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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I wasn't expecting that

I wasn't expecting that tradutor Espanhol

192 parallel translation
Of course. I wasn't expecting that.
Claro, ¿ qué querías que hiciera?
- I wasn't expecting that one.
- Eso no me lo esperaba.
I just wasn't expecting you, that's all.
No te esperaba.
Ah... just a little surprised, that's all, that's... I just wasn't expecting it... this year. - Sneaked-up on ya, huh?
Es que estoy un poco sorprendido, nada mas... no esperaba cumplir ninguno este año.
No, I wasn't expecting anything like that.
No, no esperaría nada semejante.
Yes, pardon me, because I wasn't expecting that at all, not in that way.
Perdone, no me esperaba eso, al menos de este modo.
- Though to be honest, I really wasn't expecting that.
Pero, un momento, con esa cara no me lo hubiera esperado de usted.
I wasn't expecting that you... You're the only pure and beautiful thing that I've found in this city.
Tengo miedo... lone, tú eres lo más lindo y puro que encontré en Pompeya.
I wasn't expecting you see, that's all.
No esperaba verte, eso es todo.
- There's a corner seat. I certainly wasn't expecting that.
" La tortuga que en verano...
We were expecting him to come to the hospital to visit his father so when I was told that he was downstairs in a cab, I wasn't surprised.
Esperábamos que viniera a ver a su padre al hospital y cuando me dijeron que estaba en un taxi, no me sorprendió.
Honestly, I wasn't expecting that question from you anymore.
Honestamente, no esperaba esa pregunta de ti.
I wasn't expecting that.
No me esperaba ésto.
I wasn't expecting that.
Un golpe tan inesperado.
I mean, I wasn't expecting to see that vision.
No esperaba ver aquella... aquella aparición.
Oh, wow, I wasn't expecting that.
¡ Ah, caray, no me lo esperaba!
I wasn't expecting you'd say that.
No esperaba que dijeras eso.
It's just that I wasn't expecting this.
Es exactamente lo que no desearía... Esto...
Um... good... nothing, it's just that I wasn't expecting you and...
Um... bue... nada es que no te esperaba y...
I wasn't expecting that.
¡ Esto no me lo esperaba!
I really wasn't expecting that.
Realmente no lo esperaba.
No, no, I don't mind. It's just that I wasn't expecting it.
No, si no me importa, pero es que... no esperaba esa pregunta.
I wasn't expecting to see him right then. Sucking up to her parents... in that outfit.
No esperaba verlo en ese momento impresionando a los padres de ella.
But something's happened to me since I've met you and that I wasn't expecting and...
Pero algo sucedió desde que te conocí y no me lo esperaba y no quisiera...
Just something I wasn't expecting, that's all.
Hay apenas una cosa que no esperaba, a pesar de todo.
I wasn't expecting that.
No me esperaba eso.
Something that I wasn't expecting, and something that probably will always be there.
Sentí algo inesperado y que quizás perdure toda la vida.
I wasn't even expecting that. Rich was this close to leaving last week.
Rich estuvo así de cerca de irse anoche.
I wasn't expecting that.
No esperaba eso.
I wasn't... I wasn't expecting that to happen.
No esperaba que pasara eso.
I wasn't expecting that.
No lo esperaba.
Well, that wasn`t exactly the kind of truth I was expecting.
Bueno, esa no es exactamente la clase de verdad que estaba esperando.
- I wasn't expecting that.
No me esperaba eso.
Guess I just wasn't expecting blood to look like that... pre-collection...
No me esperaba que la sangre se viera así. Antes de que llegue al laboratorio es tan distinta.
I wasn't expecting that from a Buddhist.
No esperaba eso de un budista.
It's not that I wasn't expecting them, it's just... the law firm that Nicole works for sent them.
No es que no lo estuviera esperando, pero, los envió el bufeté para el que trabaja Nicole.
Got to admit, I wasn't expecting that.
Debo admitir que no me esperaba eso.
Carol, I'm sorry, but I wasn't expecting that.
Mira, Carol, perdóname, mas yo no estaba esperando.
Oh, that's okay, I-I wasn't really expecting you to take on the case.
Oh, esta bien, Yo-yo no esperaba realmente que siguieras el caso.
And I just feel awful That is so not how I wanted things to end with us It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you and all of a sudden you're there and saying these things...
No es así como quería que las cosas terminaran entre nosotros. ... es sólo que yo no esperaba verte y y de repente estás ahí, y diciendo estas cosas ahora estoy sentada aquí pensando en todo lo que te debí decir y no dije.
It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you.
Es sólo que no esperaba verte.
- No, I'm not. I just wasn't expecting him to come back, that's all.
Es solo que no esperaba que volviera, es todo
I wasn't expecting that question.
No me esperaba esta pregunta.
I just wasn't expecting that.
Es que no me esperaba eso.
I can tell you that I wasn't expecting to be Fanny Brice to your Nicky Arnstein.
No esperaba ser la Fanny Brice de tu Nicky Arnstein.
- I wasn't expecting company, that's all.
Es sólo que no esperaba a nadie.
It was a shock, that's all. I wasn't expecting...
Fue un shock, eso es todo.
"coming down." "I wasn't expecting to see the damage that I saw in the lobby." "And, and the people, the bodies, the burned people, the injured people,"
- No esperaba ver el daño que vi en el vestíbulo y la gente, los cuerpos, personas quemadas, los heridos..
All right, I wasn't expecting that.
Muy bien, no me lo esperaba.
And i just wasn't expecting, you know, it to be cao boi at that point.
Yo no esperaba, ¿ sabes? , que fuera Cao Boi en este punto.
Now that I wasn't expecting.
Esto sí que no me lo esperaba.

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