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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I wanted to talk to you about

I wanted to talk to you about tradutor Espanhol

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Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something, Light Bulb.
La verdad, es que quiero hablar de algo contigo.
Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about that.
Sí, quería hablarte de eso.
I wanted to talk to you about something...
Queria hablarte acerca de algo...
Yeah. I, uh... I wanted to talk to you about that.
Sí quería hablarte sobre eso.
I wanted to talk to you about your wedding mash-up.
Quería hablarte de tu mezcla para la boda.
I wanted to talk to you about something.
Quería hablarte sobre algo.
Thanks. Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
En realidad, sobre eso te quería hablar.
Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the Jillian Ford diet.
Escúchame, quiero hablar contigo sobre la dieta de Jillian Ford.
I wanted to talk to you about the tickets.
Quería hablarte acerca de los tickets.
I wanted to talk to you about coming to work at my big shop.
- Y quería hablarte de venir a trabajar a mi agencia grande.
- That's OK. I wanted to talk to you about something.
- Quería hablarte de algo.
Actually, i wanted to talk to you about saturday night.
En realidad, quería hablarle sobre el sábado por la noche.
Um, yeah, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.
Era sobre eso que yo quería hablar contigo.
Well, since you are the new landlord, I wanted to talk to you about moving into this apartment as soon as it's available.
Bueno, desde que eres la nueva casera quería hablar contigo acerca de mudarme a este apartamento en cuanto esté disponible.
Um, actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.
En realidad queria hablar contigo.
You know, I wanted to talk to you about your paper.
- Quiero hablarte de tu trabajo.
Yeah, actually, I wanted to talk to you about something else.
Si, de hecho, quería hablarte de algo más.
I was just, uh, I... I... I wanted to talk to you about us.
Quería hablarte de nosotros.
Remember when I told you there was something I wanted to talk to you about today?
¿ Os acordáis cuando os dije que había algo de lo que quería hablaros hoy? Por lo que estoy aquí.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
De eso era lo que quería hablar.
I wanted to talk to you about yesterday.
Quería hablar contigo sobre lo de ayer.
And stupid. Listen, Violet, I wanted to talk to you about Auggie.
Escucha, Violet, quiero hablar contigo sobre Auggie.
So... uh... Daniel and I wanted to talk to you about something.
Así que Daniel y yo queríamos hablarte de algo.
Actually, Julianne, um... what I wanted to talk to you about is--is that...
De hecho, Julianne... de lo que quería hablar contigo...
I know, and I wanted to talk to you about that.
- Lo sé y yo quería hablar contigo sobre eso.
I wanted to talk to you about the Home Secretary.
Quería hablarte acerca del Secretario del Interior.
And I brought us a little break room picnic,'cause I wanted to talk to you about something- - Something that's not horrible.
Y traje para comer porque quería hablar contigo... de algo que no es horrible.
And I guess this must be my lucky day, Because I wanted to talk to you about a story I'm working on.
Y supongo que este es tu día de suerte, porque quería hablarte de una historia en la que trabajo.
I wanted to talk to you about it earlier, but since everything that was going on with your break-up, it... the timing wasn't right.
Quería hablar contigo sobre eso antes, pero con todo lo de tu ruptura, no... no era el momento adecuado.
Uh, there's something I wanted to talk to you about, before we left.
Le quería hablar de algo, antes de irnos.
That kind of brings us to what I wanted to talk to you about.
Lo que nos lleva a un tema que te quería comentar.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about, lucy.
De eso es de lo que quería hablarte, Lucy.
I wanted to talk to you about something.
Quiero hablar contigo sobre algo
That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.
Eso es exactamente lo que quería hablar contigo.
You see, son, I... wanted to talk to you about...
Veras, hijo, yo... quería hablar contigo de...
What I was trying to say was... you know, if you are wanted to talk about... how you are feeling. So, Brown made you lead on this?
Lo que quería decir es que si quieres hablar de tus sentimientos.
Yeah, I actually wanted to talk to you about that.
Si, justamente queria hablarte sobre eso.
Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that.
Sí, quería hablarte sobre eso.
So, I just wanted to say, if you ever need anybody to talk about your situation with... Mmm-hmm? Uh, I'm your guy.
Sólo quería decirte que si necesitas hablar con alguien sobre tu situación... puedes contar conmigo.
So I didn't know if you wanted to get together, just the two of us, and talk about our dead parents without Jack or Madison.
Lo hicieron. Así que, no sé si quieres que nos juntemos sólo nosotros dos y hablar de nuestros padres muertos sin Jack o Madison.
Look, I don't know what kind of twisted spin Chuck put on things but I actually wanted to talk to you about this.
Mira, yo... No sé de qué forma retorcida te ha contado Chuck las cosas, pero de verdad que quería hablarte sobre esto.
I actually kind of wanted to talk to you about the other night.
- No te preocupes. De hecho, quiero hablarte sobre la otra noche.
Actually, I, uh, just wanted to talk to you about a specific article.
De hecho, yo, uh, sólo quería hablarte de un artículo específico.
Not really supposed to talk about that. I just wanted to let you know that department 44 really appreciated your help on the Neox case.
Sólo quería decirles que el Departamento 44 aprecia realmente su ayuda en el caso Neox.
I, uh, wanted to talk to you about the auditorium.
Quería hablar contigo de lo del auditorio.
I wanted to talk about the case you're currently investigating.
Quería hablarle del caso que está investigando ahora.
I thought you wanted a session to talk about your brother.
Creí que querías una sesión para hablar acerca de tu hermano.
I wanted to talk to you about that.
Sí.., quería hablarte sobre eso.
- Well, can I just say if you wanted to talk about my dick, you should feel free to.
- Déjame decirte que si quieres hablar de mi pito eres libre de hacerlo.
Did you tell the President what I wanted to talk about?
¿ Le dijo al Presidente de lo que queria hablarle?
Oh, gary, I actually wanted to talk to you about that.
Gary, en realidad quería hablarte de eso.

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