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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I told you to stop

I told you to stop tradutor Espanhol

514 parallel translation
I told you to stop singing that awful song!
¡ Dejen de cantar esa horrible canción!
I told you to stop them!
- ¡ Te dije que los callaras!
I told you to stop!
¡ Te dije que no cantes!
I told you to stop that.
- No sigas con eso.
How many times have I told you to stop following me?
¿ Cuántas veces te he dicho que no me sigas?
I told you to stop bringing in wood. We've more than enough.
Tenemos suficiente.
I told you to stop!
¡ Ya basta!
- I told you to stop.
- Ya le he dicho que se esté quieto.
I told you to stop worrying about Tommy.
Ya te dije que no te preocuparas por Tommy.
I thought I told you to stop feeling sorry for me.
Le dije que dejara de compadecerse de mí.
I told you to stop climb around these people.
Te dije que dejaras de juntarte con esa gente.
I thought I told you to stop charging stuff.
Creí que te había dicho que dejaras de cargar cosas.
I told you to stop because I like this place
Le he dicho que se pare porque este sitio me gusta
I told you to stop!
¡ Que te calles!
I told you to stop bothering me, Sam. It's no go.
- Te dije que dejaras de molestarme.
I told you to stop.
Te he dicho que pares.
I told you to stop!
¡ He dicho que paren!
Then I told you to stop, but you were too greedy.
Le dije que parara, pero fué demasiado avaricioso.
I told you to stop moping.
Te dije que dejaras de lloriquear.
Oh, honey, I told you to stop worrying about it.
Cariño, te he dicho que dejes de preocuparte.
I told you to stop shaking!
¡ Te dije que dejaras de temblar!
I told you to stop.
Te dije que te callaras.
I told you to stop looking at me like that or I'll bust your teeth out.
Te dije que dejaras de mirarme así o te romperé los dientes.
I told you to stop playing that song!
¡ Les dije que ya no tocaran esa canción!
I told you to stop playing that music!
¡ Les dije que dejaran de tocar esa música!
I told you to stop spending all day playing detective.
Te dije que no pasaras todo el día jugando al detective.
Hi. I'd like to, Jackie, but I told you to stop by the shop.
Quisiera Jackie, pero te dije que vinieras aquí.
And I told you to keep away from here and stop bothering me.
Y yo te dije que te fueras y dejaras de molestarme.
Vittorio, I've told you many times not to stop and chat in the street!
Vittorio, te he dicho muchas veces que no te pares a hablar por la calle.
I told you it would work. Mabel, will you tell that fellow to get out of the hall and stop annoying me?
Mabel, ¿ podrías decirle que se vaya del pasillo y no me moleste más?
Why didn't you stop when I told you to?
¿ Por qué no paraste cuando te lo dije?
I've told you how it's going to be, now stop barking orders.
Te dije cómo iba a ser, ahora deja de ladrar órdenes.
Now, listen.. I'm going to get you told once and for all. And you stop running me through a ringer or analysis or whatever you call it.
Te lo voy a decir de una vez por todas, y después quiero que dejes de inspeccionarme o analizarme o lo que sea, Siempre dices que no entiendo las cosas, pero eres tú el que no las entiende, porque eres un idiota y un idiota nunca entiende a un tipo listo.
I told you that there might be someone... who would stop at nothing to keep you from getting to San Francisco.
Le dije que podría haber alguien... que no se detendría ante nada para evitar que llegue a San Francisco.
I'm going back to tell the president and congress just exactly what i've told you, that unless something is done to stop hitler, we may have to fight him alone.
Repetiré todo esto al presidente y al Congreso, o se intenta parar a Hitler o lucharemos solos contra él.
I gather that you were only told to stop those disguised as priests
Tengo entendido que sólo le dijeron que detuviera aquéllos disfrazados como monjes.
What If I told you that when I was on the street, at a tram stop, a man stood next to me?
Si te dijese que estando en Ia calle, en una parada de tranvía, un hombre se detuvo junto a mí.
I told you that I didn't want you to talk about that eloping nonsense. Now stop it.
Te he dicho que no volvieras a hablar de fugas ni de cosas así.
I've already told you, The work could not stop. I had to carry on.
Le dije, no podía detener el trabajo.
- I told you not to stop the engine.
- Te dije que no pararas el motor.
And I told Pa he had to come and fetch you home to make you stop what you're doing.
Le dije a papá que debía venir y llevarte a casa para obligarte a poner fin a lo que estás haciendo.
- I've told you... - You've got to stop it, I tell you.
- Ya te he dicho...
I've told you : it's forbidden to stop on that street, beginning with 7 : 00!
Se lo he dicho : en esa calle está prohibido aparcar desde las 7.
I told you once and for all to stop.
Que dejaras de hacerlo de una vez.
I remember, you told me to fling myself at him and not to stop in the middle of the road.
Lo recuerdo, me dijiste que me lanzase y que no me parase a mitad de camino.
I told you, I'm going to make a stop sign.
Ya te dije que haría un cartel de "pare".
You told me to stop in if I passed this way.
Me dijiste que me detuviera si pasaba por aquí.
- I thought I told you lot to stop here.
- Os dije que os quedárais. - ¿ Y...?
I thought we told you to stop working our precinct, Early Riser.
Creo que te dijimos que no trabajaras en nuestro distrito, Tempranero.
I mean, with your nephew being kidnapped, and they told me you took the time to stop off at the nursery...
Además, me dijeron que se detuvo en el vivero...
I told you I didn't. This is no time to stop trusting me.
No es momento de dejar de confiar en mí.

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