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I told him to stop tradutor Espanhol

166 parallel translation
I told him to stop, but he just wouldn't let go of me
Le dije que parase, pero no quería separarse de mí.
"I told him to stop making his business interest break up our relationship."
Le dije que no permitiera que sus intereses comerciales acabaran con nuestra relación ".
I told him to stop. He didn't stop.
Le dije que parara, pero no me hizo caso.
I told him to stop fiddling'with himself... when he thought there was no one looking!
Le he dicho que deje de sobarse cuando cree que nadie lo ve. ¡ Te voy a dar!
I told him to stop, but he said he could make it.
Le dije que no, pero dijo que podía.
I told him to stop because I did not want to do it as a woman.
Le dije que dejara de hacerlo, porque no quería hacer de mujer.
I told him to stop.
Yo le dije que no lo hiciera.
It was a fetish, but I didn't like it, so I told him to stop.
Era un fetiche, pero no me gustaba, así que le dije que parara.
He pushed me onto the bed and I told him to stop, and he kept going.
Me empujo a Ia cama y... ... Ie dije que parara, y siguio.
I told him to stop and I grabbed his hand, to try stop him.
Le dije que se detuviera y le cogí la mano para intentar detenerlo.
I told him to stop.
Le dije que se detuviera.
Así que le dije que parara.
I told him to stop all that graffiti crap.
Le dije que nos estábamos pasando. Y él venga a hacer pintadas.
I wanted Burke to stop. I told him to stop.
Le dije a Burke que se detuviera.
I told him to stop, he trashed the whole place.
Le dije que se fuera y tiró la silla.
I told him to stop confessing.
Le pedí que dejara de confesarlo.
I told him to stop buttering everything.
Le dije a parar todo mantequilla.
If I told him to stop, he'd have known something was up.
Si le digo que no lo haga, sospechará.
I told him to stop. Why doesn't he?
He dicho que pare, ¿ por qué no lo hace?
I told him to stop thinking like that.
Le dije que dejara de pensar en eso.
I told him to stop demeaning women, and he said okay.
I le dijo que dejara degradante \ ~ mujeres, y dije que sí.
And when I told him to stop and get off and he wouldn't...
Y cuando le dije que parara y que me soltara y no lo hizo...
I told him to stop.
Le dije que parara.
I told him to stop, but that's when Seth grabbed me from behind... and held me down.
Le dije que parara. Pero Seth me agarró por detrás. Y me hizo caer.
I told him I lived with my Brother to try and stop him, But he just won't Stay put.
Le dije que vivía con mi hermano para que me deje, pero no lo ha hecho.
Le conté una historia fantástica de la caza de un lugar pequeño y tranquilo para detenerme a descansar unos días -
I'm going back to tell the president and congress just exactly what i've told you, that unless something is done to stop hitler, we may have to fight him alone.
Repetiré todo esto al presidente y al Congreso, o se intenta parar a Hitler o lucharemos solos contra él.
I told him to make her stop.
Le dije que la obligara a detenerse.
I remember, you told me to fling myself at him and not to stop in the middle of the road.
Lo recuerdo, me dijiste que me lanzase y que no me parase a mitad de camino.
I thought if I told him all about the call girls and drugs, he'd put a stop to it all.
Si le hubiera hablado del negocio de la droga y el sexo hubieran acabado ascendiéndolo.
At 3 : 00 in the morning, I called Papa and told him I was going to stop touring
A las tres de la mañana, llamé a tu padre... y le dije que dejaba la gira.
I would have tried to stop him, but the security guard told me to just stay away from them until they arrived.
Yo habría intentado detenerlos pero el guardia de seguridad me dijo que me apartara de ellos hasta que arribara.
I leaned against the car and we talked to him for a few minutes... and I told him that since he was looking for a job... and there hadn't been anybody at work... that if he wanted to stop back Monday morning... that sure, he could ride out and follow me to work... and he could talk to the boss.
Me incliné sobre el auto y hablamos con él unos minutos... y le dije que como él buscaba trabajo... y nadie había ido a trabajar... que si quería pasar el lunes a la mañana... que podía venir conmigo al trabajo... y que podría hablar con el jefe.
I told them to stop using him as a volleyball.
Les dije que dejaran de usarlo como pelota de vóley.
Mr. Roscoe told me what Carlo was going to do, and I wanted to try and stop him.
El Sr. Roscoe me dijo lo que iba a hacer Carlo. Y quería detenerlo.
I struggled with him and told him to stop.
Luché con él y le dije que parara.
I told him to let me study, but he wouldn't stop crying.
Le dije que me dejara estudiar, pero no dejaba de llorar.
I told Fredo to stop, and he hits me with his gun and tells me to never embarrass him in front of his friends.
Le dije a Fredo que se detuviera, me golpeó con el arma y me dijo que nunca más lo avergonzara frente a sus amigos.
I always told him, " You ever stop writing I'm gonna come to your house and kick your * * * * * * * ass.
" Si alguna vez dejas de escribir... iré a tu casa y te patearé el * * * * * * trasero.
So, uh, either Bob told Linda to stop the car and let him out, or she told him to start walking? I mean, it's bad enough that raccoon-boy blows his girlfriend off to go fur-piling - - he gets sick licking some nasty kitty and makes lambchop drive him home. Yes.
O Bob le dijo a Linda que parara y lo dejara salir, o ella le dijo que se fuera caminando.
I went to see him and I told him this has got to stop.
Fui a verlo... y le dije que esto tiene que parar.
I told him we had to stop seeing each other.
Le dije que teníamos que dejar de vernos.
I told her she should ask him nicely to stop doing it.
Le dije que le pidiera amablemente que no lo hiciera.
And that's when I told him to stop.
Entonces les dije que se detuvieran.
And I begged him to stop, and he held me down and he told me that I wanted it.
Le rogué que se detuviera pero él me sujetó y me dijo que yo quería hacerlo.
Today I told him it had to stop.
Hoy le dije que esto tenía que terminar.
When Vaughn took off, as I've already told you, I tried to stop him.
Cuando Vaughn se fue, como ya le dije, intenté detenerlo.
I told him not to stop.
Le dije que no se detuviera.
If I told him this stuff, he'd stop touring just to make me happy.
, Si le cuento todo esto dejará la gira sólo para hacerme feliz
- He texted me to say I left some stuff at his place. I told him I'd stop and pick it up before I left.
Bueno, me mandó un mensaje para decirme que había olvidado algo en su casa y le dije que pasaría a recogerlo antes de irme.
I never told you to mess with him, so stop picking on me.
No me molestes, no te dije que buscaras problemas con él

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