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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ I ] / If i'd have known

If i'd have known tradutor Espanhol

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If I had known from the start it was hopeless... I'd probably have blown my brains out.
Si sé al principio que no había esperanza, me habría volado los sesos.
If I'd known, I'd have come home whether she wanted me or not!
¡ De haberlo sabido, habría vuelto enseguida!
Si hubiera sabido que eras libre, no habría...
You know, if I'd known that you were in this hotel... I'd have walked right up to that guy with the face, and —
Si llego a saber que estaba en este hotel... me habría acercado a ese tipo con esa cara y...
If I'd known you'd do anything to that horse, I'd have run you off the track.
Si llego a saber que ibas a hacerle algo al caballo, te habría echado de Ia pista.
I was wrong, Your Excellency, I know. If you'd have seen the faces of those children as they were struggling to breath. If you'd known there was a chance they might be saved.
Estaba equivocado, Excelencia, lo sé, pero si hubiese visto el rostro de esos niños moribundos, sabiendo que podía salvarles...
I wouldn't have told you if I'd known this would happen.
No te lo habría dicho, si hubiera sabido que esto pasaría.
If I'd known you're on the wagon, I could have got along without this.
Si llego a saberlo, no habría pedido esto.
Klara, if I'd only known in the beginning how you felt about me things would have been different.
Klara, si tan sólo hubiera sabido lo que sentía por mí al principio las cosas habrían sido distintas.
If I'd known we were going to be interviewed, I'd have brought our scrapbook.
Si llego a saber que iban a entrevistarnos, habría traído nuestro álbum.
If I'd have known that, I would have shaved.
Si hubiera sabido eso, me habría afeitado.
Frankly, I wouldn't have come here alone if I'd known that this -
No habría venido sola de haber sabido...
If I had, I'd have known you'd die before I did.
Si lo hubiera hecho, habría sabido que morirías antes que yo.
If I'd known I was gonna have a gun stuck in my face... I wouldn't have gone so heavy on that wedding present.
De haber sabido que me apuntarían con un arma... no habría sido tan generoso con el regalo de boda.
If I'd known you were here, I'd have asked him in.
De haber sabido que estabas aquí, lo hubiera invitado a pasar.
I wouldn't have come if I'd known you were here.
No lo hubiera hecho sabiendo que estabas aquí.
Look, pappy, if I'd have known this, I wouldn't have come out here for $ 612 a month.
Mira, pappy, si lo hubiera sabido, no habría venido por 612 $ al mes.
If I'd known you were being neglected, I would have come sooner.
De saber que le tenían abandonado hubiera venido antes.
Well, I am sorry, if I'd have known how he was...
- Si hubiera sabido cómo estaba...
If I'd known this in time, I'd have got a marcel.
Si hubiese sabido esto con tiempo, me habría rizado el pelo.
Professor, if I'd known you made an "S" like that, I wouldn't have come here.
De haber sabido que usted hacía una "S" así, no habría venido aquí.
- Bachelor party, eh? If I'd known your charming wife wasn't here, I wouldn't have hurried.
Si sé que tu mujer no iba a estar, no me hubiera dado tanta prisa.
If I'd known it was going to be like this, I wouldn't have come.
Si hubiera sabido que iba a ser así, no habría venido.
If I'd known you were part of a duke, I'd never have picked you.
De haber sabido que eras un duque, no te hubiera escogido.
I'd have given you the key, if I'd known.
Si lo supiese, le habría dado llave.
If you hadn't been so uppity... I'd have known who you were a long time ago.
Si no hubieras sido tan engreída... hubiera sabido quién eras hace mucho tiempo.
If i'd known you were coming, i'd have the moon.
Si hubiera sabido que ibas a venir tendría la luna.
If I'd have known, I'd have gotten injured earlier.
Trae a estos hombres aquí. Menos mal que han venido los americanos...
If I had known I'd wake you up at noon, I'd have come later.
Si hubiera sabido que dormías hasta el mediodía, venía más tarde.
Damn, if I'd known I would have come too.
De haberlo sabido, también habría ido yo.
If I'd known about his release, he wouldn't have hit me at home.
Si me hubieses prevenido de que había salido, no se hubiese presentado en mi casa como lo hizo.
Why, darling, if I'd have known you were coming, I'd have flown to San Francisco to meet you.
De haber sabido que venías habría ido a San Francisco.
If I'd known where it would end, I'd have never let anything start if I'd been in my right mind, that is.
Si hubiera sabido cómo iba a acabar todo, nunca habría dejado que empezara, es decir, si hubiera estado en mi sano juicio.
If I'd known, I would have left you on the bridge.
De haberlo sabido, la habría dejado en el puente.
If I'd known you'd act this way, I wouldn't have come here.
De saber que me tratarías así, no habría venido.
If I'd known what you're like, you wouldn't have been asked.
Si yo sé cómo me has salido, no te lo pido.
If I'd have known that, I'd have tried to beat Johnny's time.
De haberlo sabido, habría aprovechado el tiempo.
I never would have barged in like this if I'd known we had a visitor from the north.
No me habría puesto así de haber sabido que nos visitaban del norte.
If I'd known what prospecting meant... I'd have stayed in Tampico and waited for another job to turn up.
Si llego a saber qué era esto, me habría quedado en Tampico esperando otro trabajo.
If I'd known you were coming I never would have coaxed Augustus into playing that second set.
De saber que vendría, no habría jugado otro set con Augustus.
I don't mind being taken for a free ride, but if you had just warned me, if you'd just told me these things when I asked you to, I'd have known what to expect.
No me importa que me tomen por lo que no soy, pero si me hubieras prevenido, si me lo hubieras dicho cuando te pregunté, sabría qué ocurriría.
I wonder what I'd have done if I'd known he was only a few feet away.
Me pregunto que habría hecho si supiera que sólo estaba a unos metros.
Yes, I wonder what I'd have done if I'd known he was only a few feet away.
Si, me pregunto que habría hecho de haber sabido que sólo estaba a unos metros de mí.
If you'd rung me up and asked me were you fair or dark... or had a moustache, I wouldn't have known.
Si me hubiera llamado para preguntarme si es usted rubio o moreno,... o con bigote, no habría sabido qué contestarle.
If he'd known he was going away, I think he'd have taken it with him.
Si se fue, debió llevársela con él.
If I'd known, I'd have cut him closer with the flak.
De saberlo, les habría acercado más a los antiaéreos. ¿ Y los otros?
If I had known I'd have never have brought them.
Si no, no los hubiera traido.
If I'd have known, I'd have baked a cake.
De haberlo sabido, habría hecho una tarta.
If I'd known you were coming, I'd have made it a pair.
Si hubiera sabido que venías, habría mandado dos.
But if I'd known you were going to get your moldy old ship captured by a gang of cutthroats, I'd have stayed in Boston.
Pero si hubiese sabido que su viejo y mohoso barco, sería atacado por una banda de asesinos, me hubiera quedado en Boston.
If I'd known, I wouldn't have started on you.
De haberlo sabido, no habría peleado contigo.

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