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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / I won't do that again

I won't do that again tradutor Espanhol

117 parallel translation
I won't do that again...
No lo volveré a hacer. No lo volveré a hacer nunca más.
Me too... I won't do that again too.
No lo volveré a hacer nunca más, Eun-chae.
I certainly will if he won't do that again.
- Lo haré, si no me ataca.
I won't do that again.
No lo volveré a hacer.
You'll get them after me again. I won't let you do that.
Sí, y volverán a perseguirme.
I won't do that again.
No volverá a ocurrir.
- I'm sorry. I won't do that again. Come on.
Lo siento, no volverá a pasar.
After two years? Listen, Enrico, I won't do that again.
Escucha, Enrico,... si he hecho algo que no te ha gustado, no volveré a hacerlo,... te lo juro.
I promise I won't do anything like that again.
Prometo que no lo haré más.
Tell them I won't do that again.
- No funcionará. - No hace falta que sea hoy, François.
I can go to sleep again while marching on. If you see my head dropping down like that, do me a favor, hit me on the back, and hit hard, or I won't feel it.
Si ves mi cabeza tambalearse así hazme un favor, golpéame en la espalda, y hazlo fuerte o no lo sentiré.
I won't let them do that to you again.
No dejaré que te lastimen otra vez.
Well, I surely won't do that again.
Es algo que no volverá a suceder.
And you better do something because I won't go through that hell again.
Y será mejor que hagan algo porque no voy a pasar por ese infierno otra vez.
I swear to you that I won't do it again.
Te juro que no volveré a hacerlo.
When that order comes, I'll do it and you won't ever be that unhappy again.
Cuando dé la orden, la cumpliré. No volverás a estar tan triste.
I won't do that again.
Por favor, quédate un minuto.
If I do that, I won't see you again.
Si lo hago no te volvería a ver.
I won't do that again.
No volveré a hacer eso.
Maybe I won't do that again.
Tal vez no voy a hacer eso otra vez.
I won't do that again.
¡ No volveré a hacerlo nunca más! - ¡ Pero, se lo ruego, démela!
Take away your hands, I can't hear. I give my word of honour that I won't do it again.
Le doy mi palabra de honor que no lo volveré a hacer.
I won't do that again.
No lo haré otra vez.
No cumpliré de nuevo la condena.
Well, I won't do that again.
No volveré a hacerlo.
But ultimately it comes down to this- - if you feel about me the way I feel about you you won't go on that transport tomorrow and if you do leave, I think we both know... you're never coming back again.
Ojalá pudiera creerte pero, en resumidas cuentas : Si sientes lo mismo que yo siento por ti, no te irás en esa nave mañana.
Don't you ever do that again. I won't, Wick.
No lo vuelvas a hacer.
- I won't do that again!
No volveré a hacerlo.
Being editor that's what I won't do over again.
Ser directora eso es lo que no seré jamás.
You do that again and I won't wait for the sea.
Vuelves a hacer eso, y no esperaré al mar.
If you give me one chance, I won't do that again.
Dame otra oportunidad, no volverá a pasar.
If I can't do that, I won't see her again.
Si no puedo hacerlo, no la veré otra vez.
I won't do that again.
No lo haré más.
I won't do that again.
Yo no haré eso de nuevo.
How the hell do I know that mistakes won't happen again?
¿ Cómo diablos voy a saber que los errores no vuelvan a suceder?
I told you I won't do that again ever.
Te dije que no lo volvería a hacer.
I won't do that again
Prometo que no lo volveremos hacer.
And if you ever say that again I swear to God I won't be responsible for what I do to you.
Si lo repites, juro que no me responsabilizo por lo que te haga.
I won't let him do... anything like that again.
No le voy a dejar... hacer algo así de nuevo.
I won't do that to him again.
No volverá a pasar.
I promise I won't do that again.
Te prometo que no lo haré de nuevo.
I won't do that again.
No haré eso de nuevo.
but it'll have to do because i won't let myself be that dependent again, no matter what i'm searching for.
Pero tendrá que bastar porque no me permitiré ser tan dependiente otra vez sin importar lo que busque.
Sorry, I won't do that again.
Lo siento, no lo volveré a hacer.
I'm not going to apologize for it and... to be perfectly honest with you, I can't guarantee that I won't do it again.
Y para ser honesta con Ud., no puedo garantizar que no lo volveré a hacer.
- I WOn, t do that again.
- No volveré a hacerlo.
Mom already blames me for sending him away to die once before, and... that fight nearly cost me my entire family, and I won't do it again, not to me... and I won't do it to him.
Mamá ya me culpa de su muerte, y... por esa lucha casi pierdo a mi familia, y no lo haré otra vez, ni por mí... ni tampoco por él.
I'll bet you she won't do that again.
- Apuesto a que no lo hará de nuevo.
I-i won't do that again.
No lo volveré a hacer.
I won't... do that again.
No... lo haré otra vez.
I promise I won't do that again.
Prometo que no lo vuelvo a hacer.

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