no me gusta. ¿ Te dijo su nombre?
I couldn't let a letter like that just go any place, so I told him the truth.
Entonces, le dije la verdad.
Tell him I'm not a liar, that I told him the truth
- ¡ Dígale que no soy mentirosa, que dije la verdad!
What do you think would happen if I went to him right now and I told him the truth, the whole truth?
¿ Qué crees que pasaría si fuera ahora con él y le dijera la verdad, toda la verdad?
- I told him the truth, sir. The truth?
- Le dije la verdad, señor.
I told him the truth.
Le he dicho la verdad.
Well, I told him the truth.
Pues la verdad.
I told him the truth finally.
Finalmente le dije la verdad.
- I told him the truth.
- Le dije la verdad.
- Wilson? I told him the truth.
Le conté la verdad.
I told him the truth.
Le conté la verdad.
tell Andrei that I told him the truth.
Digale a Andrei que le he dicho la verdad.
I, I told him the truth.
Le dije la verdad.
My dad asked me why I don't play with them anymore,... or go out with them, and I told him the truth, that I've been playing with you, and that...
Me preguntó mi papá que por qué yo ya no jugaba con ellos ni salía con ellos, y le tuve que decir la verdad, que jugaba contigo, y es que...
I told him the truth.
Déjelo. Fui yo quien habló.
I told him the truth.
La verdad.
I told him the truth.
- Le dije la verdad.
But I told him the truth.
Pero le dije la verdad.
I've told him the truth, Fuzzy.
Le he dicho la verdad, Barbudo.
I told him I was going straight back to you and tell the truth.
Le dije que volvía con usted para decirle la verdad.
- I have told him the truth. - You haven't.
- He dicho la verdad.
I went to the Minister and told him the truth.
He ido a hablar con el Ministro y le he hecho saber la verdad.
He told the truth and I cut him to pieces.
- Dijo la verdad y le pegué.
He always told me I'd be afraid of him and of you until I told you the truth.
Siempre me decía... ... que tendría miedo de él y de ti hasta que dijese la verdad.
I told the truth. It's him!
Dije la verdad. ¡ Fue él!
- I only told him the truth.
- Sólo le he dicho la verdad.
I should have told him the truth.
- Debí haberle dicho la verdad.
He knows what I've told him's the truth, and he'll hate you for your sympathy.
Sabe que le he dicho la verdad, y te odiará por tu compasión.
Because I was vulgar and unlearned, and told him the truth.
Porque era sencilla e inculta, y le decía las cosas a la cara.
What I told him was the truth, so help me.
Le dije la verdad, lo juro.
I suppose I should've told him the truth right away, but now he's gonna hate me for making a fool out of him.
Creo de debí decirle la verdad enseguida, pero ahora va a odiarme por burlarme de él.
I told him the truth.
Le dije la verdad.
Well, I'll release him as soon as I've told'em the truth about you - tomorrow morning.
Bien, lo soltaré tan pronto les haya dicho la verdad sobre tí - mañana por la mañana.
- I only told him the truth.
- Sólo le dije la verdad.
- You told him the truth! - I didn't do that!
- ¡ Le has dicho la verdad!
- I told him it was a present from Daddy. - He never found out the truth?
Creo que eso está prohibido en su casa?
If I told them the whole truth they'd pack me off to a lunatic asylum and not him.
Si les digo la verdad ¡ me mandarán a un manicomio!
And with the waiter, the same : I want to show him that I had told him the truth.
Y con el camarero, igual : quiero mostrarle que yo decía la verdad.
I hope you told her tell him the truth.
Espero que le digas que diga la verdad.
Maybe I should have told him the truth, Al.
Quizá deba decirle la verdad, Al. No.
I should've told him the truth.
Debí haberle dicho la verdad.
I've told him the truth.
Le he dicho la verdad.
So I told him the truth.
Así que le dije la verdad.
What if I just told him the truth?
¿ Y si le dijera la verdad?

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