I wasn't sure tradutor Espanhol
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I wasn't sure at first, but these look pretty cool.
No estaba seguro al principio, pero parece bastante bueno.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't. Uh, what I meant was, I was having tea with the Dormouse, and he said that he saw him.
Lo que quise decir fue que estaba tomando té con el Lirón, y él dijo que le vio.
I wasn't even sure she had all her teeth.
No estaba seguro de que tuviera todos sus dientes.
I wasn't sure how to take that.
No estaba seguro de cómo tomármelo.
I'm sure it wasn't Javier.
- Estoy segura de que Javier no ha sido.
I'm sure that wasn't on anyone's, uh, daily planner, now, was it?
Estoy seguro de que esto no estaba en la agenda del día de nadie, ¿ verdad?
I had suspected that, but I wasn't sure because she would give me little gifts
Lo sospeché, aunque no estaba seguro... por los pequeños obsequios que ella me regalaba.
I was reckless, so I wasn't sure
Era irresponsable, así que no estoy segura.
I wasn't sure I could do this, but I woke up this morning and felt I wanted to do this, so I'm doing this.
No estaba seguro de que pudiera hacerlo, pero me desperté esta mañana y sentí que quería hacerlo, así que voy ha hacerlo.
I wasn't sure if you'd be home for dinner.
No sabía si ibas a venir a cenar.
You know, when you first pitched me this idea, I wasn't too sure about it.
Sabes, la primera vez que me diste esta idea, no estaba seguro.
- I wasn't sure does WorldNetDaily even have- -
- No estaba seguro. ¿ Tiene acaso WoldnetDaily...
And as long as we're on the subject, I'm sure he mentioned if it wasn't for my previous help, he wouldn't still have Ava as a client.
Y ya que hablamos del tema, estoy seguro que mencionó que si no hubiera sido por mi anterior ayuda, ya no tendría a Ava como clienta.
Wasn't sure if I wanted to go away for college.
No estaba segura de querer ir a la universidad.
'Cause I'm pretty sure I wasn't just the one who distinguished myself from rubes by saying, "I teach college." Really?
¿ En serio?
I wasn't in the room, but I'm sure he said,
No estaba en la sala, pero estoy segura de que dijo,
I wasn't sure if I should wake you.
No estaba segura si debía despertarte.
I wasn't sure if she had had a nightmare and that's what woke her up, but she just knew she felt scared.
No sabía si ella había tenido una pesadilla y que eso la despertó pero sólo sabía que sintió miedo.
And I wasn't quite sure what you were going for.
Y no estoy muy seguro que sea lo que estamos buscando.
I wasn't sure if the snake was poisonous, but Sam, he had no fear.
No estaba seguro de si la serpiente era venenosa, pero Sam... no tenía miedo.
Carolina Springs up on me... and I sure as hell wasn't gonna tell her what the hell I was doing, so I had to, you know, think quick on my feet.
Carolina Springs me pilló desprevenido... y estaba claro que no iba a contarle qué demonios estaba haciendo, así que tuve que reaccionar.
To be honest, I wasn't sure about the smell either.
Para ser honesto, no estaba seguro de por el olor ya sea.
And I wanted to make sure that - - you know, that last night wasn't a dream. Hmm. Would this refresh your memory?
Y yo quería estar segura de que... ya sabes, la pasada noche no fue un sueño. ¿ Te refrescaría esto la memoria?
- I said I wasn't sure.
- Dije que no estaba seguro.
I wasn't sure when you'd be coming home.
No estaba seguro de cuándo volvería.
I wasn't sure, but I didn't have time to think about it until we were out of there.
No estaba seguro. En ese momento no pensé en ello hasta que salimos de ahí.
Well, Donna, one of us farted, and I'm about 60 % sure it wasn't me.
Bueno, Donna, una de nosotras se ha tirado un pedo, y estoy un 60 por ciento segura de que no he sido yo.
I wasn't sure if I should call it polingitus or meningiolio.
No sabía si llamarlo polingitis o meningiolio.
The only reason I didn't say anything to you about leaving the navy was because I wasn't sure.
La única razón por la que no te he dicho nada sobre lo de dejar la marina era porque no estaba segura.
I wasn't sure I was gonna see you here.
No sabía si te vería aquí.
It wasn't the team I picked, but I'm sure glad that I ended up on it.
No fue el equipo que elegí, pero estoy muy contento que terminé en él.
I wasn't sure what I was seeing.
No estaba seguro de lo que estaba viendo.
No, at first I wasn't sure why james would do this roast, And then I saw "spring breakers" and I was like, "oh, he'll do anything."
Al principio no estaba segura por qué James haría el Roast, pero después vi "Spring Breakers" y dije "Oh, hará cualquier cosa".
I wasn't even sure I was recording.
Ni siquiera estaba segura si estaba grabando.
I wasn't sure I could manage that.
No estaba seguro de que yo pudiera controlarlo.
So, I know I might be overstepping, And honestly I wasn't even sure if I should bring this up.
Sé que puedo estar sobrepasándome y en verdad no estaba seguro si debía decir esto.
Thank you, I wasn't sure if I'd get here before we left.
Gracias, no estaba segura que llegara antes de irnos.
I wasn't sure what to tell the brass.
Hablar con los jefes afecta a los intestinos.
I wasn't sure if you and she ever got back together.
No estaba segura de si tú y ella volveríais a estar juntos.
I knew something was up. I wasn't sure what.
Algo estaba mal, pero yo no sabía qué.
I wasn't sure...
Yo no estaba seguro.
I wasn't sure whether this was real or an act.
No estaba seguro si fue real o una actuación.
Okay, I'm not so sure that kid wasn't gay.
Vale, no estoy tan seguro de que no fuese gay.
Eh, I wasn't sure.
No estaba seguro.
Rebecca calls me, and she asked me if I wouldn't mind going upstairs to the attic. To make sure that the roof wasn't leaking, make sure the buckets weren't overflowing.
Rebecca me llamó, y me preguntó si no me molestaba subir al ático para ver si no había las goteras en el techo o que las cubetas no estuvieran llenas.
It wasn't a very secure dungeon, and I'm not sure that I should tell you everything about the guard.
No era una mazmorra muy protegida y no estoy segura de que deba contaros todo sobre... el guarda.
Well, I wasn't too distracted to make sure T.J.'s bail hearing went our way.
Bueno, no estaba tan distraído para asegurarme que la audiencia de T.J. fuera a nuestro favor.
And as I write this, I'm not at all sure Louis wasn't right.
Y mientras escribo esto, no estoy del todo seguro de que Louis no tuviese razón.
I wasn't sure after the first amniocentesis. That's why I requested a second.
No estaba seguro después de la primera amniocentesis, es por eso que solicité la segunda.
I wasn't sure when I got a load of the clowns. Oh, come on. Clowns are great.
No estaba segura cuando vi los payasos.
I wasn't quite sure what they would say about lying to two men.
No estaba muy segura de que dirían sobre mentir a dos hombres.
i wasn't sure you'd come 28
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't invited 33