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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I was thinking about you

I was thinking about you tradutor Espanhol

2,106 parallel translation
I was thinking about you.
Porque estaba pensando en usted
I hope you don't mind, but I was in English class today, and I was thinking about your Friday night study-buddy date, and I wrote the perfect poem for you to read to her tonight.
Espero que no te importe, pero estaba en clase de inglés hoy, y estaba pensando en tu cita de estudio el viernes por la noche, y he escrito el poema perfecto para que se lo leas esta noche.
I, uh, I was thinking about you a lot, actually.
Yo, eh, he estado pensando mucho en ti, realmente.
Just- - just that. You know, when I sat there, lying on the lounger, And I was thinking about stuff- -
Es... es eso... ya sabes, cuando me siento, tirado en la tumbona pensando en cosas
Oh, speaking of birds, I was thinking about Thanksgiving, and if you want Travis to come to your house, you're gonna have to cut him out of my arms.
Oh, hablando de pajaritos, estaba pensando sobre Acción de Gracias, y si tú quisieras que Travis viniera a tu casa, Tendrás que cortarlo de mis brazos.
I was thinking it's really my bad if you're bothered about it.
Estaba pensando que es culpa mía, si estás molesto con eso...
You know, uh, I-I was talking to Min the other day, and I've actually been thinking about maybe coaching some football.
Ya sabes, e-estuve hablando con Min el otro día, y la verdad es que he estado pensando acerca de quizá ser entrenador de fútbol.
Um, so listen, I've been thinking about your offer, and I've decided that... Well... I think you're hot, but fundamentally, I'm a girls'girl, and a girls'girl just isn't going to go out with a guy who was a jerk to one of her friends,
Oye, estuve pensando en tu oferta y decidí que bueno creo que eres sexy pero fundamentalmente, soy una chica que prioriza sus amigas y una chica así no sale con un tipo que se comportó mal con una de sus amigas aunque sea muy sexy.
Yes, I remember. You said my hair looked really cute, kind of like Megan Fox, and I said that's what I was going for, and then you were telling me about how you were thinking- - you cannot recall one thing about the surrogacy,
Si, ya recuerdo, dijistes que mi nuevo peinado se veía realmente bonito tipo Megan Fox y yo te dije que era lo quería, y entonces estuvimos hablando sobre como pensaba...
Hey, you know, I was thinking about that stone you're looking for.
Oye, sabes, he estado pensando en esa piedra que estás buscando.
You know, I was thinking all last night about what to say to you guys today. And, uh, here it is.
Saben, estuve pensando toda la noche que decirles hoy a todos. Y, ah, es esto.
Just'cause I-I was thinking about what you said today.
- Bueno, sí, sí, sólo porque estaba pensando en lo que dijiste hoy.
Uh, well, I was just thinking, you sound like someone who knows a lot about baking, so I was wondering if you could give me some hints about baking a cherry pie.
Uh, bueno, estaba pensando, suenas como alquien quien sabe mucho sobre la cocción, entonces yo me preguntaba si tu podrias darme unos tips sobre la cocción de la tarta de cereza.
And you asked me what I was thinking about.
Y usted me preguntó en qué estaba pensando.
I'd like to hear more about your session this week, why you decided to see sunil free of charge, what your thinking was.
Me gustaría saber más sobre su sesión de esta semana, por qué decidió atender gratis a Sunil, qué lo motivó a hacerlo.
( high-pitched voice ) well, it's, you know... ( mutters ) ( normal voice ) it's just something I was thinking about.
Bueno, es, ya sabes... es solo algo que lo estaba pensando.
Now, it might be a terrible idea, but I was thinking about- - you know how kids are always losing their shoes?
Ahora, puede ser una idea terrible, pero estaba pensando... ¿ sabes que los niños siempre están perdiendo sus zapatos?
I was just thinking about you the other day.
Estuve pensado en tí el otro día.
You know I-I was just thinking about How we get to keep knocking it out and high-fiving afterwards Until we die.
Ya sabes, sólo estaba pensando cómo conseguimos seguir golpeando y chocando esos cinco, justo después hasta que muramos.
I was just thinking about what an interesting person you are.
Estaba pensando en la persona tan interesante que eres.
I was actually thinking about giving you my credit card.
En realidad estaba pensando en darte mi tarjeta de crédito.
Hey, I was thinking about making you dinner.
Arriba, dormilón.
I was just sitting here thinking about that time I took you to the Crystal Palace over in Bakersfield.
Estaba aquí sentado, pensando sobre aquella vez en la que te llevé al Crystal Palace en Bakersfield.
Um, listen, about yesterday, you know, I was thinking about it and I barely know Declan.
Em, escucha, sobre lo de ayer, ya sabes, estube pensando en eso y apenas conozco a Declan.
I was thinking about doing that, but I kind of like to pick out my own produce... you know, tap the, uh, melons.
Estuve pensando en hacerlo yo tambien. Pero me gusta elegir los productos, ya sabes, darle golpecitos al melón.
I'm gonna miss you, buddy. You know, I was thinking the other day about those little plays we used to put on when we were little for the whole family.
Voy a echarte de menos, colega.
Anyway, I was thinking about it, and I wanna help you out. I can probably find you a few hours if you're still up for it.
Bueno, estaba pensando en eso, y quiero ayudarte y posiblemente pueda ofrecerte unas horas si aún te interesa.
I was thinking about what you said - - about that quarterback, Troy Jameson.
Estuve pensando en lo que dijiste... lo de ese mariscal, Troy Jameson.
I was thinking about what you said... about that quarterback, Troy Jameson.
Estuve pensando en lo que dijiste acerca del quarterback, Troy Jameson
So instead of making this hard on myself, you know, I was thinking about maybe going with the one girl who's been lusting after my dong the whole time.
Así que en vez de hacer esto más difícil para mí, ya sabes, estaba pensando en ir tal vez con la única chica que ha estado tras mi polla todo este tiempo.
I don't know. I mean, he went to the clinic with Amy when you drove them, when she was thinking about abortion.
Quiero decir, iba a la clínica con Amy cuando les llevaste en coche, cuando ella pensaba abortar.
Well, I was just thinking that maybe you were right and I was wrong... about Adrian.
Bueno, estaba pensando en que tal vez... tenías razón y yo estaba equivocada... sobre Adrian.
When I got pregnant with you, I was scared to death... to even think about what you're thinking about.
Cuando me quedé embarazada de ti, estaba muerta de miedo, como para pensar en lo que estás pensando.
You know, I was thinking about how there are two different Havens.
Sabes, estuve pensando sobre... Hay uno en la superficie.
Balthazor, hon bun, you know, I was thinking about how we can decorate the house.
Balthazor, cariño, sabes estaba pensando en cómo podríamos decorar la casa.
Okay, so I was thinking about what you said about me not making friends At my new school and not moving on with my life so I've made a decision.
De acuerdo, estaba pensando sobre lo que dijiste sobre que no hacia amigos en mi nueva escuela y no avanzo en la vida, así que he tomado una decisión.
Claudiola- - I was just thinking about you.
Claudiola... Ahora mismo estaba pensando en tí.
You know, I was thinking about how some of my favorite movies wind up in air ducts.
Estaba pensando... acerca de como algunas de mis películas favoritas terminan en conductos de aire.
Sarah and I haven't spoken one word about what happened, and even though I wasn't proposing, I'd like to know if thinking I might have been was, you know, good news or horrible news.
Sarah y yo no hemos hablado ni una palabra de lo que pasó, y aunque no me lo proponía, me gustaría saber si pensar que podría haber sido yo fue, bueno, buenas o malas noticias
I was thinking about what you said earlier, about being tired.
Estuve pensando sobre lo que dijiste antes, sobre lo de estar cansada.
You know, I was thinking about asking her to go to the aquarium with me.
Sabes, estaba pensando pedirla que vaya al acuario conmigo.
I was thinking about how much I'd gotten out of the hours I spent talking to Angela, my therapist, and it made me think about the hours that you two used to spend gabbing away.
Estaba pensando en cuanto he resuelto en las horas que he pasado hablando con Ángela mi terapeuta. Y eso me hizo pensar en las horas que ustedes solían pasar charlando.
When you knew it all along, why did you hide it from me? I was thinking you don't want to talk about it.
- Tú lo sabías todo el tiempo, - ¿ Por qué te escondes de mí?
I don't know, I was thinking I have told you so much about myself, you could tell me more about yourself.
No se, estaba pensando que te he dicho mucho sobre mí, ¿ podrías decirme algo mas sobre ti?
I was just thinking about what you said the other day.
No, estuve pensando en lo que dijiste el otro día.
I just wanted to call and let you know That I was thinking about what you said.
Sólo quería llamarte y hacerte saber que estuve pensando en lo que dijiste.
But, uh, I saw that your light was on, and I left my phone at home, and I was out driving around, thinking about things, and I just felt like seeing you.
Pero, eh, Vi que su luz estaba encendida, y dejé mi teléfono en casa, y yo estaba conduciendo, pensando en las cosas, y me sentí como si te estuviera viendo.
Yeah, I was just thinking about you.
Sí, justamente estaba pensando en ti.
Hey. I was just thinking about you.
Estaba pensando en ti.
I was just thinking about you.
Estaba pensando en ti.
I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately and seeing how well me and you are reconnecting I was thinking about sticking around here for a while.
He hecho mucha introspección estos días y en vista de lo bien que nos hemos relacionado he pensado que me quedaré aquí un tiempo.

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