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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I told you about her

I told you about her tradutor Espanhol

544 parallel translation
This is my niece, Mimi. I told you about her.
Mi sobrina, Mimi, de la que les hablé.
I told you about her.
Ya te he hablado de ella. Espera.
This is Miss Connie. You know, I told you about her singing.
Ésta es la Srta. Connie, ya sabes, te hablé de cómo canta.
I told you about her the other day... the one with the refined voice.
Te hablé de ella el otro día. La mujer de la voz fina.
Oh, I told you about her.
Ya te hablé de ella.
A sick daughter - I told you about her She's a sweet kid
Tiene una hija enferma, te hablé de ella.
I told you about her.
Te hablé de ella.
I told you about her.
Ya te he hablado de ella.
Remember I told you about her?
¿ Recuerdas que te hablé de ella?
Oh, you know, I told you about her.
Oh, ya sabes, te he dicho acerca de ella.
I told her I'd speak to you about it.
Le prometí decírtelo.
If you told me about her, I'd have a chance. Give me that chance.
Si supiese cómo es ella, aún tendría una posibilidad.
- So, I told her about you.
- Así que le di tu nombre.
No. I've told her all about you.
Para nada, le he hablado mucho de Vd.
Maybe if I told you her story, you'd change your mind... about the dead coming back.
Tal vez si le contara su historia, cambiaría de opinión sobre los muertos que retornan.
Selim, you're quite amorous, for a eunuch my heart was not trimmed i didn't mean to hurt you i've not only told you about her ;
Para ser un eunuco, ¿ no eres demasiado entusiasta? Mi corazón no fue cortado. - No tenía intención de herirte.
i've told her about you you know the world, you know mankind ;
le he hablado a ella de ti. Tú conoces mundo y a la humanidad, quizás puedas ayudarla.
I could have told you more about her!
Si me hubiera preguntado antes de todo esto, podría haberselo dicho, pero ahora estoy...
I ought to have told her more about you.
Debería haberle hablado más acerca de ti.
She wanted to know who Julia was. I told her she'd be crazy about you.
Quiso saber quién era Julia, y le dije que le caerías muy bien si te conociese.
I told you all about her.
Le contaré todo sobre ella.
When Susan told me about you and her, I was sore. Can you blame me?
Cuando Susan me conto lo suyo, me enfade. ¿ Me culpa Ud.?
Well, I... it seemed to me that Her Majesty, talking about you, M. le Comte, had told me about your words.
Bueno, yo- - me pareció que... Su Majestad se refirió a usted con esas palabras.
If I meet her, you guys could have all the women I ever told you about.
Si consiguiera salir con ella sólo una vez os regalaría mi agenda con los datos de todas las mujeres.
You remember. I told about her.
¿ Te hablé de ella?
Why should I? You remember what she told us about Lady Jansen and her husband and that incident in the South of France.
Normal. ¿ Recuerdas las cosas que nos dijo sobre lady Jansen y su esposo en el sur de Francia?
I don't want to forget it, I told you before don't talk about her.
No quiero dejarlo, te advertí que no me hablaras de ella.
- I told her about you.
- Le hablé de ti.
I gather that was when you told her about your plans for this garage.
Supongo que entonces le habló de su garaje.
- I told you to shut up about her.
- Dije que no la mencionaras.
- I already told you about her.
- Ya te he hablado de ella.
I told her all about you.
Le he hablado mucho de usted.
I know you because Cesira told me about you. I'm her cousin.
Lo conozco, Cesira me ha hablado de Ud., soy prima de ella.
I told her all about you... and what you'd done. I said she should open it in case anything happened to me suddenly.
Le contaba todo lo que usted ha hecho... aunque sólo debía abrirla si me ocurría algo repentinamente.
I won't give you any of the usual alibis as to why I haven't told you about her before.
No pienso usar ninguna de las típicas excusas de por qué no te he hablado antes de ella.
I told her about you. She thinks it's real nice of you to take such an interest in me.
Le hablé de Uds. Admira su interés por mí.
I told you will hear about her, but I did not expect it would be so soon.
Te dije que tendríamos noticias suyas, pero no las esperaba tan pronto. Debemos actuar. No podemos dejar que se case con Kendall.
She's a very special girl, and... I should have told you about her before.
Es una chica muy especial, y... debería haberte contado de ella antes.
I told you all about her.
Te lo conté todo de ella.
And I bet you told her everything about Sam, the diamonds...
Y apuesto que le has contado todo, lo de Sam y lo de los diamantes.
You told me yourself, Professor I saw her... What are you talking about?
¿ De qué está hablando?
What would you do if I told her about your ex-lover?
¿ Qué harías si le digo lo de tu ex-amante?
I told her I thought she ought to tell you about this.
Le dije que pensaba que debía contárselo a ustedes.
I told her all about you
Le hablé de tí.
I told her about you for a reason.
Le hablé de ti por una razón.
You know what i think of her, i've told her myself to her face so i have no compunctions about saying it aloud.
Sabes lo que pienso de ella. Yo mismo se lo he dicho a la cara. Así que no tengo ningún problema en decirlo en alto.
I've told her you know all about children.
Tú lo sabes todo sobre niños.
Le he hablado de ti.
I told her all about you, and she believes me.
Le he hablado de usted y ella me cree.
She was a little timid about imposing, Samantha but I told her you wouldn't mind.
No le gustaba la idea de presentarse así, Samantha pero le dije que no te importaría.
Knowing her as I do, I can safely assume she's told you nothing about herself at all other than she fancies she's in love.
Conociéndola como la conozco, estoy seguro de que no le habrá dicho nada sobre ella excepto que está enamorada.

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