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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I told you to stay away

I told you to stay away tradutor Espanhol

339 parallel translation
I thought I told you to stay away from that vest.
Te dije que no tocaras ese chaleco.
- I told you to stay away.
- Te dije que no te acercaras.
Oh, Lil, I thought I told you to stay away from here.
Creía que te había dicho que te mantuvieras alejada de aquí.
I told you to stay away
Te dije que te alejaras.
I told you to stay away from her.
- Déjala tranquila.
And I told you to stay away from this guy too.
Y te dije que te alejaras de este tipo.
- I told you to stay away from here.
Te dije que te alejaras.
Ed, I told you to stay away from her.
- No debías acercarte a ella.
I told you to stay away from him.
Te dije que te mantuvieras alejada de él.
I told you to stay away from this light!
Les dije que os quedarais lejos del faro!
- I told you to stay away from the window.
- Te he dicho que te apartes de la ventana.
I told you to stay away from her.
Le dije que no se acercara a ella.
Thought I told you to stay away from here.
Te dije que no vinieras.
I told you to stay away from that window.
Te dije que te alejaras de la ventana.
I told you to stay away from me, 86.
Te dije que te mantuvieras lejos de mí, 86.
I told you to stay away from the window!
Te dije que te mantuvieses alejado de la ventana!
I told you to stay away!
¡ Te dije que te largaras!
Te dije que mantengas alejado de mí.
I told you to stay away from him.
Te dije que no te acercaras a él.
I told you to stay away.
Te dije que no intervinieras.
I told you to stay away from Mrs. Wagner!
- ¡ Le dije que la dejaran en paz!
You wouldn't listen when I told you to stay away.
No me escuchaste cuando te dije que te alejaras.
I told you to stay away from that graveyard.
Yo te dije que te quedes lejos del cementerio.
I told you to stay away from those fanatics, didn't I?
Te dije que te mantengas alejado de esos fanáticos, ¿ no?
I thought I told you to stay away.
Dije que no quería verte.
I told you to stay away from Brenda Trent
Te dije que te alejaras de Brenda Trent
I told you to stay away from Marty Keene.
Te dije que no te le acercaras a Marty Keene.
I thought I told you to stay away from those bozos.
Te dije que evitaras por todos los medios a esos payasos.
Mr. Sanger, I told you to stay away from me.
No falte. Sr. Sanger, le he dicho que me dejara en paz.
How many times have I told you to stay away from my experiments?
¿ Cuantas veces le hé dicho de que permanezca lejos de mis experimentos?
I thought I told you to stay away from Chuey.
Creí que te había dicho que te mantuvieras alejado de Chuey.
I told you to stay away from Gloria Harper.
Te dije que no te acercaras a Gloria Harper.
I told you to stay away from here.
Te había prohibido venir.
- No. ¡ Te dije que no te me acerques!
I thought I told you to stay away from Bob Willey!
Pense que te habia dicho que te alejaras de Bob Willey!
I told you to stay away from me.
Te dije que te alejaras de mí.
- I told you to stay away from Trammel!
- ¡ Te dije que no te acercaras a Tramell!
You should not have told the whole truth go away from here ; begin a new life don't stay out of consideration for me ; i shall have my memories no, i don't want time to forget me any more
No era necesario que lo supieran todo. Aléjate de aquí ; empieza una nueva vida.
Told you to stay away from them, didn't I?
- Te dije que te alejaras ¿ no?
I told you I wanted you to stay away from this.
¡ No quiero que te metas en estos asuntos!
I told you to stay out of my way, and right away you cozy up to the star.
Te dije que no te metieras conmigo y, a la primera oportunidad, lo haces.
I told you fools to stay away from the barbary coast, you were supposed to meet me at Clegetts.
Dije que os alejarais del Barbary Coast. - Quedamos donde Cleggett.
I wanted to run away, but he told me to stay with you.
Yo quería escaparme, pero él me dijo que me quedase contigo.
I know you told me to stay away, but last night, I just couldn't help myself.
- Me dijiste que no viniera, pero anoche no pude evitarlo.
Remember I told you to stay away from my children!
¿ Qué pretendes?
I told you in Paris to stay away from me.
Ya te dije en París que me dejaras en paz.
- I told you to stay away.
¿ No te dicho que te mantengas alejado?
I told that fellow Pete Dodge you could marry him and for him to stay away until after the wedding, didn't I?
Le dije a Pete Dodge que podías casarte con él y a él que se alejara hasta después de la boda, ¿ no?
Girls, I've told you to stay away from your uncle.
Chicas, os dije que os alejarais de vuestro tío.
I told you. Your father threatened to ruin me if I didn't stay away from you.
Te lo dije : tu padre amenazó con arruinarme si no me alejaba de ti.
I told you I wanted you to stay away from those people.
Te dije que quería que te alejaras de esa gente.

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