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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I will not let you down

I will not let you down tradutor Espanhol

101 parallel translation
Night Talk still has a purpose, a standard to which it must rise, and I will not let you down on that score.
Night Talk todavía tiene un propósito, un standard que debe de levantarse, y no los dejaré mal con eso.
I will not let you down.
Yo no le defraudare.
Absolutely. And I promise you, I will not let you down.
Y se lo prometo, no le haré quedar mal.
I will not let you down.
- Felicitaciones. - Gracias.
I will not let you down.
No lo desilusionaré.
- I promise, I will not let you down.
- Prometo que no te decepcionaré.
If you pick me, I will not let you down.
Si me escogen, no les quedaré mal.
And I promise I will not let you down.
Y prometo no defraudarlo.
I will not let you down.
No lo defraudaré.
Whatever it is, I will not let you down.
Sea lo que sea, no te fallaré.
I swear, Tru, I will not let you down.
Te lo juro, Tru, no te voy a defraudar.
I will not let you down.
No te defraudaré.
- Oh, I will not let you down. - All right.
No te voy a quedar mal.
I will not let you down.
No te decepcionaré
- I will not let you down.
No te decepcionare.
I will not let you down.
- Gracias, Paul, no lo decepcionaré.
- I will not let you down, Master.
- No lo dejaré mal, maestro.
And i will not let you down.
Y no te fallaré.
I will not let you down, sir.
No lo voy a defraudar, señor.
Thank You. I Will Not Let You Down.
Gracias, no te defraudaré.
Thank you, I will not let you down.
Gracias, no te defraudaré.
I will not let you down.
¡ No los voy a decepcionar!
This is where you say, "Thank you, I'm honored. I will not let you down."
¿ Así es como dice " Gracias, es un honor, no le defraudaré?
I promise you I will not let you down again.
Te prometo que no te volveré a decepcionar.
If you put your trust in me, I will not let you down!
¡ Si Uds. confían en mí, no los defraudaré!
I will not let you down.
Señora. No la defraudaré.
And I said to him, "I will not let you down, Mr God."
Y yo le dije, "No le defraudaré, Sr. Dios."
I will not let you down.
No lo decepcionaré.
I will not let you down, Mother.
No te decepcionaré, madre.
And another thing I swear to you Andrew I swear that this act will not go unpunished lt will not go unpunished and I will not let you down I have never let you down and I will not let you down now
Y otra cosa Te juro Andrew Juro que este acto no quedará impune
I promise this time, I will not let you down.
Te prometo que esta vez no te desilusionaré.
I will not let you down, sir.
No le defraudaré, señor.
I will not let you down.
No te fallare.
I will not let you down.
No te decepcionaré.
I will not let you down.
No voy a defraudar.
I will not let you shout me down!
Intentan silenciarme.
I will not let you... or Ying down.
No lo defraudaré ni a usted ni a Ying.
I promise I will not let you down.
Prometo no decepcionarlo.
Well not yet, but I'm sure you will in the future. I've invested all I have in you. So don't you let me down.
pues no todavia, pero estoy segura de que lo haras mas adelante he invertido todo lo que tengo en ti asi que no me decepciones
I made a great many sacrifices to get you here, Neil, and you will not let me down.
Hice muchos sacrificios para que entres allí, Neil, y no vas a defraudarme.
I promise we will not let you down.
, le prometo que no lo defraudare la próxima vez.
I will not let you down.
No le dejaré caer.
And I will take you to court for burglary and if you do not let me down this instant then assault as well!
Y yo le llevaré a los tribunales ¡ Por robo con allanamiento de morada y si no me deja le atacaré para conseguir gran parte de esto!
I have no doubt Pullo will not let you down.
No tengo duda Pullo no fallara
Well, I promise we will do our very best, not to let you down
Bueno, te prometo que lo haremos lo mejor que podamos para no defraudaros
But I will not... let you down.
Pero yo no voy a defraudarte.
I will try not to let you down this time.
Intentaré no defraudarte esta vez.
I will not let you tear down this house of the Lord.
No voy a permitir que derrumbes a la casa del Señor.
- I will not let you guys down.
No los defraudare chicos Ok, genial
I will not let you walk down that aisle unless you look perfect and beautiful, I promise.
No te dejaré caminar hacia el altar si no te ves perfecta y hermosa, lo prometo.
You will have to shoot me to get me down from here. Because I will not let you abandon my companions.
Tendrá que disparar para poder bajarme de este barco porque no pienso dejar que abandonen a mi gente.

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