Iban tradutor Espanhol
13,453 parallel translation
What are they gonna do, retire?
¿ Qué iban a hacer, retirarse?
No... they're gonna put their skills to work.
No... Iban a poner sus habilidades a trabajar.
Yeah, they were all going there together.
Sí, iban a ir todos juntos.
We all thought it was gonna work out differently.
Todos pensábamos que las cosas iban a salir de otra manera.
Did you see what Sally Field did when they were gonna throw Forrest Gump out of the regular school and she had to sleep with that big, gross, fat guy?
¿ Viste lo que hizo Sally Field cuando iban a hechar a Forrest Gum de la escuela púbica y tuvo que acostarse con aquel tío grande, asqueroso y gordo?
He had to know that law enforcement was gonna come down on him like a ton of bricks.
Debía saber que las fuerzas del orden iban a caer sobre él como una tonelada de ladrillos.
You know, when I saw Jay at the grocery store and asked him if they were coming, he took a sample meatball and chewed it for a full minute before he said yes, so...
Cuando vi a Jay en el supermercado, y le pregunté si iban a venir, pilló una albóndiga de muestra y la estuvo masticando durante un minuto antes de decir que sí, así que...
It was the first time they'd had a language and a dress code and behavior that left where you did it and was taken to school, or wherever you went.
Era la primera vez que tenían un lenguaje y un código de vestimenta y un comportamiento que te dejaban e iban al colegio o a dónde fueras.
You weren't going to get paid for it, no way, no how.
No te iban a pagar por ello, ni de broma.
Those were taken out of circulation and on their way to the Federal Reserve for shredding.
Se retiraron de la circulación e iban de camino a la Reserva Federal para su destrucción.
As soon as I told him you were coming, he took off.
Tan pronto como le dije que iban a venir, despegó.
He said he loved his daughter, he was doing it for her, but how do these bombings help a sick girl?
Dijo que quería a su hija que lo hacía por ella. Pero ¿ cómo iban a ayudar unas bombas a una niña enferma?
They wouldn't have found the bodies in the fire.
- No iban a encontrar cadáveres en el incendio.
You were gonna run?
¿ Iban a huir?
Walter said they were at 20 knots.
Walter dijo que iban a 20 nudos.
They told the message boards they were gonna be shooting in Bulgaria to throw them off!
¡ Le dijeron a los foros que iban a estar filmando en Bulgaria para alejarlos!
I just assumed that they were the same people who killed my husband, and they were going to kill me next.
Solo supuse que eran los mismos que mataron a mi marido, y que iban a matarme a mi después.
Now, why would the military be interested in a bunch of college students playing prison?
Ahora, ¿ por qué iban a estar los militares interesados en un puñado de estudiantes universitarios jugando a prisiones?
Well, I overheard some intelligence officers say that they were bringing Gorev's daughter to the embassy.
Bueno, oí por casualidad a unos miembros de inteligencia decir que iban a traer a la hija de Gorev a la embajada.
I thought they were gonna kill you.
Pensaba que iban a matarte.
But why would they go through the trouble?
¿ Pero por qué se iban a molestar?
I was not afraid of these kind of bikes, going at 340 kilometers per hour. I didn't care.
No tenía miedo de esas motos, que iban a 340 km / h, no me importaba.
Much less media people came to the racing.
Muchos menos medios iban a la carrera.
Yeah. We need to find more transportation.
De todos modos los Mariners iban a perder el partido.
Why would they ditch their comms?
¿ Por qué iban a deshacerse de sus intercomunicadores?
Even if Sam and Callen could get a shot off, they're not gonna take it.
Aunque Sam y Callen pudieran disparar, no iban a hacerlo. Hay demasiados niños.
I thought they were gonna kill me.
Pensé que me iban a matar.
They weren't going to kill you.
No iban a matar.
I honestly thought that they were gonna throw us both out of the program.
Yo honestamente pensé que nos iban a sacar a ambos del programa.
Sadly, it was 1991, and audiences were going in droves to see "Cats."
Por desgracia, era 1991 y las audiencias iban en tropel a ver "Cats".
I was gonna shoot out of a cannon across cactus gorge.
Me iban a disparar de un cañón a través de un desfiladero de cactus. Pero justo cuando está a punto de encender los fusibles, pierde el valor. Sí, sí.
It was about a duck and a penguin who go on vacation together.
Iba sobre un pato y un pingüino que se iban de vacaciones juntos.
So, this is the post office,'cause where else are they gonna get their "bills"?
Esta es la oficina de correos, porque, ¿ dónde si no iban a quedar para darle al pico?
He gave me all the day-old doughnuts they were gonna trash.
Me dio todos los donuts de un día que iban a la basura.
One was about figuring out where they could meet and what they were gonna get up to when they did.
- Uno era sobre averiguar dónde podían quedar y dónde se iban a despertar cuando lo hicieran.
- I was told there would be doughnuts.
- Me dijeron que iban a haber donas.
They were just going on a father-daughter day trip.
Solo iban a pasar un día padre-hija.
So, Beckett and I had been married almost a year, and... and things were going great, and then, suddenly, she says she needs space.
Y, Beckett y yo llevamos casados casi un año, y... y las cosas iban genial, y entonces, de repente, dice que necesita espacio.
Yeah. The only thing that makes any sense is there's a robbery going down, Frank was in on it somehow, ambushes his crew, takes the score for himself,'cause he knew the exact moment that they were gonna roll out of here.
La única cosa que tiene algún sentido es... se estaba ejecutando un robo, Frank de alguna forma estaba metido en ello... emboscó a su equipo, tomó el botín para él solo... porque sabía el momento exacto... en que iban a salir de aquí.
They were going to cut me out, so...
Me iban a sacar, entonces...
Why the hell would they do that?
¿ Por qué demonios iban a hacer eso?
Well, then you guys got into that fight, and his face turned the color of an angry Wyoming sunset, and then I tried on a pair of earrings that were stunning but weren't me.
Bueno, pues ustedes tuvieron esa pelea, y su cara se puso del color de una enojada puesta de sol de Wyoming, entonces me probé unos aretes que eran maravillosos pero no iban conmigo.
Castle, you said that they were gonna spend the day at the spa?
Castle, ¿ has dicho que iban a pasar el día en el spa?
They were supposed to come in through Narita Airport yesterday.
Iban a ingresar ayer por el aeropuerto de Narita.
And he was gonna get kicked off the football team.
E iban a expulsarle del equipo de fútbol.
The people who tattooed me didn't know the policemen were gonna die.
La gente que me tatuó no sabía que los policías iban a morir.
I thought they weren't supposed to use sirens on the ramp.
Pensé que se suponía no iban a usar sirenas en la rampa.
The British were going to attack.
Los británicos iban a atacar.
After Hudson retired, they were gonna dispose of the body, move to the Caribbean and live off of Lauren's money.
Después de que Hudson se licenciara iban a deshacerse del cadáver, mudarse al Caribe y a vivir del dinero de Lauren.
This whole time we've been out here, you knew you were gonna kill him.
Todo este tiempo que estuvimos aquí, sabías que iban a matarlo.
They were just gonna scare him a little bit.
Solo lo iban a asustar un poco.